Helioss : One with the Sun

Symphonic Death Black / France
(2015 - Self-Released)
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Like a swarm of shameless flies
See them now converging
Blood is covering their hands
Blades are ready to cut

The moon reflects in the eye
Of the petrified beast
Terror flows through its veins
As the holocaust arrives

It's time for the feast
Tonight we kill the beast

Exposing the carcass
As a morbid trophy
See this magnificent agony
They waits for the last breath

The blaze is now rising high
The blood river runs now dry
Like a swarm of shameless flies
Eager to rip of the cadaver

It's time for the feast
Tonight we kill the beast

Peel the skin
Break the bone
Crush the skull
Burn the flesh

Tear the guts
Suck the blood
Smash the ribs
Cut the throat

Ritualizing the execution
Persecutor, torturer
Legitimate the suppression
Pain dealer, death bearer

Their inner entrails
Such a beautiful grave
A brief sigh of joy
For my epitaph

Peel the skin
Break the bone
Crush the skull
Burn the flesh

Tear the guts
Suck the blood
Smash the ribs
Cut the throat


I have in the deepest of my soul
A whole system of thoughts and fear
I have beneath the abyss of my mind
A chaotic universe made of hate, of hope, of death

When I look through another one's eyes
I witness the thin surface of an ocean
Like a mirror made of diamonds
Nothing will never be able to cross this line

As I stare at those soft veils
I can see the deepest mystery of all

A storm of memories, a fury of voices
A galactic maelstrom of consciousness
The face of a god ?

When I look through another one's eyes
I witness the thin surface of an ocean
Like a mirror made of diamonds
Nothing will never be able to cross this line

When I look through another one's eyes
I witness the thin surface of an ocean
Like a mirror made of diamonds
Nothing will never be able to cross this line


There is no one to remember you
You are now nothing more than a breeze of air
You have faded in nothingness a long time ago
Did you have a name, and was there someone to tell it ?

Time has passed over you and your hopes
Oblivion has hidden your story
Behind a veil of pure white emptiness
But you once prayed for happiness

Hey ! Hey ! Where are you now, white lady ?
Hey ! Hey ! Where are your sweet dreams of joy ?

In this century of cold and darkness
No one cared about you when you cried
Scared and alone, frozen and sick in the night
There is nothing left of your innocence

Time has passed over you and your hopes
Oblivion has hidden your story
Behind a veil of pure white emptiness
But you once prayed for happiness

Hey ! Hey ! Where are you now, white lady ?
Hey ! Hey ! Where are your sweet dreams of joy ?

In the past centuries
How many reflections
Of my grey existence
Have haunted the earth

Have you found a place where no one yells at you ?
Have you been able to escape violence and scorn ?

I was just an unnamed soul
I was nothing but an empty flesh

There was no one here to whisper
No one to protect my slumbers

Time has passed over you and your hopes
Oblivion has hidden your story
Behind a veil of pure white emptiness
But you once prayed for happiness

Hey ! Hey ! Where are you now, white lady ?
Hey ! Hey ! Where are your sweet dreams of joy ?


As we walk the earth
Filled with the infinite pride
Of those who makes the rules

We sails the seven seas
Riding fiery smoking beasts
Like horned demons from hell

We cut through skin and rocks
Deep scars of burned grounds
Ravaged soil and raped earth

And we split the sky
With our screaming thorns
Roaring insects of doom

We are the kings of all
We are masters and gods

Is it possible to escape from your madness ?
Your dreams of divine and your blindness ?
Will you ever stop to spread blood and suffering ?
To mutilate, deface, burn and crush !

We are the kings
We are the kings
Hey ! Hey ! We are the kings
Hey ! Hey ! Yes, we are

There is truly nothing
That can resist our power
For we are the only masters

There are no voices
To question our will
Nothing but a despicable silence

We are the kings of all
We are masters and gods

Is it possible to escape from your madness ?
Your dreams of divine and your blindness ?
Will you ever stop to spread blood and suffering ?
To mutilate, deface, burn and crush !

We are the kings
We are the kings
Hey ! Hey ! We are the kings
Hey ! Hey ! Yes, we are

Is it possible to escape from your madness ?
Your dreams of divine and your blindness ?
Will you ever stop to spread blood and suffering ?
To mutilate, deface, burn and crush !

We are the voice of the silent - We are the pathetic prayer
We are the words of wisdom - That you're unable to ear
We are the small and the weaks – We are the sick and the poor
We are the blind and the deaf – We are nothing

We, the kings !


When this day will have come
Where I shall only be dust
I won't give anything more
To the invading chaos

I will finally be quiet
Silence will surround me
And for the first time ever
I will end the slow destruction

Eternal peace
Chaos waves
No more loss
I free the earth
From this weight of ashes

From the day we were born
To our very last breath
We feed this forever hungry beast
That will tear the world apart

All men shall plead guilty
Of being slave to agony
For we are all agents of chaos
We are setting the world on fire

Eternal peace
Chaos waves
No more loss
I free the earth
From this weight of ashes

Oh laisse-moi enfin partir
Aide-moi à faire de mon existence
Autre chose qu'une rivière de boue
Charriant la beauté de l'innocence

We share a pale blue dot
A fragile unique system
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind

In my dreams I wish I could be
Just a invisible draft travelling the earth
Able to admire the sun and the intact purity
Of a virgin unsoiled earth and sky

But we are born from this maelstrom
Of emotions, energy and needs
We are driven by desires and greed
For we are all agents of chaos

Eternal peace
Chaos waves
No more loss
I free the earth
From this weight of ashes

Oh laisse-moi enfin partir
Aide-moi à faire de mon existence
Autre chose qu'une rivière de boue
Charriant la beauté de l'innocence

We share a pale blue dot
A fragile unique system
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind

We share a pale blue dot
A fragile unique system
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind
We vomit on this gem
The filth of our mankind




A deep feeling of emptiness within me
A sad wind of nothingness takes my breath
Am I nothing but a carcass filled with void ?

I need to feed this demon of lust
Jealousy and hate are driving me mad
I don't want to be left behind, alone
Please let me enter your nest of luxury

Sadness and fear, a gruesome agony
Despair and frustration in my restless mind

For I am the center of everything
There is no way to get out of myself
For I am the center of everything

Let me live amongst piles of corpses
The more I have the more I need
Longing for the illusion of plenitude
Deep in me I know it will last forever

Give me more
Never enough
My appetite
Never satisfied

I need to feed this demon of lust
Jealousy and hate are driving me mad
I don't want to be left behind, alone
Please let me enter your nest of luxury


Death ! – le temps s'efface comme du sable qui s'écoule dans un verre
Death ! – Chaque jour qui passe me rapproche de la mort et je ne peux rien faire
Death ! – Quoi que je fasse un jour je crèverai et redeviendrai poussière
Death ! – Tout est si fugace, pourquoi me lever si tout est éphémère

Ne vois-tu pas qu'il n'y a qu'un sens
A parcourir ton existence
Survivre dans notre descendance

S'il est vrai que tu vas mourir
Tu seras toujours dans le rire
De ces enfants qui vont t'ensevelir

Death ! – Pourtant un jour le soleil s'éteindra et nous consumera
Death ! – Et pour toujours l'espèce humaine disparaîtra
Death ! – Et ce dernier jour ton dernier enfant hurlera
Death ! – Oui mon amour, dans les flammes d'une supernova

Loin de notre soleil qui s'effondre
Demain nous lancerons nos sondes
Coloniserons d'autres mondes

Sur de grandes nefs l'humanité
Volera vers d'autres voies lactées
En quête d'éternité... d'éternité !

Pourtant aussi loin que l'homme ira
Notre univers se refroidira
L'espace-temps se figera
Toute vie disparaîtra

Il n'y a pas d'étoiles où se réfugier
Il n'y a pas de Dieu pour nous sauver
Il n'y a pas de vie après la mort
Nos âmes s’éteindront quand pourriront nos corps

L'espace s'étend et le temps passe
Tout retournera au néant
Mais l'espace-temps est éternel

Si ton passage est comme une trace
Sur une page d'espace-temps
Tu seras vraiment immortel

L'espace s'étend et le temps passe
Tout retournera au néant
Mais l'espace-temps est éternel

Si ton passage est comme une trace
Sur une page d'espace-temps
Je serai vraiment immortel


Do you hear the scream of a nation ?
Listen to the howling of death

They are marching through bridges and snow
The organs of Stalline are coming for you

A rain of steel and fire
Inhuman singing of a demonic choir
Like crows falling from the clouds
Ravaging earth and flesh

Stucked in mud and frozen air
They will face the rage of the East
Unable to avoid the storm of fire
Our mouths released upon them

We will never come back
Because beside us walks
Our beloved Katioucha
And her sweet and soft melody
We will never come back
Because beside us walks
Our beloved Katioucha
And her song of pain and ruin

From the battle of Smolensk
Under the walls of Stalingrad
Into the ruined streets of Berlin
Listen to her deadly voice

Terror and agony from above
The proud melody of Motherland
A march to war, a call to arms
Your epitaph will vanish in the sky

I said farewell
To my family
Those who hear your voice
Will be buried here

We will never come back
Because beside us walks
Our beloved Katioucha
And her sweet and soft melody
We will never come back
Because beside us walks
Our beloved Katioucha
And her song of pain and ruin

I will walk through fire and steel
I will never look back at my home
As long as you are singing for me
Oh my Katioucha


Je sens cet appel vibrant qui me fait venir à toi
A travers les mortes ténèbres et le terrible froid
Mais du profond abîme de fange puante où nous rampons
Nul ne peut s'élever sans sitôt retomber au fond

Ah, si seulement je pouvais me noyer dans ta blanche lumière
Ah, si je savais comment embrasser ta beauté solaire

Tu es le grand œil qui brûle les couleurs du ciel
Tu es l'ange inquisiteur dont le cœur nourrit les ailes
Couronné comme un grand monarque généreux
Nous sommes tous des enfants ayant grandi dans tes feux

Ah, si seulement je pouvais me noyer dans ta blanche lumière
Ah, si je savais comment embrasser ta beauté solaire

Regarde maintenant tes indignes enfants !
Que ton œil aveuglant nous éclaire enfin !

Vois-tu comme nous souffrons, comme nous pleurons ?
Vois-tu à quel point nous t'implorons ?
Vois-tu nos larmes, nos souffrances et nos péchés ?
Tous ils tombèrent face contre terre

Vois-tu comme nous souffrons, comme nous pleurons ?
Vois-tu à quel point nous t'implorons ?
Vois-tu nos peurs, nos haines et nos douleurs ?
Ils lèvent pourtant leurs yeux au ciel

Ne mets plus aucun voile devant mes yeux décillés
Je suis maintenant prêt à te recevoir tel que tu es
Laisse-moi te contempler

Ne mets plus aucun voile devant mes yeux décillés
Je suis maintenant prêt à te recevoir tel que tu es
Nous voulons t'admirer



Quand enfin nous serons parti à travers le néant
Tu trôneras encore dans l'immensité gelée
Nous ne serons plus que poussières et restes insignifiants
Lorsque qu'enfin tu envisageras de nous dévorer

Il ne restera plus une âme pour se mettre à genoux
Et te supplier de nous épargner
Personne ne te criera : « Pardonne-nous ! Pardonne-nous !»
Pour ton dernier repas nulle larme ne sera versée

Enfin ! Enfin ! Nous allons être consommés
Un ogre rougeoyant est maintenant né
Nous ne serons bientôt plus seul dans l'immensité
Unis à toi, brûlant en ton sein, nous y sommes arrivés

Nous ne sommes plus qu'un !

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