Hereafter (MLS) : Terrorstrial

Thrash Metal / Malaysia
(2008 - Self-Produced)
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Early Warning Devices, target, a thousand of megatons of nuclear power is under pressure
Damage, bodies lying dead, to cripple down the earth, unstoppable
Doomsday Machine is finally complete, to detonate them all & bathe the planet for extinction
Humans, restless, reckless cowards, no more "fight for Freedom", no justice !
It's time for:

Nuclear Battlefield
Nuclear Battlefield

Extreme cold weather, over the cities, unstoppable of chaos followed by radiation eruption
After-effects is only Hereafter, the climate has been changed to Purple Cloud
Storms of fire, Tornadoes of death, our air is now polluted by death-form of gasses
Pentagon, Kremlin or other bullshits, no more superpower / cold war
It's time for:


Time is counting and Ii's already begun
This is the end, it's drawing near
You stupid humans, what are you waiting ?
War over terror ? Atomic crystal clear !

Our eyes now blind, the air is so thin
The heat is rising, boiled our flesh to the bone,
This is no escape of what you afraid
When all is lost, forever we will all be gone !



Tomorrow, a date to remember
Black hole emerge on the ground of this world
Asia, Europe, Middle East and Americas
Masses of destruction and our earth has been raped

The sun has reversed broke the line of the horizon
Inexorable the logic while the black sky is falling
A date to remember and our time is forgotten
Surrender no longer an option, panorama of the end.

Defense, a tale of our success
Countless of killings, murders to the innocent
Africa, Antarctica and Australasia
Where is our world leader ? Hiding in paranoia !


Girl: Where are we going dad ?
Dad: To the pits of hell

Today, a time of trouble
We are the victims of our own damn triumphs
Humanity struggles, war with these invaders
Close the book of life, now there's nothing to remember !


The sun has reversed broke the line of the horizon
Inexorable the logic while the red giant is falling
A date to remember and our time is forgotten
Surrender no longer an option, panorama of the end.


Kami datang untuk menghiburkan anda
Peduli apa kalau ada yang tak suka
Masyarakat pun semakin membenci
Inilah hakikatnya, hidup di Negara kami

Semuanya salah, semuanya negatif
Itu sahaja kesimpulan yang ada
Tapi di Media, boleh pula yang berseksi
Siap masuk rancangan TV ?

Tiada apa yang dapat menghentikan
Kami sentiasa memperjuangkan
Thrash Metal!!

Tuduhan macam haram jadah
Macam dah tak ada topik yang lain
Tak habis-habis pasal Metal
Sampai dah naik meluat dgn malas layan

Macamlah kami ni tak reti berfikir
Semuanya ini pasal duit
Timbulkan sesuatu isu, demi keuntungan
Kononnya nak "Bukakan Mata" ? Huh!

Tiada apa yang dapat menghentikan
Kami sentiasa memperjuangkan
Thrash Metal !!

Inilah seni kami
Tiada muzik lain yang dapat mengatasi
Irama keras dan ekstrim
Selamat datang ke underground malaysia metal scene !

Sekurang-kurangnya kami ada maruah
Tak perlu gossip-gosip untuk populariti
Lagi nak tuduh berzina dengan kitab
Apa ke bodohnya itu ?!!

Tiada apa yang dapat menghentikan
Kami sentiasa memperjuangkan
Thrash Metal !!
Fuck Off & Die !!!


Mass Extinction is threatening the Earth
Civilization has ended its rebirth
World Wars of humans and machines
One side is dying, another side is supreme.

Total Holocaust, Unknown Disaster

The final hour ticking faster than the light
Last rays of the sun faded,
Tortured humans suffer in living hell
The Evil Machines is now in command !!

Nobody ever wonder that this all will end so fast
Time is crucial
Begging for forgiveness and begging all for a salvation
Never bother for answers !
First mistakes start from humans, last mistakes ends with humans
That justifies the reasons
Crawling up for Heaven and crying loud for Heaven
Lock up in the city of Hell

It's your turn to die (Total Holocaust)
Your life is just for dying (Unknown Disaster)
In disrespect ably encourage me to kill him once again
The Humans must die !

Organic abilities of cybernetic organism
Self-destruct is it's free will
A frontier of agony connecting protocols to dying
The answer is cleared
Roaming up for haven and ending all again in the wastelands
The crosshair will stick in the head
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine fucking Ten
Counting your last minutes of life !

"For the mighty extended and organizational complex which functioning as an integrated system"
"We propose the cyborgs !"




Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand

Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?

A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand

The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands

Holy wars

Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgment
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God

Wage the war on organized crime
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Behind the lines
Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die

They killed my wife, and my baby
With hopes to enslave me
First mistake... last mistake!
Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants
Next mistake... no more mistakes!

Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't
Thinkin' it
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
And the lack of mercy killings


We've come to fuck with you all
I don't give a damned fuck for what you gonna say
The society thinks we are hell
For damned sure it's right, a fucked up country

Everything forbidden and negativity
That's the only thing that they knew
But in the media, there's a fucking sexy popstar,
Why it is allowed in our TV ?

There is nothing could stop what we gonna do
Our life is embedded with a thing called
Thrash Metal

You talk bullshit like your mom
As there is no other things in this world
Never ending opposing Metal
Bla Bla Bla... I don't give a fuck !

Seems that we all never had a fucking brain
We knew all of this is about money
Creating an issue, so come cash for the news
So society could "Open Their Eyes" ? Huh !

There is nothing could stop what we gonna do
Our life is embedded with a thing called
Thrash Metal

This fucking shit is our art
There's no other anthems could be more supreme
Loud, aggressive and extreme,
Well come to Malaysian underground metal scene !

At least we all have the fucking dignity
We don't give a fuck about popularity
Book burning, rituals is that only you think
It's better to fuck with a cheap damned fucking whore

There is nothing could stop what we gonna do
Our life is embedded with a thing called
Thrash Metal
Fuck Off & Die !!!

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