Gory SDG : The Skull

Death Metal / Austria
(2023 - Coleiosis Records)
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Hail the Sign, the Sign of Jesus
Bright and royal Tree!
Standard of the Monarch, planted
First on Calvary!

Hail the Sign all signs excelling
Hail the Sign all ills dispelling
Hail the Sign hell's power quelling
Cross of Christ, all hail!
Hail the Sign all signs excelling
Hail the Sign all ills dispelling
Hail the Sign hell's power quelling
Cross of Christ, all hail!

Sign the martyrs' strength and refuge
Sign to saints so dear!
sign of evil men abhorred
Sign which devils fear

Sign which, when the Lord returneth
In the heavens shall be
Sinners quail, while saints with rapture
Shall the vision see

Lo, I sign the cross of Jesus
Meekly on my breast
May it guard my heart when living
Dying be its rest
Lo, I sign the cross of Jesus
Meekly on my breast
May it guard my heart when living
Dying be its rest

In the name of God the Father
Name of God the Son
Name of God the blessed Spirit
Ever Three in One

Hail the Sign all signs excelling
Hail the Sign all ills dispelling
Hail the Sign hell's power quelling
Cross of Christ, all hail!

In the name of God the Father
Name of God the Son
Name of God the blessed Spirit
Ever Three in One


Let me dwell on Golgotha
Weep and love my life away!
While I see Him on the tree
Weep and bleed, and die for me!

Hark! His dying words; Forgive
Father, let the sinner live
Sinner, wipe thy tears away
I thy ransom freely pay

While I hear this grace revealed
And obtain a pardon sealed
All my soft affections move
Wakened by the force of love

Let me dwell on Golgotha
Weep and love my life away!
While I see Him on the tree
Weep and bleed, and die for me!

Farewell world, thy gold is dross
Now I see the bleeding cross
Jesus died to set me free
From the law, and sin, and thee!

He has dearly bought my soul
Lord, accept, and claim the whole!
To Thy will I all resign
Now, no more of my own, but Thine

Let me dwell on Golgotha
Weep and love my life away!
While I see Him on the tree
Weep and bleed, and die for me!

That dear blood, for sinners spilt
Shows my sin in all its guilt
Ah, my soul, He bore thy load
Thou hast slain the Lamb of God


In anger, Lord, rebuke me not
Withdraw the dreadful storm
Nor let Thy fury grow so hot
Against a feeble worm

My soul's bowed down with heavy cares
My flesh with pain oppressed
My couch is witness to my tears
My tears forbid my rest

In anger, Lord, rebuke me not
Withdraw the dreadful storm
Nor let Thy fury grow so hot
Against a feeble worm

Sorrow and pain wear out my days
I waste the night with cries
Counting the minutes as they pass
Till the slow morning rise

Shall I be still tormented more?
Mine eye consumed with grief?
How long, my God, how long before
Thine hand afford relief?
He hears when dust and ashes speak
He pities all our groans
He saves us for His mercy's sake
And heals our broken bones

The virtue of His sovereign Word
Restores our fainting breath
For silent graves praise not the Lord
Nor is He known in death


From the depths of sin and failure
From despair as black as night
Lord, we hear our brothers calling
For deliverance and for light

Use us, Lord, to speed Thy kingdom
Through us may Thy will be done
Give us eyes to see the vision
Of a world redeemed and won

By the love that bore in silence
Man's contempt and Satan's dart
By the longing for the lost ones
That consumes the Savior's heart

By the Savior's blood that bought us
By the peace He merits bring
By the Spirit that constrains us
Now on earth to crown Him King

By the love
By the blood
By the peace
By the spirit

By the Son
By the grace
By the cross

5. SDG, PT. 5

Carrying his own cross, he went out
To the place of the Skull

There they crucified him, and the criminals
One on his right and one on his left
At the place called the Skull

He humbled himself
And became obedient unto death
Even the death of the cross

Every tongue should confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
To the glory of God the Father


When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me (stand by me)
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship upon the sea
Thou who rulest wind and water
Stand by me (stand by me)

In the midst of tribulation
Stand by me (stand by me)
When the hosts of hell assail
And my strength begins to fail
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me (stand by me)

In the midst of faults and failures
Stand by me (stand by me)
When I do the best I can
And my friends misunderstand
Thou who knowest all about me
Stand by me (stand by me)

In the midst of persecution
Stand by me (stand by me)
When my foes in battle array
Undertake to stop my way
Thou who saved Paul and Silas
Stand by me (stand by me)

When I'm growing old and feeble
Stand by me (stand by me)
When my life becomes a burden
And I'm nearing chilly Jordon
O Thou Lily of the Valley
Stand by me (stand by me)

When the storms of life are raging
When the world is tossing me
In the midst of tribulation
When my strength begins to fail

When I'm growing old and feeble
When my life becomes a burden
And I'm nearing chilly Jordan
O Thou Lily of the Valley


This is my prayer to God most high
That we may gather by and by
Around the throne where angels dwell
But for a while farewell, farewell

Farewell, my friends, since we must part
The separation grieves my heart
The Master doeth all things well
And yet I grieve to say farewell

But peace, my soul! that painful word
Shall cease to pierce as with a sword
When angels come the news to tell
That we may bid all grief farewell

Till then, let's hope and trust and pray
And wait, and watch for that sweet day
When we'll gone home, with Christ to dwell
Where friends no more shall say farewell


Great Apollyon, grim and awful
Steeped in gore and stained in blood
Death, with all his fearsome forces
Has besieged the Son of God
Satan, clothed with evil armor
Darkly gleaming, proud and cold
Merciless, he joins the battle
Armed and clad with pow'r untold

Bowed beneath demonic onslaughts
Jesus fights His awesome duel!
Pain devours its Holy Victim
Searing, savage, raging, cruel!
Eager waits the Mouth of Sheol
Huge, insatiable, and strong!
Maw agape, the Grave yearns after
Holy Flesh--but not for long

Writhing under Law's most fearsome
Cruse, ruined, lost, polluted, wrecked
Languishing in Satan's prison
Lie the souls of God's elect

At the Cross--desire of Hell!
Christ gives up that final Breath
Now, at last, the choicest Captive
Tastes the mortal sting of Death!

Darkness falls, the seething smoke of Hell
Cloaks the battlefield from view
Down the head of God has fallen
Law and Wrath receive their due!

Satan smiles in seeming triumph
Reaching out, his Prize to take
Three brief days all Hell rejoices
Then the stone begins to shake!

Now the night of wrong is ended
Now the Grave has lost its Prize!
Now the Ris'n One breaks the back of Sin
There! Behold! See how Death dies!
Resurrection Light now scatters
Satan's armies from the field
Christ has drawn the fearful sting of Death
Sheol and Abaddon yield!

At His Glance the mighty prison
Built by Law and Sin falls down!
Countless in their thousand thousands
All His Ransomed praise His Crown!
Heav'n and Hell's astonished spirits
In their joy and rage all stare
At the Victor of the Cross who
Won His greatest Battle there


Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Hide my sins and shelter me;
Claim or merit I have none,
I am vile and all undone;
I to Thee for succor fly--
Give me refuge, or I die.
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
All my hopes are hung on thee.

Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Let me to thy shadow flee;
Here they mocked the Crucified,
Here the royal sufferer died;
Here was shed the atoning blood,
Till it crimsoned all the sod;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Can the guilty trust in thee?

Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Type of love's deep mystery.
'Twas my sins provoked this love,
I this matchless passion moved;
For my soul this love was stored;
On my head the blessing poured;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Now I solve love's mystery.

Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
This my boast shall ever be,
That the blood for me was shed,
That for me He groaned and bled;
Now I catch that gracious eye,
Now I know I shall not die;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
All my guilt is lost in thee!


And am I only born to die?
And must I suddenly comply
With nature's stern decree?

How then ought I on earth to live
While God prolongs the kind reprieve

What after death for me remains?
Celestial joys, or hellish pains
To all eternity?

And props the house of clay?
My sole concern, my single care
To watch, and tremble, and prepare
Against the fatal day

No room for mirth or trifling here
For worldly hope, or worldly fear
If life so soon is gone
If now the Judge is at the door

Nothing is worth a thought beneath
Now how I may escape the death
That never, never dies
How make mine own election sure
And, when I fail on earth, secure
A mansion in the skies

And all mankind must stand before
The inexorable throne!
No matter which my thoughts employ
A moment's misery, or joy
But O! when both shall end
Where shall I find my destined place?

Shall I my everlasting days
With fiends, or angels spend?

Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray
Be Thou my guide, be Thou my way
To glorious happiness
To happiness
Ah, write the pardon on my heart
And whensoe'er I hence depart
Let me depart, depart in peace
Ah, write the pardon on my heart
And whensoe'er I hence depart
Let me depart, depart in peace
Ah, write the pardon on my heart
And whensoe'er I hence depart
Let me depart, depart in peace


God's glory is a wondrous thing
Most strange in all its ways
And, of all things on earth, least like
What men agree to praise

Workman of God, O lose not heart
But learn what God is like!
And, in the darkest battlefield
Thou shalt know where to strike

O blest is he to whom is given
The instinct that can tell
That God is on the field when He
Is most invisible!

Blest too is he who can divine
Where real right doth lie
And dares to take the side that seems
Wrong to man's blindfold eye

For right is right, since God is God
And right the day must win
To doubt would be disloyalty
To falter would be sin

God's glory is a wondrous thing
Most strange in all its ways
And, of all things on earth, least like
What men agree to praise

Workman of God, O lose not heart
But learn what God is like!
And, in the darkest battlefield
Thou shalt know where to strike


It was alone the Savior prayed
In dark Gethsemane
Alone He drained the bitter cup
And suffered there for me

It was alone the Savior stood
In Pilate's judgment hall
Alone the crown of thorns He wore
Forsaken thus by all

Alone, alone, He bore it all alone
He gave Himself to save His own
He suffered, bled and died alone
Alone, alone, He bore it all alone

Can you reject such matchless love?
Can you His claim disown?

Alone upon the cross He hung
That others He might save
Forsaken then by God and man
Alone, His life He gave

Come, give your all in gratitude
Nor leave Him thus alone

(It was alone the Savior prayed
In dark Gethsemane
Alone He drained the bitter cup
And suffered there for me

It was alone the Savior stood
In Pilate's judgment hall
Alone the crown of thorns He wore
Forsaken thus by all)

Alone, alone, He bore it all alone
He gave Himself to save His own
He suffered, bled and died alone
Alone, alone, He bore it all alone


Behold the Savior of the world
Embrued with sweat and gore
Expiring on that shameful cross
Where He our sorrows bore!

Compassion for lost human race
Brought down God's only Son
To veil in flesh His radiant face
And for their sins atone

Who can to love His name forbear
That of His sufferings hears
And finds, the ransom of his soul
Was blood as well as tears?

Thy sacred blood, O Son of God!
Which ran from many a wound
When earth and hell's malicious powers
All compassed Thee around

Joy for Thy torments we receive
Life in Thy death have found
For the reproaches of Thy cross
Shall be with glory crowned

May we a grateful sense retain
Of Thy redeeming love!
And live below like those that hope
To live with Thee above!


In the heat of the early morning
On a hill they call the Skull
The roaring of the angry mob had settled to a lull
All eyes were cast upon the man whose hands and feet were bound

They saw him cry in anguish when they heard the hammer pound

They watched the bloody woven thorns with which His head was crowned
They watched the bloody cross of wood be dropped into the ground
The soldiers gambled for His clothes, they watched them win and lose
They saw the sign above His head that said "King of the Jews"

(It is finished) And the sky grew black as the night
(It is finished) And the people scattered in fright
The work had been done, redemption had been won
The war was over without a fight
It is finished

They searched His face for anger, for vengeance in His stare
Instead of eyes that burned with hate a look of love was there
He prayed for their forgiveness and bowed His battered head
And no one knew the meaning of the final words He said

The provision has been made
The foundation has been laid
He paid the ransom due and tore the temple veil in two
And opened up the way for me and you
It is finished

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics