H. Kristal : Empty

Progressive Metal / Italy
(1997 - Underground Symphony)
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Hey you, man thath rebounds inside your mind
Which doesn't know how to appreciate the altruism cemented Inside your being
Which doesn't notice the things going on around you...
You've to give space to your fellow man
Or you won't be able to
Enjoy a more rewarding life.
You'll have to get rid
Of the cynical kind of egoism
Which's taken hold of of you inside
Otherwise you'll never know
What itit means to give to receive.
You'll never understand what surrounds you
Because you only see yourself
Well I'm convinced of your verdict
But how will I be able to give up
That until today has been a part of me
Maybe I'll have to set myself free
From it all forever living only a memory

No man you still have not understood
What it means to give up something
To live in harmony with your fellow man
Maybe I'm only wasting time with you
Because by now you are too sick
And these last words I leave you to think
It over... altruist or egoist; which ever it will be
Which in your case is solitude

2. MAN

You've tried many things
Searching to be another man
You've tried to hide yourself
Behind yoursun glasses,
You've tried to steal and to drink
You've tried to live on the razor's edge
You've tride to ask for help... man
You didn't help, anyone
You've always stolen to get yourself rich
You've always hidden behind your galadress
You never loved... man
You've always given only love
You've always lived in poverty
You've seen many people die
And you can't do anything to help them!
Men with different life
All united under the same name
Men with different worries
All united under hte same word... man.

Wherever man has to face up this struggle
For a good cause...!
Or he stops on the well being blind
In which he's already living!


I'm going back in time
When I was younger
I heard lovely words from my parents...
When I was a child
They told me fanciful stories
To give me a happy time
"In my life, in my life"
It was difficult to fly, fly a kite
Adults made me see the world
Without injustice and spite;
I shared my things with my friends,
They didn't...
So I understood
A good look doesn't mean a good heart
A good soul
I realized the importance
Of a sincere smile
Of an open mind.
I feel a bit down, down, down, down...
When I will be an old man I'll be rich
And free to survive with my memories
Also my thoughts will be old...

"In my life, in my life"


If sometimes we would stop ourselves
To think truly about
All things that happen,
The sky above us would be brighter!
Another war still poverty and disgrace.
You are walking on the body
Which was running with you
A short time before
To reach the other side of the bridge
In search of a new life!
If thinking means understanding, then
We should stop ourselves to think!
Looking in the mirror
The refletting image is so cold!
You should get into the mirror
To see better the corners,
Where the power segregates
Its own victims!
It doesn't matter who will be the next
Wheteher white or black
"Druggie or boozer"
Old man or a child!
f thinking means understanding, then
We should stop ourselves to think!
What matters is that a slice must become cake, alone you Can't do anything about it...!


Empty here...
Faces without a smile
You feel crumling like a wall
Which dust is swept out
Into the nothingness!
Is there anyone who can fill this emptiness?
Your heart is crying
But your tear drops, falls down into a sea
Too big and too dark,
To realize the presence of it.
In a world with a little truth,
And disorderly system of life,
You are obliged, don't change
What your instinct would be able to do,
Is there anyone who can fill up this
Emptiness? your heart is crying,
But your tears drop, falls down into a sea
Too big and too dark
To realize the presence of it.

The dutie the obligation,
The brolbe, the trouble,
Are all inventions of being
It's done don't allow
The things which are deep inside of you
To go out and fill up a little emptiness!


A new light is dawning, they say
A perfect way without injustice
And without corruption,
It seems like a dream
If only it were true...
They say that the corrupted
And the corrupters
Will have to pay
The honest citizens will fulfill their duties
They will have to struggle against the past,
They have lived before.
The staircase to climb is long
And often too difficult,
Maybe it will be the only reward
For who gives more.
Light: the hope of mankind courage to face up
To the unknown which lies before us
Light: the truth immune from malicious gossip
Like a judge gives the sentence!

At all costs this light will have to grow
To spread out justice and truth
And so punishing the dregs
Which are destroing our space
So the man will have to know
How to distinguish the good from the bad
In this light that is hope,
Bravery, justice and truth
But which punishes...!


My mind knows that something took you away
You will never be a leaf,
Which when it breaks loose marks
A new season!
I remember your blood as my blood, and
Your soul; in my life I want to do what
You haven't done in time,
I want to appreciate it together, forever...
It doesn't matter wheter it's now
Or a long time from now,
I'm going on living my life without you
To live this mystery...
Which from the beginning of the time
They call life,
I feel deep down inside of me your answer
Your advice, your inestimable advice
It's no fantasy,m it's the only feeling,
Which I kept inside of me.
I'll take it with me after the end as well
Where are you now? you will never be...
A new dawn prepare to light up
A new fire...

The snow and an unexpected storm
Won't be able to stop my duty,
I know for sure that in an hour
Everything could change.
Nature turns to face up the sun,
And the good,
Caresses my face and gives sense
To my heart...!


Leaden sky above us,
Gases that take the place of oxygen
Another life is dying
Another tree is dying
Another metropolis is born
When the last tree is dead too
When the last life is dead too
When there is no sun anymore
Maybe man, you'll understand
That you cannot eat and breathe
Your money...

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