Hatalom : Of Sorrow and Human Dust

Technical Death / Canada
(2018 - Self-Released)
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Connected in the mind of the universe - Truthful symbiosis with the divine
Unknown sounds and symbols are presented to me - Floating metaphors

We are existing in a moment of space and time that is stretched beyond the point of fracture
Grandiose scenario foretold by the many - Dangerous possession in such fragile wisdom

Transitioning from one environment to another - Fragments of a vague memory
Time decelerates to stillness - So I could feel everything

Processed thoughts artificially desired
Senseless deterioration
Torrent of eternal suffering
Illusionist of desire wishing subtle tones of silence

Vehemence of darkest dreams
Enigmatic muse of the faceless act
Melting pattern of the mind
Starving... Thriving... Beings of Nothingness

Symbiotic energy in perfect harmony with the forces and the elements
Pulsating convulsions of the artificial construction in thy natural absoluteness

Mesmerizing path trough the labyrinth pattern of our mind
Altering the perception of our subconsciousness
Becoming gods of our own apotheosis


Exploring undiscovered philosophies
Instinctive - Experimenting uncharted realities
Each breath taken creating a new journey - New dimensions

Dusk slowly settling on thy devastated landscape
Forms and Voidness - Abstract Dialog burned onto the soil
Intriguing answers - Unclear to the eyes of existence

Walking through the unknown
The path is veiled

Floating in exotic waves of warming shadows
Imperceptible resonance colliding on distant shores
Starving for the answers that lies beneath is feet

His mind focused on a present that is no more
Like a taste of succulent bitterness intoxicating his lips
Soaked in sorrow
Skin has become leather shrouding the carrion
Feeling the cold embrace of Human Dust
Absent from reality
Surrounded by desires and regrets
Splinter sunken deep into the flesh

Life flowing through my hands as sand in an hourglass
Nowhere to be held... the flow shall be timeless
These are the events and I have become: The Observer of Reality

As I struggle to form figures and textures
No shapes were to hold
No sun would shine eternally
Not even eternity would last, forever


Imagine being here - In something known as the now
If you could create, without ever looking back
What would be your legacy - What should be written
In this realm of pure possibilities (Realm of purest impossibilities) ?

We, all of us, became secondary characters in the myth of our own existence
Soulless, wandering in a tale that is not ours
Pieces of the puzzle fitting together without our word to say
Here, where the images come one right after the other
Where we haven’t painted the slightest part of the landscape

On the day you'll melt with the sky
What would be the dreams brought to reality ?

Glorious or miserable
Generous or tyrannical
Victim or victorious
Creator or destroyer

I can't walk your own path for you my dear friends
I cannot dissociate good from evil from my humble perspective
My lineage being my own destiny
Your goals and ideals being proper to your desires

I'd like to give you words, try to make you see Through the Eyes of Perception
But in this world of unreason, we're all entities in a personal quest for growth
We must become aware of our virtues while defining our actions
Use every ounce of strength to nourish this Vehemence
Which define us when facing the canvas of our individuality


From this rage, from this cold age
All the grace from this world reduced to decrepitude
Preconceived – Predefined
Empty gazes fixed upon the horizon

Mechanisms of the mind and reflections process slowly
Fainting through the incoherent whispering of torpor and hatred

If those walls could talk, they would tell the story of a man, or a thousand men
Separated from their instinct, Victims of their own limited perception
Stereotype and judgment, Were consequences of a Vitiated existence

Was this possible for them to desire, to discover ?
To override this gangrenous wounds which quietly spread to their deepest existence ?

If the writings could speak... if the symbols could be deciphered
It would reveal the sorrow, the loneliness that haunted the bodies of these lifeless beings
Their souls advancing... punished in the world of the shadows

A field of light filling the life of all their loved ones in acceptance, understanding and compassion.
Their own being, impotent, consumed by hatred, eager for a greater purpose

Greedy, jealous, arrogant. Artificial mind was forged in hatred and ignorance
Progression impeded by narrow-minded philosophy - Preconceived ideas filling their mind
I wish I could help you, open your mind, make you see Through The Eyes of Perception

Silent witness of a fallen dream
Be one with yourself
Walking on the edge of infinity
Because in the end.
From dust we came, and from dust, we shall return


Ho odieuse ironie - Démon de tout les vices

Née d'une atmosphère malsaine et oppressante
Le regard évasif, absent de toute forme de responsabilité
La nature de toutes choses réduites à leurs plus simple expression
Nous laissâmes dernière nous, un portrait riche en larme et en désolation

Spectacle ignoble et dépourvu de toute forme d'humanité
Les ruines de l'ancien monde se dressant au coeur d'une nature reprenant finalement son dû
Paysage peint par la main immature et avide de l'homme - synonyme de désordre et dévastation

Les dernières sociétés de ce monde gravant leur épitaphes dans le roc et les mémoires
Témoignage de notre passé et notre présent - exempt de toute forme de future

L'histoire traçant une ligne finale et définitive dans le sable et les écrits
Que nulle forme de vie pourvue de conscience n'aura jamais de privilège de franchir

J'aimerais vous dire que tout ceci n'est que fiction - Que pure illusion
Mais les dernières gouttes d'encre dans ma plume ne sont que prémisse à tout ce supplice

Notre emprise fut si forte, si soudaine
La vie tentait de s'adapter, de tolérer
Mais la nature de toute chose ne peut être niée

Il fut un temps où tout ceci était toujours possible
Mais les acquis, les créations... furent réduite au silence
Apprentissages, expériences... oblitérés
Réalisations, coopération... perdue dans le néant
L'histoire et les possibilités... furent toutes effacées

Le dernier grain de sable de ce complexe mécanisme
Qu'est l'écosystème de notre sphère fertile
Ne tardera pas à tomber dans les abysses

Les secondes s'écoulant lentement dans ce doux sablier qu'est notre réalité
Perdu à jamais dans les rêves brisés et les possibilités avortées
Et à ce moment; Il sera malheureusement trop tard pour réaliser
Que La Beauté Réside Dans le Silence Des Hommes

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