Hallowed Hands : Bleeding Pixels

Progressive Black / USA
(2020 - Blue Bedroom Records)
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The whole building is on fire
And I don't know where to go
All Ninja Turtle everything
Green clad head to toe
I'm stuck in the same place
I was two weeks ago
With another fucking mushroom
Saying "Thank you, Mario"

My fingers hurt cause I haven't grown callouses
I wonder how long it takes to grow callouses
I wonder how long it takes to grow calloused
My fingers hurt cause I chewed off my fingernails

No codes have been cracked
No guides to live by
Just a blank map
And my 7-year-old brain

My friend just got a Playstation
And I can't fucking play with it
He says I'm just not good enough
But I don't fucking give a shit
Cause it's me and Bill and Lance
Out here fucking killing it
Shooting hella aliens
At least on my Dad's weekends

My feet hurt cause I've outgrown my shoes
I wonder how long it takes to grow callouses
I wonder how long it takes to grow calloused
My teeth hurt cause I've outgrown my mouth

I've been here for 30 years
Nothing to show
No improvement
But at least I'm free to rot my brain


Dirty, diseased, and defeated
Calloused thumbs bleeding pixels
Conquering this American wasteland
A juvenile obsession

Neglect, rot, decay
The hot stench of old corn
Overtakes the room
Fungal tendrils extend
To claim the kitchen floor
Neglect, rot, decay
The hot stench of summer
Overtakes the room

Discarded plastic and moldy trash
Piled miles high
A paradise for the centipedes
Urge Mountain

A sweaty hot box
Stuffed to the brim
With fast food and farts
A chaotic shit show
A sweaty hot box
Stuffed to the brim
With fast food and farts
A chaotic shit show

Neglect, rot, decay
The hot stench of old corn
Overtakes the room
Fungal tendrils extend
To claim the kitchen floor
Neglect, rot, decay
The hot stench of summer
Overtakes the room

What a horrible sight
Noxious fumes bulldoze the weak
An altar to the god of gluttony
Urge Mountain


Hours. Days. Months.
Pass through me
Gone. Dead. Erased
Pass through me

Hair matted. Bathing is for the weak
I see their disgust, but I'm just a victim
Of getting wild

Skin and bones
Oozing pus
Shitting clay
Rotting out
Waste away
Die to live
Live to cum

Half way through two year hiatus
Creathing in stale apartment air
Jerking off with "I love the 80s"
Playing muted on VH1
Stranded here in fucking Middleton
Microwaving Christmas dinner
Cranking to the beat of "Jingle Bells"
Switching from porn to Fallout 3

Hours. Days. Months.
Pass through me
Gone. Dead. Erased
Pass through me

Unemployed, uninspired, and uninsured
The pissing death crystalizes my veins
And pulls me under

Skin and bones
Oozing pus
Shitting clay
Rotting out
Waste away
Die to live
Live to cum

Listening to boring post-metal
I downloaded illegally
Jerking off with dogs outside barking
Going five years without insulin
I've been awake for 96 hours
Playing marimba on my back ribs
Pulling put and throwing up bile
Switching from porn to Left 4 Dead


I am
Your problematic lyrics from the 200s
I am
Every weird thing you've ever drunkenly stammered
I am
That junior high bus boner you just couldn't shake
I am
The Diet Mountain Dew you drink just to feel better

Turn on No Mercy
And turn off the lights
And name all the wrestlers
Who have taken their own lives
Wash that shit off your hands
Lead the hogs to slaughter
And cover that weed smell
With a whole bottle of cool water

I am
The head referee in this pissing contest
I am
the abandoned parking lot where you try to by coke
I am
The 6 year old 2K that you still play
I am
The flop house that you hang in just to not go home

A steady diet of loudmouth soup
Sweat stains on the scrubs
All cummy everything
Here's to jack shit
We fight to the death over who's the bigger man
Swallowed by the ocean, and shit out by a cooler, sexier ocean

I have achieved my final form
I've made it through my bullet hell

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics