Gutsnagged : Gutsnagged

Brutal Death / USA
(2019 - Self-Released)
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Existance is misery
For I have long been dead within
A generation made the void
That my heart once resided in
It pains me to live in a world
Where God shames me for my cruel thoughts
My skin may look very lively
But deep within my insides rot

I long to witness
The creeks of blood
Vein their way through the lands
I wish hate
Didn't consume my soul
But genocide eats at my mind

An enemy of the devil
A failed child of God
Mixed blood, it stains my skin
I'm torn apart
By the world around
Nothing's alive within

How can one man
Have such great hatred
For the creed that killed morality
These thoughts of homicide plague my mind
A call to kill pains me
This blotch on the soul eats like a cancer
Please God relieve me

It's hard to clean this wretched stain


A murderer with little motive
But to quench his bloodthirst
For overworked college students
Things go from tough to far worse

Killing with a butcher knife
Dispatching local students
Ending lives to please himself
Barely into adulthood

Preparing for exams
While a killer stalks his victims
As the majority leave for summer break
He tracks them down and kills them

Frat jocks, nerds, and sorority girls
Seeing their last days
All wiped out while on campus
Slaughtered in gruesome ways


On the way to Cali
Break down in the desert
A nuclear test site
Back in the day
A pack of inbred cannibals
Hiding in the hills
Watching every move
On your family they prey

Ransacking your food
Raping your daughter
Abducting your infant child
To prepare for a feast
A fire in the mountains
To cook newborn flesh
While you hunt for your child
They prepare to eat

The hills have eyes
In these hills you'll die


The old saw the lady in half trick
Messier than on the stage
A perverted beast of mutilation
Has finally come uncaged

Caught off guard in the changing rooms
She fled into the showers
Chainsawed right through at the waist
Her bare torso lays in blood and bowels

Seeing herself separated
From a pair of legs and pelvis
In shock she watches and bleeds out
Lower body functions she is without

From her dying remains
I collect my piece
To finish up the puzzle
That intrigues me
The parts of several dead girls
Creates a new body
Which will soon walk in this world
And do my horrid deeds


At the end of harvest
Festival of Samhain
A reocurring evil is born
To end many lives
And bring families pain
Summoned by the curse of the thorn

Cursed is he
Emotionless mask
Hiding an emotionless man
Escaping from asylum
Returning from death's grip
To kill as many as he can

Kids trick-or-treat in the moonlight
While a symbol in the stars
Awakens a silent killer
Locked up behind bars

The voices he heard as a child
Contaminate his childish brain
Wiped all light from his young eyes
Drove a young boy quite insane
Years and years he stared through
Walls trapped in an asylum
To relive the slaughter
Not a word heard from him

Not a single word

An evil cult
Of Samhain
Spectates his kills
Spectates the pain
On the end of October
Evil is reborn
To kill off his bloodline
The curse of the thorn

Gunned down, burned alive
Presumably killed several times
An evil cult's disturbing plans
Help revive the boogeyman


Burned alive
Should have died
I'll adjust
Perfect lies
A blaze of flames
On that night
For your sake
I should have died


Coming back
Gripping sheers
Crippling fears

Cut wide open
On your blood
You are choking

Burned alive
Should have died
You will pay
For your crimes


As I break from the confines of a prison cell
I long to shed more blood
In my arms is a large power drill
Through my victims' guts it will run

I long to spill
The blood of young girls

The drill bit it spins
Making quick work
Of all those who get in my way
My devious ways
Draw me right to
A slumber party where I will slay

Even I don't know why my sick mind compels me to do this
As I stalk young women to drill and kill it brings me such great bliss
My drill bit caked in flesh and blood from all those in my way
My perverted love for these young women will bring them down today

Drugs and gossip and drinks and such make their night full of thrills
Mark my words that before dawn these girls will all get drilled


Deny my existence
Scream my name
Into these darkened woods
My dreary home
Believed empty
If you've not yet fled, you should

I've butchered my whole family
So you would be easy
I'll string you up or hack you apart
For daring to summon me

A madman with an axe stalks these campgrounds tonight
Beheaded bodies, blood shimmers in the moonlight
Arrogant campers fill my violent appetite
It takes great luck to survive through this dreadful night


New Years Eve
They're boarding the train
Young medical students
A disguised killer
Boards quietly
His former classmates
Will suffer and bleed

The costume party
An environment
That he can use
To his advantage

Stalking his crush through the cabs
Slice and dice and beat and stab

A murderer is on the loose
From the engine to the caboose

Taking his victim's disguise
To blend in with the other guys
From an axe to a knife
Butchering all those who ride

You can't stop the terror train


Morbid thoughts of gruesome killings
Death and hatred for all women

Shotgun blast, decapitations
Pick axe slammed into the sternum

Bodies in the shed on meathooks
Fresh corpses to be skinned and cooked

Human bodies are chopped and grilled
More flesh to feed the cannibal






Below me
Part of me
Threats by phone
So obscene
They don't know
That it's Billy

Christmas season
University women
In celebration
Of the holidays
Lurking in the attic
A twisted man
The girls don't realize
They'll be slain

Leaving calls of lunacy
Bloodlust and perversity
Like an animal driven insane
Naughty intentions plague Billy's brain

Clare's body
None of the girls
Realize she's dead
In the attic
Where the killer treads
Plastic wrapped around her head

Girls begin to vanish
The sorority shrinks

One by one
Your friends are gone
Before you know it
You are alone
With a killer that was
Present all along
Committing killings
Horribly wrong


Undead eyes
The fish scatter
Flee my rotting flesh
The worms flee
Life is still in me
Keeping my black soul here

Chained to the bottom
For what seems forever
My rotting body floats
I will one day kill again

The algae builds as time glides by
The murky water viewed from a murderer's eyes
The restraints will break and many will die
Searing hatred in a murderer's eyes

There's a designated place for me
Deep in the Devil's domain
But I can't drown and I can't die
At the bottom of the lake I remain


A great escape
To clear your mind
Is completely ruined by perverted attackers
With one sickening lust-driven motive in mind
To take advantage of a woman defenseless and vulnerable
For their own disgusting pleasures
Raped and abused and left for dead it's a surprise that this woman will survive
A shattered remnant of her once pleasant self her life ruined by disgusting people
Unable to resist a peaceful solution her mind can only think violence
To stalk and torment and then kill her attackers is all that her mind can conjure
With her rapists dead she can live in peace
Nobody to attack her now, from victim to dominator


Struggle for inheritance
Murder is the way
To insure ownership
Of this bloody bay
Trespassing teens are butchered
Suicides are faked
Corrupted by their greed
Competition is slain

Sinister conspirings
To shrink the playing field
Murdering opponents
With the weapons that they wield

Player-count comes down to two
In this evil game of greed
Blood is all over their hands
For a plot they think they need

Karma bites back
For they think they're free
Two gunshots
Make them bleed
A hopeful couple
Now lies dead
As a bay of sin
With blood runs red


Young Michael Myers butchers his sister
Spends 15 years
Locked in Smith's Grove
Muttering not even a whisper

Dr. Loomis knows his evil

Dark and late
It's Halloween and the town's at peace
But the patients are loose
All over Smith's Grove
And Michael steels a car and then flees

Killed a man
For his clothes
Robbed a store
For a mask and tools
Visits school grounds
To stalk Laurie Strode
And watches her
After she goes home

Late that night
In her own home
Michael slits open
Annie's throat
The total slut
Laurie's close friend
Has met a dark
And gruesome end

Lynda and Bob
Stop by later
And fuck in the bed
Annie's not there
Bob is impaled
While fetching booze
Michael uses the phone chord
On Lynda like a noose

Loomis gets suspicious as Laurie goes to see
Lynda, Bob, and Annie, she hasn't heard from all three
Finding all their bodies she is stricken with terror
Laurie runs back to her house fleeing her attacker
The kids run out as Laurie struggles to fight Michael
Loomis climbs the stairs and bullets loudly echo
Six shots through the body and straight through the heart
Tumbling from the second story and into the yard

Blood is in the yard
But Michael isn't there
Reports of homicides
Leave the whole town scared
Stealing a kitchen knife
He butchers another girl
Ben Tramer killed by car
As chaos unfurls

Michael finds the hospital where Laurie's asleep
Hammer-kills a guard before he could even scream
Michael boils a nurse to death after killing her lover
Syringes a couple people and then scalpels another
On the night of Samhain he chases Laurie away
With a little help Loomis comes to save the day
Loomis is wounded and Laurie shoots Michael blind
Canisters of flammable gas could save Laurie's life

A room engulfed in flames as Laurie narrowly escapes
Michael and Loomis still inside
As the flames swirl and blaze in the burning halls
It seems that Michael finally died
Marching from the blaze a burning Michael walks forth
Something evil forces him to march on
In a glowing blaze he falls straight to the floor
Perhaps now Michael's finally gone


Rising from the depths of hell
He's coming to kill them
Doing the vengeful bidding of those
Who call him
Killing all those in his way
A creature of sin
Wrath is his goal and their time
Is wearing thin

Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Taking evildoers' heads
Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Returns to hell when they are dead

Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Blood of the evil runs bright red
Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Avoid the ground on which he'll tread

Rising from the pumpkin patch
Graveyard in the backwoods
Summoned by an offering
Of the vengeful's red blood
To smite down those who have wronged
Another severely
A loved one lost but now avenged
The evil will fear him

Storming through
The woodlands
Stalking all
Of his victims
And torn apart
Stabbed through the heart

Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Taking evildoers' heads
Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Returns to hell when they are dead

Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Blood of the evil runs bright red
Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead
Avoid the ground on which he'll tread


Hunters and explorers
Never return
From the acres
In which I lurk
Crocodiles swim
Birds fly away
This swamp was dead
When I was born that day

If you know what's good
You'll stay away
From this swamp
By the close of day
Enter at night
And you might view
Human pieces
Scattered through the Bayou

Best of luck
But you won't survive
Victor Crowley's
Coming for your life
You can run
But he'll find you
Chop you to bits
And rip you in two

Cries for dad bellowing
Through the putrid swamp
Past mutilated bodies
This deformed being stomps
Hatchet in his hand
Tight white-knuckled grip
Your insides and your limbs
From your body he rips

Skin stretched and snapped
tendons ripped away
Limps scattered far and wide
Those who venture here all die
Snags your guts between his fingers
Smell of rotting flesh still lingers
Cadavers littering the marsh
Died so violently and harsh


At the end of the secluded road
A sadistic assailant, a gun and a knife
The unexpecting do not know
Where this road ends, so does your life
Cracking the skull with a weighted impact
Allowing your woman to run
Down on her luck she falls to the ground
Molested with the barrel of the gun

The first two got lucky, fortunately
But the spree is far from over
As the town plummets to panic
Curfews placed to stop young lovers
From setting out at nights on their own
In a town that's dreading sundown
With a killer on the loose
Slaughter breaking the news

Two more couple turn up cold
Gunfire freeing their very souls
Held at gunpoint and wasted away
Texarkana goes quiet at the end of the day

Dodging the law
By the time they show up the killer is gone
A phantom assailant
Local residents strive to make it til dawn


I have an uncontrollable urge to prowl
On young and beautiful women
Once their process of decay begins
I take a part of them
Like natural pieces of art
I must possess a piece
I stalk them when it's dark outside
On their fears I feed

I worship their anatomy
Majestic and sweet
Round hips and thin waists
The elegance pleases me
Always on the move
Make me wish I could keep
At least a few as a trophy
They'll never, ever leave

Feminine shells
My trophies clutter my lair
The beauty
Of their physical beings
It's hard not to stare

Call it killing
It can't be
For they all
Belong to me

Choking and grasping at her open throat
I'm the last thing she sees as she begins to choke
After her screaming soul disembodies
She goes to my collection of female bodies


Avenging rage
Deep inside
I am not dead
I'm not alive
Here to finish
My mother's deeds
Endless kill count
Dozens will bleed
I use many tools
But mostly machete
You can run
But your fate won't be pretty
Turn every corner
And there I stand
Your sanity wiped
Your life in my hands

Looking for a good time
Coming to my camp
I claimed it through bloodshed
I claimed it through the dead
Swinging the blade
Plunging the spear
When you see my mask
Your end is near

Opening arteries
Hacking off extremities

Your continuing breaths
Don't allow me to rest
Your life is next
I long for your death
Debaucherous actions
Rampant lust
You disrespect these precious grounds
So kill you, I must

I avenge my mother's death

While your friends wonder where you are
You are dead in the woods
Where I hid you away
To continue to slay
One by one they are dead
Their skin painted dark red
By the blood that they shed
Panic invades their heads


Riddled with stab wounds
By 4 she was home in her small apartment
By 9 her new lover had left her to be
By midnight she sang in the quiet night time air
By 8 she was found, riddled with stab wounds

She had disappeared
Butchered by me
I made her worst fears
Now she is gone
Gutted and filleted
It may have been wrong
I brought the end of her days

Shocked now as her abdomin
Can no longer hold back her bowels
Stabbed at least fourty times
Her body remains on the ground
Blood is pooling everywhere
Seeping from her tattered wounds
As she quickly turns cold
Her consciousness dies as she swoons

My bloodlust now beyond control
I stalk them in the dead of night
Prostitutes that lurk the streets
Feed my violent appetite

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