Hellspawn (AUS) : Lords of Eternity

Symphonic Black / Australia
(2001 - Rotten Records (USA))
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The house of dreams
Shroud of darkness
Morbid place of morbid desires
Innocence blaspheme
Gratify perverseness

Carnal desires of the flesh
Consumed with sexual lust
Depraved inisidious fornication
Bestial child violate

Sodomized since birth
Devious bastard child
Diseased within
The Son of Sickness

Unquenchable thirst for violence
Thoughts towards depraved suffering
Victims of sickness, alienation
Tortured torso buried within

Controlled destiny
Awaiting final breath
Debaucherous deaths
The lust of all sins
Goats of Sodomy, possessed

Immortal children of the grave
Rise up and possess thy soul


The Ring of Fire
Dynasties gather, the dethroned angels
Fallen unto the mighty Adramalech
Wings drenched in the blood of purest sins
Whores join the blasphemous fornication
At the gates of hell

Six hundred and sixty six days to serve
His majesty high upon his throne
The King of Fire
Cavorting whores writhe
In the flames of Demonic lust

Enemy of God: Rampant Satanic Fucking
Enemy of God: A filthy hierarchy of whoredom
Enemy of God: Arch Daemon Orgy
Enemy of God: Satanic witches fuck

Seething pit of hell fires
The rampant Satanic fucking
Sanctuaries of evil disease
Incubation of Blasphemation

"In The Flames of Demonic Lust,
Whores join the Blasphemous Fornication"


The ships of Armageddon draw near
Us medieval brothers gather on this night
Summoning diabolic powers

Warcraft, the eve of destruction
Warcraft, barbaric brutality
Charred remains of soldiers
Once engaged in blood drenched battles
Victims of the apocalyptic reign
Funerals of the Damned
Mass Grave Burials

Warcraft, canvas of carnage
Warcraft, decimated heathens
Blackend ash fills the skies
Flesh ripped from fucking bones
Misery and morbid disease
The warriors ultimate demise


The ancient burial rites
Pharoas preservation into afterlife
Chief embalmer
Hern Sheshta
Gods of the jackal enter Ber Nefer
The Mortuary Temples

Preservation of dormant spirits
Deceased yet to be unleashed
For all eternity cursed beneath
The sands, sealed in sarcophagus walls

Initation of Anubis
Guardian of the secrects
God of funerary chambers
Opener of the ways of the dead
Ancient funerary cults
The Lords of Eternity
The jackals cemetary vaults
Sinister black effigy
Occultic Invincibility
Unholy forces preserved


Antichrist brethren arise
Heathens of brutality
Hail to the darkest chosen horde
Hailstorms reign chaos from hell's skies
Destinations pre-meditated in death

Hail to the goat gods
Insanity supreme, heirs to the throne
Raptured, chaos reigns across this sphere
Grand heirarchy, justice in fear

Heirs To The Throne,
Exalted by their morbid deeds
Heirs To The Throne,
Swords hailed to the skies
Heirs To The Throne,
Blackened moon shines
Heirs To The Throne

Heirs To The Throne,
Blood drenched brutality
Heirs To The Throne,
Battered corpses left for dead
Heirs To The Throne,
Blackened morbid shrine
Heirs To The Throne

Brutal battle axe attacks
Carnage within these realms
The heathen prince's morbid acts

Heirs To The Throne
Hail the ungodly chosen ones
Rightious ritual chaos chasms
Satanic sons work the name of god
Medieval battles fought to their deaths


Join us, in this midnight black mass
Sorceress chant the incantations
Spilling blood of the virgin sinstress
Under the sacred moonlight

Altar priestess performs Satanic spells
Ceremonial blasphemous trance
Praising the goat, the lord Lucifer
With blackened debaucherous chants

Satanic witches fornicate and writhe
In ecstasy like serpents
Whilst choirs of obscenities intensify
A chalice of blood is drank

Sadistic orgies rage on untill dawn
The black candles burning
The sanctuary of divine evil
The rites of the Antichrist complete

Stained black hearts possessed
Powers of Satan unite
Baphomet's Disciples, ritual magick
Madness, angels of chaos

Inverted crosses adorn the heads of the insane
Chapel of Insidious Pain
Repent unto your Baphomet


Insatiable lust for blood
Darkest realms reborn
Possessed prince of pain
Induced erotesque nightmares
Sickly rituals and cruel bloody deeds
Stillborn invocation of blackened sacrifice

Malicious past impalements
Tortures primeval
Blood thirsty murders
Birth of the Necuratul
Nefarious sucking and drinking morbid liquids
Diminished rays of light enter
The forest of the Impaler

Immense violence
Engraved for all eternity
Romanian order of the Dragon
Shed blood of Martyrs
Staked victims thrust on fucking poles
A ghoulish insanity
Progress towards immortality
Transylvanian tortures

Dark fucking rituals
Sacreligious ceremonies
Order of the Dragon
Rise of the Necuratul
Impurest mutilations of memories seen macabre
Defiled victims staked and thrust on fucking poles


Coven-cult witches gather before me
Chanting forth Antichristian blasphemy
Cursing with blackened vomiting
Copulate demoness in ritualised orgy
Thy succubus fucks in fevered fires
Planting seeds of serpentine desires
Burning lusts in thy mortal coil
Enchantress forever debaucherous
Transcendence of the Black Angels
Come forth and possess thee
The Realms of Forbidden Knowledge
Unleashed with rabid fury

Invocation of Black Magick Rites
Angels of Destruction ascend in the night
The abyssic witches conjure immortal death and destruction
Put them all to rest...

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