Hathor (ROU) : The Mystic Art

Black Death / Romania
(2000 - Self-Released)
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Тексты песен

Drumul Spre Mantuire
Noaptea se lasa printre brazii batrani
Pasarile noptii isi cauta stapani
Luna vegheaza eternul cimitir
Sufletul meu e plin de venin

In negura noptii , un calaret se arata
Aducand cu el furtuna din noapte
Se opreste de-odata si unui pastor ii spune
Lucruri pe care le credea din alta lume

As vrea sa schimb viitoru-n cenusa
Sa tip , sa urlu ce rost nu ajuta
Discipoli ai urii distrug pe pamant
Veghez in noapte ca un sfant

Copii ai urii distrugeti credinta
Mantia neagra sa-ntunece vointa
Calcati in picioare sufletele efemere
Nu uitati , eu va promit biruinta

Cruci mari de lemn sa lumineze mormantul
Molimi , razboaie sa cuprinda pamantul
Nu uitati , eu va promit viata eterna
Urmati-mi calea , umbre funebre

Mana-ntinsa o indrept catre voi
Visurile voastre aduc doar ploi
Singura speranta spre mantuire
Este schimbarea credintei din tine

Priveste cerul , puzderie de stele
Muntii , padurea , duhurile rele
Toate acestea pot fi ale tale
Discipolul meu sa fii pana la moarte?

Atunci pastorul incepe sa fuga
Dar lancea demonului adanc il patrunde
Pe iarba se zbate nu are scapare
De ghiara mortii nepesatoare

Evil Forces
On the high rock in the middle of the forest
There is a castel where alived the evil forces
At the edge under the tree
An old blind men stopped me and said:
"Give me a small coin and I'll tell you a story
About the mountains and black magic art
Creatures of darkness remains in the night" -(bis)
That was the last words of the old blind men
Who wants warned the poor young boy
The consequence of his foolish
That is the new story
There in the middle of mountains
The traveller sow a dark castle
He run to know the real story
Forgotten the advice of old blind men
"-Come on my child , open the door"
"-Oh, it's not possible to hear that voice
Forgive me father but I have no choice
I must know the mystic voice"
And the traveller enters in the castle
With God I his mind
The black magic forces need some sacrifice
He runned in the castle, and entered in a dark room
He sow a lady dressed in black
The lady in black , stops for a moment
And traveller said:
"You are so loneley"
"Save me, my child , my soul is dying
Be my savior , escape me from the dead"
These were the last words
Of the beauty in black
The evil forces growl in the dark
Forgotten the advice of old blind men
His soul changed in the dark one

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