Gutsnagged : Slam Ranch

Brutal Death / USA
(2018 - Self-Released)
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18 gay incel wiggers in the showers at Slam Ranch!
Tiny throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked!
18 incel wiggers wanting to be fucked!
Wiggers in the showers at Slam Ranch!
On their knees wanting to suck caterpillar cocks!
Slam Ranch really rocks!

Scrawny, edgy slam kids their chodes throbbing hard!
18 more wiggers out in the yard!

Tiny hard cocks ever so hard!
Orgy in the showers at Slam Ranch!
Miniscule throbbing cocks ramming wigger butt!
Using their parents' money to buy nudes from slam sluts!
Puny throbbing cocks getting sucked not so deep!
Wiggers even getting fucked in their sleep!
Slam Ranch … it ROCKS!
Wiggers love big hard throbbing cocks!

Cum a' flowin', Cum a' flowin', Cum a' flowin', Cum a' flowin'

Fucked upsidedown
Snapbacks full of cum
Back-breaking buttfucks
Deepthroating hammers
Virtue signaling online
While getting fucked hard and hard
By other wiggers
In the ass

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics