Hand Of Mercy : Resolve

Hardcore / Australia
(2014 - Rise Records / UNFD)
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Please tell me once again
What it is that you fucking believe
It flows through you like a god damn disease

You always gamble when it's never in your favour
If you're the odds i'll take the bet
Another chapter cut short, left to wonder
Forever plagued with this regret

So head strong, convinced you're never wrong
It flows through you like a god damn disease
So please tell me once again
What it it is that you fucking believe
Face the facts, your time is now

I've always been a believer, in the strength that lies within
No taking shade the shadow of doubt
It's just the light of a new day
Illuminating my path

It's not my fault that you are stuck
Fuck that i'm not giving up

Don't you fucking dare step on me
It flows through you like a god damn disease
Don't you fucking dare step on me
In a world where we're all born to choose
A life to win. A life to loose
I have faith in no one
Or nothing else
Just the belief
In my self

2. Static

Lurred lines between what to believe
And the fucking snake oil that you've been sold
A fabrication by the ones that have you searching
To find shelter in a "world so cold"

No real answers
Just words to fill a void
No real answers
Just words to fill a void

Beware the messengers, false prophets
Try to infiltrate your thoughts
Make free thinking common practice
Keep your mouth full of salt

No real answers
Just words to fill a void
No real answers
Just words to fill a void

Beware the messengers, false prophets
Try to infiltrate your thoughts
Make free thinking common practice
Keep your mouth full of salt

Free thinking over following
Like sheep to tow the line
Free thinking over following
Uncage and free your mind

Free thinking

Disengage from the charmers
Filter through the noise
Keep that mouth full of salt
Make your own fucking choice

Filter through the noise

Filter through the noise
Make your own fucking choice

No real answers
Just words to fill a void
Disengage from the charmers
Make your own fucking choice

Free thinking over following
Like sheep to tow the line
Free thinking over following
Uncage and free your mind

3. 16 X 8

Sixteen and eight guided by the hand of frustration
A nervous wreck rose red
Tongue-tied at the prospect of conversation,
I tremble at the circumstance
Each ring tells me that I have no chance
Persist, persist there’s no safety net
But a free fall on your own terms is the only way to get
Clarity for the journey you’ve been missing all along
Crush the rhetoric of the voices that said I was wrong
The world won’t wait so fuck the mold
There are stories to be made and told,
I refuse to be the sum of my fears
Sixteen and eight have been the best of years
Faith fading, you’re mistaken to think
That we’re still able to share the same vision now
I’ve been shunned from your table
Back to basics
These faces still terrify me
Back to basics
Fuck you, I’m breaking free
And now I’m not alone,
Thanks to this outlet now I have grown


The thought had never crossed my mind
But now I know there is no escaping time
There's a hand forever lurking in the shadows
To all hope it's blind
I can't watch as you make your way to the threshold
It's killing me inside that I once never shed a tear
Before our last goodbye
Looking back to help me to look forward
My fondest memories
I'm screaming at the shadows
Afraid that i'll forget
At least i'll find some solace
Watching your sun set
Don't make this harder that it is
I don't want a cross to bear
I know it's not your fault
I just hate the thought of the world
Without you here


Devoured by darkness.
Thoughts echoed in silence.
The fight to the dirt’s under way.
Paralyzed by the past, the air escaping your lungs.
Tonight’s potential for your escape.
Let me try to scratch the surface, at least ease a part of this.
Perspective in time can be hard to find.
I need you to know you’ll be missed.
Don’t be the one to bare the burden of past mistakes.
I ask with a heavy heart, it can be impossible to explain.
Just know you don’t have to live with the pain.
Hold on. You don’t have to live with the pain.


Youth scratched,
Witnessing fallen idols
It’s never the one you choose
A death grip on something you don’t own
Explain to me why dues get paid to you
I’ve seen your true face,
It’s much more scared than mine
I’ve seen your true face
And others like it that disappear in time
Hypocrites will have their day,
Only if we take a stand,
United against lines that divide
And the notion of class separation
Perpetrator you rule with an iron fist
Dictating individual experience,
A corner stone of what you’d have them believe
Up in flames from the venom and fire you breathe
Save us
Constricting the life force
Take us
Humble beginnings now six feet beneath
Save us
Carry the torch for the jaded
Take us
Hope lies with those who seek your defeat
Coward’s eyes don’t make it hard to find cracks in the veneer
No more treading over broken glass
Time to banish the cycle of fear
Save us, save us
From our skin is aging but these brittle bones are pleading
Take us! Take us!
We cast the shadow of a broken man as he turns to dust
Perpetrator you rule with an iron fist
Dictating individual experience
A corner stone of what you’d have them believe,
Up in flames from the venom and fire you breathe
Youth scratched, witnessing fallen idols
It’s never the one you choose
A death grip on something you don’t own
Explain to me why dues get paid to you


Promises fallen on deaf ears
Coinciding with other’s misspent years
Bright lights to document the start of lies
Not long now ‘til we sever ties
Turned a blind eye to those you left in the wake
Others bleed and sweat and give,
I’ve only ever seen that hand take
The motivation is to feed then
Disregard them when they’re bound
I can’t believe that I agreed
And sold my soul so easily
Consider this a warning
Don’t make the same mistake
The bastards won’t get a second chance
Trust me,
There’s no clean slate
Don’t let the bastards get a second chance
Roam the room for the next king
Secretly not concerned with their well being
This treachery will have you reap what you’ve sewn
You take the praise you fucking snakes
We’ve earned this on our own


Search the skyline
Told that your time here is not your own
And there’s a master plan
Buried alive by it all
Just existing while slowly drowning in the quicksand
Just ebb and flow
Slipping control
The scales tipped by fate
Not what your hands would sew
The fear of the unknown takes its toll
Tell yourself it’s far more simple to let go
You keep circling square one
Far from a victim of circumstance
I’ve had self doubt but I crawled out
While you’ve relinquished command
The fear of the unknown takes its toll on my self doubt
But I crawled out
All alone I was wandering back and forth
Back and forth blindly between what I could and what I wanted to be
No future call, nothing at all
At least as far as I could see
No future call, nothing at all
Nothing at all, no future call


Sent back to square one
I should have seen what’s next
I’d rather the reaper instead,
That’s what said it best
Shattered bones from countless falls is something I regret
I’ve faced the gallows more than once,
With your noose around my neck
Take four, I told you so
Can’t leave well enough alone
Whispers while distant,
Reaffirm nights without rest
That forked tongue still flicking at my ear
Keep warm in your selfishness

Needy and fed with tangible expressions
Confirming all of what I know
Still can’t leave well enough alone
Eyes wide from sidelines,
But still blind from old times
Keep suffering from these constant falls
Only wanting to be whole
You’re a fool, you’re rushing in
The opposite for what you’re yearning
You need to burn old leaves
To get the new ones turning
Outsider intervention,
Love loss

The sinking feelings all that’s left
No more force fed insincerity
Die cold in your selfishness
I hate myself
I should have just left this dead
Transformation disguised,
Marred by all of the bullshit you said


The wool is falling so they can’t see
All that’s getting left is a false legacy
The ones that guided would be appalled
It’s like you do not even care at all
They break their backs to earn their keep
With pride their hearts hang off their sleeves
Aren’t these legions enough?
The ties that bind are slowly breaking
From the strain of greed fueled glory
If the tale was told from the other side
Would you buy in to a bullshit theory?
Make no mistake, we can’t relate
Make no mistake, we can’t relate
That vulgar taste won’t dissipate
Is this really what it’s become?
The ties that bind are slowly breaking
From the strain of greed fueled glory
If the tale was told from the other side
Would you buy in to a bullshit theory?
False legacies don’t last
The wool is falling so they can’t see
All that’s getting left behind
Is a false legacy


Homeward bound

A sunrise catches my eye
And for a moment you're not there
Remain forever on my shoulders
Thats a weight i choose to bear

I've seen stone and wood from far and wide
That only stands in peoples dreams
There's been a temptress hand
From time to time
But in my heart of hearts
I know my true calling

Even though im away
I'll be home shortly
Just know that day to day
I still think of you fondly

Homeward bound

A sunrise catches my eye
And for a moment you're not there
Remain forever on my shoulders
Thats a weight i choose to bear

While others feel a sickness
That eats them alive
Anticipation fills my heart
And the panic in my chest subsides

Homeward bound

While i don't get to see you
While we're apart
Across the land or the sea
You'll always be in my heart

Lyrics geaddet von neddz - Bearbeite die Lyrics