Grabak : Prophet des Chaos Advance

Black Metal / Germany
(1998 - Self-Released)
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Wandering through my dreams
I arrive at the midpoint of the world
The view on this etherial reality
Extincts all memories of my former life

A diabolical power forces me to step into the black cathedral
With feverish eyes I follow the way
Of flickering torches
A huge hall welcomes me after a while

An old book decorated with symbols and faces
Seems to be the heart of the dome
My fingers are trembling as I open the first chapter
With a whispering voice I read the secret words

From the sign by 5 black candles
Read out the occult letters

By a flash the ground is opened
And the abyss devours my body
Feeling the eternity
I am fusing with the black
My mouth forms a silent scream
My soul bursts in a million sparks
Ripped by the cosmic force
I don't need it anymore

Myriad stars show me the way to knowledge
Their light burns out my eyes
I don't need them anymore

The body of mine drifts into a new existence
Deeper and deeper I dive into
The infinite abyss of my gloomy desires

Visions of long passed times are glowing in my mind
Suddenly I see the cosmic key of creation

I recognize the nature of the universe

No, it wasn't god - it was me
Only with my thoughts I created this world

The immortality of myself freezes my emotions
I don't need them anymore
Am I god? Have I reached all knowledge?

A new whirl pulls me deeper into the dimension of silence
In a gallery of glimmering soulpieces
I see another altar carrying a second book
Once again I read the words

Lux occulta

It burns my own final thought and then I know...

I am only one of 1000 new born gods
With the permission to serve the author of the books

So I am damned to know the truth
But able to see...
Able to see
Able to see


At the beginning of the 10th century
A nation mighty and boldly
Reigned over the oceans - the Vikings

In 901 they lost Dublin
They invaded to North-Thumberland
And founded in York a new realm
In 913 they undertook the attempt
To reconquer their former Irish kingdom
In 916 all shall be decided in the battle of Confey

Old sagas relate about this battle
They tell about twelve belldames
The valkyries, which took part on the clash

Side by side by the Vikings
Against the Irish king
Against the archbishop of Armagh
Against christianity

Wide spaned is the webbing
As a sign of the battle
The people are raising
Blood rains

Braided of intestines
Strong taut with skulls
Strike with sword battle webbing
Shaft shall burst shield shall crush

Through harness the battleaxe
Shall pierce
Harm will come over the Irish
Never expiring in their mind

The work is woven at the battlefield
Bane and horror cross the land
Bloody clouds cover the sky
The air is red by the blood of heroes
Whom our verdict ordained to victims
We sing tunes of victory
To the young king we sing hail

Spur the horses to quicker run
With bare sword ride away

So they rode away
Six to the south and six to the north
From this time on
The Vikings shall reign over the lands

Several generations
The Irish couldn't regain their former home
Which was captured by the Vikings


Fassunglos erleben sie die Wiedergeburt de ältesten Macht
Die unkontrollierbare Kraft seines unbegreiflichen Wesens
Nimmt sich die Körper derer Menschen, die abschworen,
Abschworen der göttlichen Gnade...

Die Zeit des invertierten Kreuzes ist der Untergang
Aller schwacher Kreaturen
Fetzen der Seelen treiben in das dimensionslose Schwarz
Schattenlos werden sie eins mit zwielichten Sphären

Die Luft ist durchtränkt
Von den Schreien sterbender Engel
Nur noch wie ein Hohn wirkt das Reich Gottes
Von der eigenen Schöpfung
In ein bedeutungsloses Nichts gestürzt

Prophet des Chaos

Aus leeren Augenhöhlen rinnt schwarzes Blut
Und bildet einen See neuen Lebens
Ein aus dem Blut tausender geborener Sohn
Erhebt sich als der Prophet des Chaos

Unaufhaltsam folgt er seiner Bestimmung
Nach dem Willen Satans...

Prophet des Chaos
Prophet einer Zeit voll Schmerz

Und aus der Weite seiner Dimension
Dringt das Lachen des Herrn der Welt
Meines Vaters...

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