Hatespirit : Ageless Wilderness

Black Metal / Finland
(2018 - Altare Productions)
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Ageless wilderness
The realm of desolation
A place of bones and dust
Of darkness, cold and death

Enjoy the storms
Mountains of might
Brave the elements
Solitude and isolation

The mental landscape
Of the northern soul and blood
The joy to be lost in deep woods
In the wild side of the earth

It is all and nothing
The untamed and unseen
A place of revelation
And reclusive misanthropy

Ageless wilderness
The realm of passion
Of ancient fire
And the hidden folk
Of the rocks

The chill breath
Of the north wind
Under the stars and moon
Gazing into the endless night

Spit on the face of humanity

Enjoy the storms
Mountains of might
Brave the elements
Solitude and isolation

The mental landscape
Of the northern soul and blood

It is all and nothing
The untamed and unseen
A place of revelation
And reclusive misanthropy


Blood, sweat and passions
The futility of all actions
Yet, fighting valiantly
In spite of the doomed defeat

The very essence of heroism
To unleash the untamed within
The fight for wisdom and strength
Like the nature's cruel iron laws

One without pity or humanity

A threath of violence
Symbolized by the men
Bound together by the axe
A promise of retaliation

Splitting skulls
As a general thing
Civilization is unnatural
Only a whim of circumstance

Barbarianism must
Ultimately triumph

The illusory status quo
Of the barren and soulless
Wasteland of the modern world
Trample the lies and fight to win

Barbarianism must
Ultimately triumph


Somewhere, very far and away
Where no gleam of light, can ever reach
A gray bark, garnish the old trees
Withered branches, gash the coarse ground

Clandestine grove
Surrounded by skulls
Waiting for its prey
A weak human opfer

Amidst the rotten trees
A disgusting fog hovers low
Stench of a dead cold meat
The ancient evil in the forest

Into the deep death
Leads the way
The branches bend
A tortuous path

Behold! My kingdom of darkness
The forest is my throne

The eye of hate glows in the dark grove
Tears the flesh with black thorns
Like a sword, a beak grates the rotten flesh
Sacrifice yourself, for the kings of the forest

Into the deep death
Leads the way
The branches bend
A tortuous path

Behold! My world, my life
The forest is my throne


Frozen months
And the long dark
On these bitter nights
The past comes to life

As it rages...
Through the winter sky
Like the eternal stampede
A dark and dreadful power

The rhythms of nature
The ebb and flow of the tides
The souls of the dead
Drawn up into that storm

As it rages...
Through the winter sky
Like the eternal stampede
A dark and dreadful power

A new dawn
Always begins
With a meeting
Between the worlds

The call of heathen blood
A dream of honour and freedom
Like the eternal wanderer
In search of the deepest wisdom


Blood is the key to the stars
A part of cosmos in us
So distant and majestic
High above in the nightsky

The oppressive darkness
Our eternal companion
Like the flame that was once lit
It still burns in our heathen souls

The promethean drive in us leads the way

The heritage of the north
Cast with iron will and blood
Come the new storm of the ages
We will never give up this fight

We are the wolves of northern furor
Step aside you weaklings of inferiority
With hammer and steel we will crush your bones
Mighty will be our flame of purification

As we rise above the mankind
Call of war howls upon us
We gather under the black sun
Waiting for the war command

Horns of war declare our strike
None is spared, not a single being
Of the loathed weaklings
For the blood in our hands is unpure

Ritual savagery, all against all
Twelve wolves we summon to arise again
Our power from ages past, a long time ago

Fenrir unleashed!!!

We are the wolves of northern furor
Step aside you weaklings of inferiority
With hammer and steel we will crush your bones
Mighty will be our flame of purification

In this undying strife
Under the northstar we fight
With the glare of a new dawn
Our dreams will finally come true


I often go on bitter nights
To Wotan’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union -
The runic letters the moon makes with its magic spell

And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!
They draw shining steel - but instead of going into combat
They solidify into stalagmites

So the false ones part from the real ones -
I reach into a nest of words
And then give to the good and just
With my formula blessings and prosperity


The cold northern breeze
Covering the deserted landscapes
Trees are swaying in the darkened night
As the polar lights dance in the sky

Can you hear, this mournful sound
Of the cold and purling streams
And the grimness chanted by the ravens
Echoing through these old woods

Where no light shimmers
Through thick branches and trees
Where my name has been written into the roots
Cast with human blood and dark mysteries

This soil of the sorcerous might
The land of the witches and heretics
Of endless dark forests and cold lakes
Does the ancient pride, still burn in your souls?

Can you hear, this mournful sound
Of the cold and purling streams
And the grimness chanted by the ravens
Echoing through these old woods

There is wisdom hidden nature's maze
That speaks to us in riddles and dreams
Boundless may be the worthlessness of man
And overgrown paths don't hold the answers anymore

Still, the old ways never die...


Infernal ride
Of the restless dead
Black hounds fiery-eyed
Wild souls and nightmares

The great outburst
Thunderous black noise
Over the moors and the forests
The dead will speak tonight!

Nocturnal specter host
The damned lord of the dead
Followed by an army of the undead
Hunters and warriors of doom

...of ghouls and ghosts

Galloping storms
And the baying winds
Winter nights darkness
Menacing desolate coldness

The Wild Hunt!


Time for the autumn ritual
After such a humid summer
The call of the wild nature
Of mystery and enchantment

Out of thin air
In the dark of night
Or the blink of an eye
They emerge like avatars
Of a more subtler spirit

Transient representatives
Of a more lasting organism
Hidden beneath the dark soil
Once worshipped as gods

Out of rot
Out of turd
In damp caves
Dead tree stumps

An icon of itself
In fields and forests
Between life and death
Animal and plant

Sacred intoxicants
Magical mushrooms
From the old fields of hay
Search and reclaim your own

Ancient thunderbolt magic


The winds of perdition are blowing
As brothers set out upon each other
Envy and hatred as the fuel
For works of destruction and fire

Of destruction and fire...

As bounty of lands afar
Only a single maiden remains to serve
In grief and enslavement
From her bloodline great and ancient

A new warrior
Of strength and vigour is born
On his third moon
Already swearing revenge

Swearing revenge...

Filled with blood
Shall be the chalice of hate
As the old grudge
And dark promise is fulfilled

No mercy for justice
But bringing terror amidst the tears
Son of vengeange
By evil's might, a fireborn

By evil's might, a fireborn...


Joutui intomieli joutomaille
Kun saapui saturnaalinen tilalle
Alla kuolleen mustan kuutamon
Löytyi tie toisiin maailmoihin

Kun ei vain innostanut
Liikaa tuo maailma ihmisten
Hakeuduin seuraan kuolleiden
Ja omituisten tunnelmien

Sanovat paremmin tietävät
Että luomme itse oman helvettimme
Mutta siltikin herää vain ajatus
Että painajaiseen voi vain herätä

Tyhjyyden ulvontaa
Hiljaisuuden mystiikkaa
Armotonta ja tukehduttavaa
Sanatonta mustaa tunnelmaa

Jonka hitaaseen tahtiin
On hyvä hukuttautua
Ja olla vain hiljaa
Sanomatta sanaakaan

Todeta vain mielessään
Että menneisyys on tuhkaa
Ja seuraava aamunkoittokin
Vain samaa kirousta edustaa

Kun ei vain innostanut
Tuo liika yksinkertaisuus
Ja aina etsin jotain syvempää
Alla tähtitaivaan kylmän hohkan

Tyhjyyden ulvontaa
Hiljaisuuden mystiikkaa
Armotonta ja tukehduttavaa
Sanatonta mustaa tunnelmaa

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