Gory SDG : Gory Glory

Death Metal / Austria
(2023 - Coleiosis Records)
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When Jesus comes in glory
As Lord and King of Kings
O what a wondrous story
The blessed Bible brings
His face will shine like sunlight
His head be white as snow
His eyes like flaming firelight
His feet like brass aglow

His voice like rushing waters
Will reach with mighty sound
Into the deepest quarters
Of all creation round
And at this wondrous greeting
The dead in Christ shall rise
Their Lord and Savior meeting
In glory to the skies

And we who are believing
And His appearing love
Shall know we are receiving
His glory from above
His resurrection power
Will raise us to the place
Where we that wondrous hour
Shall see Him face-to-face

When Jesus comes in glory
As Lord and King of Kings
O what a wondrous story
The blessed Bible brings
His face will shine like sunlight
His head be white as snow
His eyes like flaming firelight
His feet like brass aglow

O hasten Thine appearing
Thou bright and morning star!
Lord, may we soon be hearing
The trumpet sound afar
Thy people are all yearning
To be Thy raptured bride
And at Thine own returning
Be caught up at Thy side

2. SDG, PT. 2

"...and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness!"
(Hebrews 9:22)


Father, lead them day by day
Ever in Thine own sweet way
Teach them to be pure and true
Show them what they ought to do

When in danger, make them brave
Make them know that Thou canst save
Keep them safe by Thy dear side
Let them in Thy love abide

When they're tempted to do wrong
Make them steadfast, wise and strong
And when all alone they stand
Shield them with Thy mighty hand

When their work seems hard and dry
May they press on cheerily
Help them patiently to bear
Pain and hardship, toil and care

May they do the good they know
Be Thy loving child below
Then at last go home to Thee
Evermore Thy child to be

When their hearts are full of glee
Help them to remember Thee
Happy most of all to know
That their Father loves them so

Father, I consecrate my kids to you
That they might be holy through and through
I plead that they will not go astray
But to walk your everlasting way


Upon a wide and stormy sea
Thou'rt sailing to eternity
And thy great admiral orders thee:
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!

Sail on!
The storms will soon be past
Sail on!
The darkness will not last
Sail on!
God lives and He commands:
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!

Art far from shore, and weary worn
The sky o'ercast, thy canvas torn?
Hark ye! A voice to thee is borne:
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!

Do comrades tremble and refuse
To further dare the taunting hues?
No other course is thine to choose
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!

Do snarling waves thy craft assail?
Art pow'rless, drifting with the gale?
Take heart! God's Word shall never fail
Sail on! Sail on!

Upon a wide and stormy sea
Thou'rt sailing to eternity
And thy great admiral orders thee:
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!

Sail on!
The storms will soon be past
Sail on!
The darkness will not last
Sail on!
God lives and He commands:
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!


O sacred head once wounded
With grief and pain weigh't down
How scornfully surrounded
With thorns, Thine only crown
How art Thou pale with anguish
With sore abuse and scorn
How does that visage languish
Which one was bright as morn

O sacred head, what glory
What bliss till now was Thine
Yet, though despised and gory
I joy to call Thee mine

Thy grief and Thy compassion
Were all for sinners' gain
Mine, mine was the transgression
But Thine the deadly pain

Upon the cross of Jesus
Mine eye at times can see
The very dying form of one
Who suffered there for me
And from my smitten heart, with tears
Two wonders I confess
The wonder of His glorious love
And my own worthlessness

Oh, let me see Thy footmarks
And in them plant mine own
My hope to follow duly
Is in Thy strength alone

Oh, guide me, call me, draw me
Uphold me to the end
And then in heaven receive me
My Saviour and my Friend

Take my life and let it be - ever only, all for Thee
Take my life and let it be - consecradet, Lord for Thee!


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
They'll never know, Lord, how much you love me
Nothing can take my sunshine away


O Christ, I die, that thou mayst live
That thou mayst live in me
That all I think or speak or do
May be, O Lord, for thee

May not the least of self remain
But all be put to death
Oh, may I nothing do for self
Nor draw one selfish breath!

'Tis all I ask; 'tis all I wish
'Tis all my heart's desire
Content if but a wayside bush
To hold God's holy fire

To have my Savior live in me
To occupy the whole
To make my heart his royal throne
And take complete control

'Tis all I ask; 'tis all I wish
'Tis all my heart's desire
Content if but a wayside bush
To hold God's holy fire

Low at thy feet, O Christ, I fall
A yielded lump of clay
For thee to mold me as thou wilt
To have thy own sweet way

'Tis all I ask; 'tis all I wish
'Tis all my heart's desire
Content if but a wayside bush
To hold God's holy fire


Take my life, o Christ divine
Make it holy, just like Thine
Every act and thought and word
Be an outflow from my God

Guide my feet and keep my heart
Let me not from Thee depart
Let me breathe Thy warming love
That my soul be drawn above

Draw me, Jesus, closer draw
Thy strong arm around me throw
Draw me to Thy pierced side
In Thy bosom let me hide

Teach me all Thy will and word
That my life be filled with God
Teach me, Lamb of Calvary
How to live this life for Thee

Take my life, o Christ divine
Make it holy, just like Thine
Every act and thought and word
Be an outflow from my God

Lord, it belongs not to my care
Whether I die or live
To love and serve Thee is my share
And this Thy grace must give

If life be long, I will be glad
That I may long obey
If short - then why should I be sad
To soar to endless day?


Meaningless, meaningless
Utterly meaningless
Nothing more, nothing less
Everything is meaningless

Generations come and generations go
But the earth remains the same
The sun rises and the sun sets
And hurries back to where it rises

All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full
To the place the streams come from, there they return again

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again
There is nothing new under the sun

Thus the preacher says:
Meaningless, meaningless
Utterly meaningless
Nothing more, nothing less
Everything is meaningless

The wind blows to the south
And runs to the north
Round and round it goes
Ever returning on its course

The wise man, like the fool, both must die
The rich man and the poor, the same destiny

Death is the destiny of every man, the living should take this to heart
Naked a man comes from the womb, and naked he departs

Thus the preacher says:
Meaningless, meaningless
Utterly meaningless
Nothing more, nothing less
Everything is meaningless

Under the sun - without God's Son!
Under the sun - without God's Son - this life remains meaningless!


Maranatha - come, Lord Jesus, come - come soon!

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics