Hazarmaveth : The Return to Ezkaton

Black Metal / USA
(2019 - Self-Released)
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Blood red skies envelope over the heavens
Death and destruction further awaits
Unbound from his chains is the lord of hell
Ruling upon a throne made of blasphemy

In darkness and in truth he makes known his wicked presence
Messiah of damnation now arrives
Antichrist inquisitor plots for world domination
Crushing all the weak that stand in his way

Seven trumpets, seven angels, seven days of doom
Behold the manifestation of the heptagram's light
Unveiling the apocalypse to be beheld unto man
That his time to die shall soon begin

The return of darkness and evil has begun
The seven plagues released unto the earth
Satan is laughing as he reigns mightily as king
Pestilence, death, and famines widespread everywhere

Bodies piling beyond the clouds above
Blood, bile, and guts paint the soils of the earth
Wormwood is of the taste of a third of all the waters
All are dying and only damnation is to come

Lawlessness is the law of the land
God is abandoned and is a faded memory
No hope is there for the world soon to be
As the ancient adversarial one is enthroned most high

The age of man is over
The age of ezkaton begins
This is the return to the end of all days
The return to ezkaton


Warheads ablaze and soaring the skies
Bombs bursting loudly in the air
Hellfire arising from the landmarks they destroy
Flesh and blood covering the streets all around
Dead men be held by mourning women
Soon to be dead themselves
Proclamations of hatred cast against one another
As endless wars are engaged

Behold your final days
O worthless pitiful man
Your sons and daughters shall be no more
And all your works obliterated with thee
There is no hope for you
Frail and wretched son of man
Your blasphemies knew no end
Your darkness shall consume you whole

Ancient damnation awaits thee
That which had been foretold by forgotten generations
The enemy shall destroy you
And your blood shall drown the earth whole
There will be no end to the madness ye procreated
Your works shall turn against your nations
And blood shall be split from all of them against another
For man shall be the creator and destroyer of his own world

O pride how you enveloped man to be less able to think
O gluttony how you hath made man fat and selfish
O envy how you hath made man turn against each other
O greed how you are the root of all man's evil
O sloth how you germinate the worthlessness of man
O lust how you seduce man to commit unspeakable crimes
O anger how you twist what is evil for man to call just
Shall the vanities of mankind never cease to end?

The last days of man; here they are at last
The dawn of Armageddon; is only yet to come

Blasphemy rises as an erect temple of its own
Procreated by the wickedness of the flesh of men
Proving to the world alone that man is the root of all its calamities
And he shall continue to desecrate the very world around him
Until the end of his time shall finally come



When there is no hope left
Where joy becomes an empty expression
Faith becomes lost with humanity
And nothing has any purpose to it anymore

Inevitable death awaits
Darkness forevermore
Eternity inside the ancient crypts
Where none can hear thee scream

Ancient blackness
Unholy spirit
Darkly phantasm
Stands by my bedpost

Blasphemous entity foreshadows me
Upon my restless slumber
I bleed my eyes out in my sleep
Just wanting to be dead
The beast keeps on calling me
Whose voice is like fire
Rising from the gates of hell
Now here comes Satan, this is the end

Pitch black darkness enshadows over me
No chance I stand against unnatural force
My body fading, withering, writhing in agony
Soon vanishing away into that ghastly ebony

Damnation all around me
Blackness is all I see
In depths of Sheol I descend
Never rising, never again, seeing the light

When only death is real
There is nothing more to feel
When only death is real
There is no curse to which it can heal


Father in the sky
Bless us with your nobility
Let us defeat the enemy
Smote those down show no mercy
Wotan and Donor we praise your names
Let us crush the Christian men
Who try to take our northern lands
Our gods shall reign supreme in the end!


Crush their bloody skulls
Rip their lungs from their backs
Spread those wings high
And let them fly back to their pitiful god

Burn down their churches
Enslave their children
Behold the lamentation of their women
Their gold shall become our loot

Let no man stand breathing
Let none who profess Christ live
Show them the glory and the honor of Wotaniaz and Thuriaz
Pagan pride shall reign supreme

Vikings stand your ground
Raise your spears and axes
Hail to your fatherland
Hail to your ancient gods

"Behold, the church of St. Cuthbert spattered with the blood of priests of God, despoiled of all its ornaments, a place more venerable than all in Britain is given as pray to pagan peoples."
-Alcuin, Letter to Ethelred, King of Northumbria

But lo! Upon your wages of war
And bloodshed cast unto men
Your enemies shall become my servants
For vengeance belongs to the Lord
And so the wisdom from the Ancient One
Had forebodingly dawned unto them
The pagan conquerors from the North
That he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword


Blasphemous overtures
Nude men and women dancing with devils
Kissing the daemon's anus
To channel the highest quintessence of humanity

Ancient blood rituals
Summoning spirits from the cryptic deep
Anointing their heads with black blood
Invoking the name of Satan

Within the blackened wilderness
Beyond the woods of depravity
Where pagain fire had once lit the sylvan roads
And where witches had gathered for the Sabbath

Cults of darkness
Chanting the names of death
Satan, Belial, Leviathan, Lucifer
Unto heaven they wish to bestow hell

And so the dark lord comes
Rising from the grave
To take the throne of man's heart
And cause him to become the enemy of all

The wrath of the dark lord kindles
Burning like an infernal flame
Ready to unleash Armageddon
And reign in eternal blasphemy

This is the end of man
The age of Satan begins
No hope is there in these tribulation days
As unholy tyranny reigns supreme

The Dawn of the Antichrist comes
But he who is worthy knows his place
Though the dark lord's wrath is beyond reckoning
So too is the wrath of the lamb


Evil incarnate
From the foams of the sea she rises
Her spirit ascends into the heavens
To take back what was stolen of hers
Dark Gothic majesty
Of the bleak tenebrous night
Whose children sing to her as wolves
Enrobed in a gown made of the black welkin's stars
Your royalty surpasses all
Dominate man's heart and soul
An inquisition you shall lead
Mother of all abominations, arise

"I'm back!!"
"Looks like the one thousand year reign is over; now it's time to deceive the nations again!"

The evil queen returns!
From the darkened skies she descends
None could restrain her power
Not even the seven gates of hell
War she wages unto humanity
Her beast of seven heads and ten horns
Crushes all in its path
A mass slaughtering of innocents she lets be

Dark ancient queen
Risen is she, the black goddess of perversity
Men suckle at her breasts and like at her gold dripping vulva
And become possessed by her darkness and evil
A murderous rampage she unleashes unto the world
And all those enslaved by her flesh follow her
Waging war against God to let heaven be torn asunder
Into ecstasy she becomes in seeing the church bent over to her in submission

She is a liar, a devil in disguise
A beast and servant of Satan
Do not let her beauty fool your eyes
She will lead you damned in hell's fire

But lo, the evil queen shall not prevail
From the heavens descends a great light
Which blinds and burns her black vampyric eyes
And upon the very mountain of Megiddo stands the Lord
Who shall put an end to her reign of chaos
And throw her, the devil named Satan, into the eternal fire, again!


Total war! Total death!
Nothing but murder in sight!
Blood and gore! Carnage and more
Nuclear fallout everywhere
The sun is gone, there's only smoke
And burning fires everywhere
Millions of men, too young to die
Are mutilated on the streets
Rivers of blood fill the seas
Nothing to see here anymore
Total war, total death
Is all the eye can see!

Concentration camps! Death camps!
Killing thousands by day
Body piles! Rocket flares!
Fires burning everywhere!
War crimes! Injustice!
Killing in the name of God!
Millions of men! Dig up!
Mass graves for all humanity!

Infernal flames burn the heavens
Devil fire across the skies
Flaming darts sent to God
As if to burn down his holy kingdom
And let the trinity fall
Beneath the depths of hell
Demons of hell, bring forth
Mass graves for all humanity!

Missiles flying, bombs bursting
Death angel has his way
Piled corpses, stacked high
Fortresses are made of their bones
Machine guns, fire away
Blazing hundreds of bullets a second
Ripping men, limb after limb
Mass graves for all humanity


Infernal atrocities
Ever committed by men
Under the regime of a blasphemous lord
Guiding them along the path

Missions of death carried out
Under the order of a black wolf
Whose madness knows no ends
And howls for conquest against the world

Under the black sun
Inhumane crimes are committed
Killing millions by sight
Murdering for the sake of murder

Calling the deaths of innocents justice
Saying that they aren't people
Demoralizing, dehumanizing
Depraving men into kill machines

Instruments of torture
Ripping away at the flesh
Burning inside toxic gases
Melting their skin to the bone

Behold the inequities of men
How hatred can bring this world to its doom
As millions die by our own hands
In ignorance and in war

Truly I say unto you
There is nothing new
Under the black sun


Blackest days await for thee
When eternal damnation conquers all
All of hope becomes forgotten
And buried beneath the earth

Darkness evermore, evil incantations
Become uttered forth deep in the night
Seeking refuge, within the darkness
To become empowered by its spirit

Depraved men wandering forth
In the forest of long dead souls
Waiting for Satan to take their hand
And obtain the mightiest form of humanity

Into the beyond, the gates are open
The fire calls for their name
The end of all days they shall witness
And dwell in the flame where their master belongs


Behold the unraveling of the apocalypse
And the opening of the seven seals
From he who is worthy to open the scroll
And unleash grand power like none other

Behold the first four seals
Four seals for four horsemen
War, death, pestilence, and famines they shall bring
And destroy all that exists in their paths

Eternal destruction is beckoned for
And woe unto those that stand in their way

Death comes unto all
That stand in their bloody way
No mercy the horsemen have
As they ride forth in the night

Total damnation
Eternal darkness
Unspeakable anguish
Is left for man

Blood and guts they spill on the road
Leaving no man alive
Dawning forth the final days
Of the earth that's doomed to die

Behold your fate
Death rides a pale horse
He sees you standing afraid
You're gonna die!

Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!
Ride of the four horsemen!


Doomsday has dawned forth
End of man is certain
Ancient prophecies fulfilled
Nothing left to live for

All armies march forth
To the bloody battle in Megiddo
All are doomed to die
The war of heaven and hell is imminent

End of all days is here
The sun has vanished
The world is but a void
All life has withered to oblivion

Our actions have led to this
Armageddon is here
This is the end
Ezkaton reigns supreme

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics