Hating Evil : Rotten Inside

Thrash Metal / Brazil
(2014 - Eternal Records / Martyrdom Records)
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As a drink burning down the esophagus
With the fatal formula
Invading your body, clothing your artheries
Making your heart stop to beat

A body uncognized, an invincible vírus
Your eyes full of blood
The pride of your clothes made root your meat
Spreading the viscera on the ground

Invisible enemy
Subtle and deadly
The skin is intact
But you are rotten inside

Fine words hidden memories destroyed
Arrest of terror and screams
Secrets are like minefield in flames
Slaying members

You make yourself forget the fate of theses attitudes
Useless self delusion
Because your dirty though will be revealed
Your root will be exposed


The simple recognition of our weakness
Drowing your head under the guillotine
You can still make the right choise
Or be consumed till death


Hatred within the heart
Our enemy in common
We tend to hell
Separated from God

Decay of our soul
Judged in eternal torment
All the sin of mankind
Can't remain unpunished

Hell avenger
Drawing in the sea of darkness
Hell avenger
Through the smoke of blindness

Without the faith that illuminates
Receiving a fair damnation
Abandoned in life
The simple choice to live

There is no life, no even
There aren't those who look to God
The law gives birth to sin
Dying I hope the sentence

The love that man lived
In a second is disappearing
The flame that burns
Because the sin of one

Here are no saints
All are abandoned
The sin entered the world
And through this death


But the opened the gates of hell
Broken the chains of sins
In He we will release
By the domain of darkness

He became the course
He was crushed for our sins
Free acess to father
He gave us eternal life



What does that sign you carry with pride
Futile attempt to match your aesthetic expectations
I don't care if the flag of evil waves behind me
Total disregard what frightens the greatest masters

Useless superstition
Without any effect

You imagine that it protect the forces of chance
Maybe get your attention to not see the ember on your head
Desire for rebellion taking your reason
Lack of reasoning, see the rot behind the angel of light


He was murdered from the beginning
Abandoned the plan for his creation
Rebel against kingdom of God
Useless words - the snake venom

Plague infected all the earth
Millenium of decadence
Misrepresentation of everything that is commendable
Original plan of creation diverted
Men digging their our grave



The fiery darts of our enemy
Come in our direction
Trying to find some chink in our lives
The enemy is unfair

Forged by the noblest blacksmith
It is invincible
The armor of God os our reason to win
Our force to break all evil

Put the armor of God
Covered by his mind
Let's all fight till the end
The last battle triumph

Armor of God

But now you have to make a choice
To live or to die
Constant battles are waiting for you
From the war inside

You can to use the shield of faith
You can wield the sword
Be a warrior of Christ in battlefield
And show what you came for

Put the armor of God
Covered by his mind
Let's all fight till the end
The last battle triumph

Armor of God (x2)

Authorities and rulers
Build their fortress
They pretend all around
They can't drag me down

They haven't power
Against the shield of faith
That protect us and the helmet of salvation
Which give us to go on



This desperated humanity
Trying to put end in this present suffering
Looking for some reason to live
Looking for some god to believe

This desperated humanity
Manipulated by evil and darkness
Inclausurated by priests of evil
Changed by dogs of doom

All corruption in god's church
By the lamb shall perish
Carnegie by blood in floor
In the fire he will be


Spiritual decadence
In this world of darkness
Killing all the hope inside
Burning our young minds

Spiritual decadence
In the hell of streets
Total spiritual war
Constantly blasphemy

Consumed by fire and flames
The antichrist will be
The Creator will arise
To bring us the victory

Total dark abomination
Material retaliation
In the cemetery of lost souls
We will live day by day

Consumed by fire and flames
The antichrist will be
The Creator will arise
To bring us the victory

Total dark abomination
Material retaliation
In the cemetery of lost souls
We will live day by day


Chaos - The pain of rejection
Destruction - the hands of evil
Decadence - because it's not rational
Horrors of this storm - by rejecting the lamb
Convicted and shadowed by darkness
Drowning in their own sins

You feel lost, called for exit
Your heart scream
Desperate for help
Now Yell
Open your heart, He is the truth
Free yourselves from condemnation
Now is the time to break our chains

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics