Hellacaust : Disgust

Тексты песен


Negotiate the price of your soul
Cursing fighting screaming
Suck it up or leave behind your dignity
The final twist on my misanthropy
An entire species
A breeding ground of unfortunate yes men
This is the norm
This is your only choice
Hell pays for life
So get back to the grind
Upwards and onwards
There is no lesser of two evils
Narcoleptic dreams destroying the master are my Only reality
Frustration will forever be my personality

Leave me to sleep
Where is the line drawn?
This man's a hungry wolf
A glorified begging dog

What we despise is what we become
Open your eyes to what we are

On your knees you fucking whore
Bend over get fucked some more
On your knees you fucking whore
Open your eyes to what we've become


Sick of your fucking games
I see right throuigh you
Your broken mind can't comprehend
The hurt you've caused to
Those you love
They'll leave you they'll hate what you have become

You're leeches you're ticks you're scum
You are shit
Hiding behind bright eyes and a smile
These are all names you'll know well

Oh it's just so fucking sad
This greed within you
No help to your fellow man
It's all about you
But the time will come when you're in need
And you will see
That your are all alone

You disgust me
Your poisoned mind is all a waste

Self centered
Upon your throne
We'll take you down
Into the pit where you belong

You fucking digust me

You're leeches you're ticks you're scum
You are shit
Hiding behind bright eyes and a smile
These are all names you'll know well

A product of ignorance
You are sick
You are dead
You are fucked
You're disgusting


We live in a world where we're mocked for asking questions
Where we're questioned for wanting clarity
It's just for peace of mind
I don't give a fuck what you think you know

I can't understand what you stand for
This world is built on lust and greed
I know you want it all
But there is no more hope in fear
So open yourselves to the world that surrounds you
It's just a matter of knowing you're alive

Free thinkers
The ones who have a clue
Beer drinkers
All we are to you
We're just outcasts
But we are the ones who will
This society that you are
Killing killing killing

But what is left of the structure you are
Pull the plug

I see - a world being raped
I see - the undoing of what's yet to be done
I see - it in the eyes of infancy
Where infamy is where their forefather's sights
First set
Sloth Wrath Lust Pride Greed Gluttony Envy
The seven deadly dreams
Thou shalt not
Thou shalt not
Live a life of lies
Where the
Fuel behind what motivates is the apex of sin
The cloned elite
A cold soul from a cold mind

You were force fed your while I was forced to feed Mine
And I would not have had it any other way
You must have been such a good kid
I know I was always in the way

You tread water
We laugh harder
Have you reached your goals
Collection of your tolls

I know you want to tell us that we are wrong
And I see it's just your own fear driving that thought
And I still would not have had it any other way
Finding fault in us is what will keep you sane

You're going under
We laugh louder
Why do you care
It's not your cross to bare

Straight to hell we'll be smoking our goats blood
Biggots tyrants and rapists can lead
The pack of sheep
Hopeless and weak
Battle joints and elixers supreme


We feed them full of poison thoughts
Obey or burn in hell
Give them fear
Oh, they'll be back for more
For children god's an easy sell
Confine them define
Good and evil
In terms of black and white
For some may actually swallow this shit
Just have faith
Save your soul

Preaching war for god
Where's that in your book
Indoctrination of the weak
Is not strength
It is crime

Open your eyes
And take a look at yourselves
Work those brains as hard as you might
Extremist religion
Oxymoron supreme
Your god or their god
No god is good
Take your false idols
As far away as you can
We don't need your crutches to stand
There's no place for you here
Just have faith say your prayers

Preach to the worms
Preach to the slime
About your greed and rot
Tell them just how to worship god

With one foot in the grave
Just know one thing about yourselves
You you are sick
And you cannot be saved


Tongue tied and twisted
Words waiting by the gallows
They hang now
Silence their end
Once again they've been sentenced
To a premature death
Their corpses are rotting decaying each breath
Another night
I know it's the same old shit every other day
Feeling the burn
From the inside out
It rips the will away
Silently it feeds
It rips the will away

So make sense of this now
I give you the challenge
With mind's eye closed shut
Nourish the burn
Dreaming the people falling
To their knees praying
But faithless are those who fall
Help me help us
Help me help them
Help me help myself

I'm dreaming I am awake
I'm dreaming we're all fake
The reality is
There's nothing at stake

So make sense of it now
With mind's eye closed shut
Nourish the burn it will rip you away
It will keep you okay
Just more of the same old shit
Every day

So make sense of this now
I give you the challenge
With mind's eye closed shut
Nourish the burn
Dreaming the people falling
To their knees praying
But faithless are those who fall
Help me help us
Help me help them
Help me help myself

Ups and downs and all arounds
Yes it's all a game
In your head and in the end
It all comes back around
Fuckin' up hard times burn
Heating up
Fan the flame
Card laid down
Card played
The path you take
Is the road you found

Take a look to see where you're at
A far cry from what you thought
All the lessons learned aren't worth a cent
And there's no wisdom to be bought
Too much to chew
Fed up with the feast
Losing a mind to become a beast
A word of advice
Run as far as you can
Never look back
Just run as far as you can
Never look back

Sailing that ship
That left port long ago
Marooned just a day before the anchor would drop
Flights they pass by, too far overhead
Just remember it's a game when it's all done
And said


Slip into a comforting comatose
Of judgement that directly festers your drive
No tears no guilt just acceptance
And you wonder why
You'll carry this on your back
Until the day you die

Help me fix this
Give me a quick fix
Nothing's going to fix this
Something's got to make this last

The problem can hold you back

Your cry for help is an empty one
Ha! believe me you want it
Take it but
You're too proud
Take it or leave it
Guiver as you will
But what will it take
To make you

Take a fucking stance
And remove all your mand made contributions

Of course The first instinct is to feed the wound
Well here's your epidemic
Help it spread

Just another steaming pile of victimization
Funny, what you see as a victim I call a catalyst
The eye of the beholder has been stricken blind
Now you see all your allies
Have gone and all that's left
Is a pathetic insatiable lust

I have seen this before
You have done this before
What had you done before

Peace be not with you
You've dubbed yourself
Don't call me with your empty cries
Believe me when you want it
Take it!
You're too fucking proud
I guess you don't need it
Guiver as you will
I don't care anymore
Just stand
Take a fucking stance and remove all your man made Contributions

I have seen this before
You have done this before
What had you done before

Fuck peace
Fuck guilt
Fuck you
Feed me


Swallow your pride you won't need that here
Then swallow these lies
What's real is what we say
And can't be any other way
Go forth and multiply

We want you
As our toys
We want you
So we can destroy
We want you to multiply
We'll need your young to fight our wars
We'll need you to build our cars

We're pro-life
'Cause we own yours
But your life ends at birth
And we don't give a damn
You signed across the line
So go and fuck go and buy
Do our bidding
Take these lies

You can't stop us but you can try
We'll give that much to you
Just remember
What we say is real
So go ahead and try
But remember
What we say is real
We don't need to stop you
Because we already own you

In our line of work
We must repeat the truth
So you can see our way
Otherwise you may grow eyes
And see you're getting fucked either way

What we say is real
What we say is true
What we say is real
What we say is true
We want you as our toys
We want you se we can destroy

What we say is real
What we say is true
What we say is real
What we say is true

We want you to multiply
We'll need the young to fuel our cause
We'll need you to fuel the lies

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