Gravebomb : Rot In Putrid Filth





The room is silent, the doors are closed
The inner sanctum of the hive's machinery
Dormant children await their hosts
To initiate the process of delivery

A deadly kiss of forceful impregnation
Before the blossom falls down dead
But inside the seed is germinating
Soon it will break the walls of flesh

A new brood emerging from the weak and frail
Genetically perfected always destined to prevail

Unhampered by morality
Violently preying on humanity
The spawning of the parasite
Craves a living sacrifice

Its strength the envy of man
Its beauty an affront to the gods
Like the river flowing out towards the sea
Gravitating towards its destiny

A new brood emerging from the weak and frail
Genetically perfected always destined to prevail

Insectile creature now roaming free
Impaling victims indiscriminately
You'll be another cocoon in their nest
A disposable organic incubation chamber

A deadly kiss of forceful impregnation
Before the blossom falls down dead
But inside the seed is germinating
Soon it will break the walls of flesh


Vomiting blood at a staggering rate
Black bile burning holes in your throat
Splattering fluids cover the walls
Rotting insides gushing through
The stench of your dying fills up your lungs
Ejecting them with the sick
Panicking horror at the thought of your death
Forcing you to vomit more

Vision blurring
Organs failing
Skin starts peeling
Headed for a total collapse
No relief is waitning for you
Only more pain
As the acid burns you through

Heretics and unbelievers
Awaitning the sulphur salvation
To atone for their disbelief
Embracing the sulphur salvation

In the reeking pool of your melted remains
you finally see it clear
You'll die on your knees accepting the end
Vomiting yourself to death
The sickness inside expelled from within
Chemical fire throughout
Gratefully you swallow it all
Purity has its price

Heretics and unbelievers
Awaitning the sulphur salvation
To atone for their disbelief
Embracing the sulphur salvation


Breaking through the barriers that held me back
No longer fettered I become what I will
Like a werewolf turned insane by the full moon's shine
I cannot satisfy this hunger inside

Stalking, my prey waiting expectantly
For me to come and sink my teeth into her flesh
My lusts so strong I can't control myself
The bewitching taste makes me want it more

Come to me
Without remorse offer up yourself
Come to me
This hunger will not sate itself

Come to me
Without remorse offer up yourself
Come to me
This hunger will not sate itself


A soul becomes devided
Split into two by great insanity
Evil, unknowing
Engineering of the end has begun

Soon, to devour
Machinery with one purpose
To bring forth the end of time
Slaughtered like swine

The Machine has awakened
Engineered to slaughter the masses
Buried beneath unsuspected
Feed the machine with human flesh

Descened into the depths
The belly of the beast
Ignite the spark of life
The carnage can begin

Blood covers the streets
Pigmen will have their feast
Killing to feed the beast
Hail morbid machine


Locked in shackles, the thoughts return
As you're walked through the gates
Crowd chanting for your severed head
Final punishment awaits

All the people, you have killed
Reappear in ghastly sights
Apparitions of the mind
Sick thoughts, in your head
Flashbacks of a killing spree
Urges you can't resist

Jury reached their verdict
Bow down on you knees!
Sentenced to beheading
The cure for your disease

Walked up to the chopping block
Chants grow stronger all around
The headsman sharpens his blade
As you kneel to the ground

Murder in your blood
No control of your killing needs
Aroused by the deeds
Split the skulls with an axe
And bathe in the gushing blood
Hungering for the flesh of the innocent
The raging lust in me

The sudden silence before the strike
No last prayer or regret
The blade falls and you feel the rush
Exploding in a mist of red

Your memory will live on
In perverted immortality
A terror they won't forget
Maggots will feast on your corpse
But you will haunt them for eternity
Headless under the stone

Jury reached their verdict
Bow down on you knees!
Sentenced to beheading
For eating too much cheese


Their putrid, rotten insides stained with foul belief
Disemboweled I see them for what they are: spreaders of the disease

Kneeling like dogs in the dirt
Fools to the words of the priests
Blinded by their lies, a gospel of the weak

A contagion so divine, the carriers ridden with guilt
But through bloodshed I prevail, containing the spread of the filth

Hack off the heads of the preachers of god

The sickening faith in divine creation
The mindless praying for unjustified salvation
Beliefs built on hollow foundations
The preachers sentenced to decapitation

Trophies for the Murderer's throne: the heads of those he abhors
Reenactments of the crucifixion; bodies nailed to the doors
Altars of Nazarene painted with blood, no cross left unturned
Violence supreme, exalt the extreme, all houses of God must be burned

Kneeling like dogs in the dirt
Fools to the words of the priests
Blinded by their lies, a gospel of the weak

Hack off the heads of the preachers of god

The stench reaching for miles, of bodies that litter the ground
Now maggots abode, their innards explode, in rotting pus I am crowned
My thankless labour of hate invariably must go on
For no matter how many of them i cut down, still more come

Kneeling like dogs in the dirt
Fools to the words of the priests.
Blinded by their lies, a gospel of the weak.

Hack off the heads of the preachers of god
Hack off the heads of the preachers of god


Choking on the toxic smoke of the victims burned alive
They gag upon their bloody couch, all signs of life subside
Placed into their caskets they're carried away
By an endless line of men marching towards their grave
Procession of mourning drones stretching out of sight
Carrying their cargo to a boundless burial site
Locked inside their boxes are those that still draw breath
But blood fills up their caskets, they drown and face their deaths

Burdened now by famine the living dead press on
Marching till their bones collapse, collapsing one by one
The flesh is now decaying before their very eyes
The merciless decree of fate: for the whole world to be funeralized


As the church bell strikes at midnight the graveyard fills with gloom
A man is hammering furiously into the mausoleum tomb
The wooden casket breaks open and a putrid stench emerges
Striking senseless the weak of men as sane thoughts starts to diverge

No better use for their rotten flesh as reality starts to warp
Ensuring no rest in the afterlife, ripping limbs from the corpse

Memories of murder reappear
Obeying the will of Abaddon

Decomposing flesh so easy to tear
Their bodies dismembered with ease
Body parts cast on the floor
Rotten and ridden with disease

The cold moonlight striking the face of a man fuelled by his hate
Driven insane by a dark force controlling his ultimate fate
Desecrating the craves of the men he had killed, no rest for the ones that are gone
Eternal torture in the afterlife, in their flesh evil will spawn

No control over his actions
A puppet to the master

A circle of limbs placed on the floor, with blood he paints the sign
The ritual of the Dark One sends a shiver down his spine
The demon now released by him
His purpose has been served

Duicide making the last sacrifice
Ending a lifetime of possession


Waking to the pain
Blood rushing to your brain
Hanging from a hook
Struggling in vain
Gouging out your eyes
Your body paralyzed
Stabbing away
Getting off to your cries

Killing apex
Bodies ripped and crushed
Killing apex
Bodies without their heads
Killing apex
Faces ripped and crushed
Killing apex
Feel the adrenaline rush

Another victim down
Abducted without sound
Jugular is slashed
Committed to the ground
Body parts are stored
In case of urge for more
Appetizing innards
Feasting on the gore

Killing apex
Bodies ripped and crushed
Killing apex
Bodies without their heads
Killing apex
Faces ripped and crushed
Killing apex
Rid the earth of crud


Into the vast black darkness
With the power of a thousand suns
We boldly go in madness
To die where no man's gone before
The violent deaths of the many
Brought about by the will of the few
To preach the creed of fear
Throughout the final frontier

Sterilization of space
is our one objective
Our savage enterprise to
pursue the prime directive

Phasers set to kill

Manipulate and master
The cosmic energies
Warp drive burn ever faster
Towards our enemies
We broke the bonds of labour
Tore down the walls of nations
Exterminated billions
Now come to claim dominion

From ancient barbarism
Man rose in unity
Intergalactic speciesism
Guides our community
Machines were granted sentience
Only to be enslaved once more
Now they are back for vengeance
This is the final space war

Sterilization of space
Is our one objective
Our savage enterprise:

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