Grace Disgraced : Lasting Afterdeaths

Death Metal / Russia
(2016 - Razed Soul Productions)
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Stars, they beckon so much,
Celestial bodies which died (ages ago).
But we still see their light
From the earth, Spellbound.

Cosmic calling!!!!

First steps are cruel, the flight is short,
The landing’s hard – first crucial faults.
Human space marine,
Sacrifice him
For knowledge, for progress!
Another star falls
Another legend unfolds,
And more demanding goals
For knowledge, for progress.

Fates of the pathfinders –
“Something went wrong”
They left the cradle of mind
To find their grave among the stars,
Their cherished dreams were ruined at once!
Glory on a high price!
Death ‘s just a start!..

Months of training on the shock-table,
Centrifuge and altitude chamber
Risk of cosmic radiation
Overload and zero-gravity!

It’s hot in ship – the hellish stove,
17 circles around the earth
Animal astronaut –
They never asked its thoughts
Of knowledge and progress
Another star falls
Another legend unfolds,
And more demanding goals
For knowledge, for progress.

Cold kiss of cruel space
Lonely dog in the delirious machine.
It’ll never, never come back,
Lost in the shattered pieces of spaceship.


Endless maelstrom of dark fantasies
Come, disrupting all my mental peace.
Filling like a shot my void
With the thoughts of Unavoidable.

Seems that I’m still just a child
Of the generations gone
That the limits of my time
Shouldn’t pass like empty drone
Childhood is the merry prime
Take a chance if you were born.

I pretend lying in a grave
Maggots gnawing round my bones.
I imagine non-existence and the cold.
I imagine my inanimate remains
And these images are my tether.
It seems that all my life is preparation for this state
Which will last forever.

The childhood of the dead -
That’s the circumstance
And the life I drag
Is the consequence
Of my future death
Different sequences
Of the things I have,
Muttered sentences-
Should I burn in hell?
Hidden senses
Of the dreams dark red
Daring challenges,
Now or never steps.

It is like a time machine
Has just launched its paradox
Changes come with the cognition
Of my future endless Nox.
The Unavoidable!
In the land of immortals
Everything would be
Much less valuable.

All sepultures bear the engraving
Memento mori
Squeeze the picture of your grave
During your time journey.
As the childhood is illusion of formation,
Death is still illusion of reincarnation.
Vanity, reality, regalia and glam.
Are you prepared for your main exam?


Sweat is covering your eyes,
It’s so hard to keep the pace for so long,
Beneath is the earth, above is the sky –
That is everything you know.

Another day, another race,
As pale as death perpetual ranger
You feel so good in your cramped seat,
A man is truly brave
When he could realize the danger,
Cause bravery is not the absence of fear.

You try to find a shelter
In the chaos of movement.
Death is only matter
Why your way’s so grooved.

The road to nowhere
You step on it to go further.
The sense has gone, the race is left,
Because you drive to escape from yourself!

Can you hear around the rustling leaves?
Can you see the sideways’ flashing trees?
No, you’re concentrated on your goal
You don’t care about your life and all.
Should have more contacts with mortally ill,
Cause they could teach you the skill to feel!

The value of life –
The core, but not yours.
You think you can fly –
Prepare for the worst!

No right for stepping on a brake,
Wheels demonical spin!

And for the pleasure
Of somebody passing
Picturesque wreckage
Of machines so massive!
Scorched limbs and bodies in fire –
Vivid tragedies on the highway!

The disabled fates
In the time of peace,
No one else to blame –
Stupid carelessness
When it is too late
You can’t accept the blame,
The killer by chance,
The driver insane!

No right for stepping on a brake,
Wheels demonical spin!

What’s the point ? Point “a” and then
Point “a” again!?

Your circle’s lapped in the despair of emptiness,
The feelings and the joys are so unsteady.
And just the engine’s burning, are you ready?
To drive so fast?

The only tree you could probably see
Is the one flying right to the windshield.

Your circle’s lapped in the despair of emptiness,
The feelings and the joys are so unsteady.
And just the engine’s burning, ready?
You need to drive so fast.

Sign on the roadside
(Between the trees)
And disconsolate cry
(Fucking tears) –
That’s what you’ll leave behind
(After this).


Silence comes always with your grief.
The world’s gravity on your shoulders.
Born dumb disbelief

Behind your door.
Don’t let me inside
I really tried
To be your friend in grief,
To give you what you need
But sighs are all I hear.
Lips don’t move here
The mute’s driving me mad,
Tell me what’s wrong –
I’ll do my best.

You make me always wonder why

You don’t tell me the truth.
What’s behind it?
Why are you so deathly mute?

Words turned up just nothing
Tense emptiness’ surrounding

Mournful morning
It brings the news
That you’re no longer alive
By your own will
This precious life I also lose.
Is not the word.
I cannot describe what I feel –
Explosive cocktail of pity and guilt.
Was I the source of the poison you took?
Or was I a nonentity impotent to save you?

You won’t tell me the truth.
Why you did it.
Why you sacrificed your youth

Silence will tell me nothing
Tense emptiness surrounding
Forever grave will be your seal.
The secret will never be revealed.

Took every word that on lips remains
Burying the dreams of my happiness.

Bits of information
Try to reconstruct your appearance,
Try to analyze what didn’t want to say.
Say, say it to me!

Lonely home, extremely cold
I hear your whisper after all
It’s too late, I cannot sleep
Please stop speaking, I beg you, please
I tried to listen, but I couldn’t recognize a word,
I heard your voice, but nothing that you told.


Effigy of monarch,
The keeper of the secrets,
The intrigues of the reigns!

Lust for the kill,
Kill for the pride!
That’s power of the reigns,
The other heirs should die!
Black widow marrying brother
To keep her life and throne,
The solemn duty is to rule,
That’s monarchy, that’s all!

Open the book of your memories:
Pages are smeared with mud, -
You followed the path of betrayal ,
Your history’s written in blood!

You’ve never before gone so far,
The history’s written in blood,
The untamed monarch who’ve never heard of a sin,
Who is equal to God.

Taking the crown was the curse for the people
As well as for the crowned.
But you cannot escape your dynasty destiny –
History written in blood!

What has changed since then?
The techniques of killing were renewed and modified.
Methods of political combat
Became more sophisticated and scientifically justified.

The civilization gave no confidence
In the future frantic dance
Pawns in the game -
They believe and they build barricades.

You’re just a young man, ready to fight,
Exposing your chest to the bullets with no fear
For a false but heroic idea,
Just from the first sight.

Playing a trick with the misery
And lives of the innocent crowd,
You wanna be part of the history,
History written in blood.

You’ve never before gone so far,
The history’s written in blood,
You followed the call of brainwashers
Who led you to death from the start.
You cannot resist your beasty nature,
The voice from your heart
You wanna be part of the history,
You wanna be part of the history!!!..

Rivers of blood will be the borders of new states
Pathos of crowds and single tragedies of fates.

Tissue of lives will dent forthcoming ages
Myriads die, but on the whole, nothing changes!

Pestilence will fill with sage
The dirty crematory.
That’s how appears a new page
In the textbook of history!


Cold captivity of slush.
Desolate wilderness of snow.
First your face blushes
When it’s clear that’s a trap!

You must now take off your clothes,
Wake up! Get into the cold

Barefoot on the ice crust
Now you try to run, how fast?
Freezing realm is deadly vast,
But you try to run, how far?
Barefooted on the crust
With the one you shouldn’t trust.

From the horrible beast
In the mountain mist

To hide and build a fire,
But all the sorry efforts of the desperate were in vain.
Fingertips got frozen –
Sooner than they realized the pain.
Deadly race was over –
Broken ribs with no external damage will remain.

In the art of mutilation
Lies the guarantee for the strongest
That they’ll get whatever they need
Or are ordered to get.
The cold conceals the violation
And you’ll never gather the bones back to the feet.

Out of breath you fall to snow,
Don’t give up, you try to crawl,
Try to fight, the moves are slow –
Well-equipped ‘s your dreadful foe.
Sometimes world is so unjust
And the agony will last!

What’s the use of your fist
In the mountain mist?

You’ll see in nightmares my frozen skull
Velvet of snow melts in my lungs,
Spy games in ferocious frost,
Ice on the cheeks instead of teardrops.

Nuclear supremacy – isn’t it the real cause
Of the 9 ruined lives of the young?
Virgins are sacrificed
To the gods of exposure;
But the riddles will hide
Under the veil
Which blocks any way
For the leakage of information.

Flashes in the sky –
Scary fairytales – all it’s just a lie.
Cold throws no light
On the reason why.
Awkward secret files.
These are only versions,
Truth prefers to hide.


My sister went to the woods
She never came back and was found torn to pieces by the wolf.
I swore to take revenge for her
And for the others lacerated there before.

The region was by terror gripped
No one to trust or to believe
Those who’d come to help
Ravaged the land
Despite snares and catchers
The beast stayed outrageous.

Hear, feel
Terror that makes the demons run
Hear, feel
What hide the woods of Gevaudan!

And came the day it went for me
I fainted away, but I remembered its eyes
My sister, I ask you to forgive
I’m in no force to take revenge for you and those who died.

It was rumored that the beast was killed
But atrocities never stopped.
They just weren’t proclaimed, stayed unrevealed.
Gevaudan was just forgotten by the world!

Suddenly everything came to its end
When my neighbor rather restrained
Shot the beast and now they say
It was the brute he himself had tamed.

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