Goddamned X : Marching Through The Inferno

Thrash Death / Austria
(2004 - Self-Released)
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Born into this world so proud
With high hopes and idealistic views
But soon a voice inside gets loud
To question all, to fing the truth
Fear sets in at the perception
That this life's the only, nothing follows
Hopelessness leads to stagnation
As a life once full turns to hollow

Born into a godless world
Where no hope remains
Attempts to explain mortality
Fail, are all in vain

A web of lies and mendacity
Keeps you from falling down
Into an abyss of misery
But of the web there's no way out
No religion could ever tell you
Cause in the end they all must fail
So does every ideology
In reality there's only tooth and nail

The way of all flesh
Has just one common sign
It's the path to your death and you will
Chase down the line

Born into this world so proud
With high hopes and idealistic views
But soon a voice inside gets loud
To question all, to find the truth
Fear sets in at the perception
That this life's the only, nothing follows
Hopelessness leads to stagnation
As a life once full turns to hollow

Born into a godless world
Where no hope remains
Attempts to explain mortality
Fail, are all in vain

The way of all flesh
Has just one common sign
It's the path to your death and you will
Chase down the line


So you wanted her so bad
You had to raise dreams in her head
Made her believe your lies
To make your ego rise
You promised her the world
Then you made her drunk
Made her ready with extasy
And fucked her, you punk

Utilize the weakness
Of the adolescent minds
Exploit their dreams
Drugged to extremes

The opression of his family
Made him do the deeds
That were to dirty for you creep
But necessary for your needs
You put the weapon in his hands
Made him believe your lie
The the cocaine did the rest
A man made soldier boy

Utilize the weakness
Of the adolescent minds
Exploit their dreams
Drugged to extremes

How does it feel?
Your illusion of strength
When they kneel before you
Do you think you're a man?

Pumped with fluids and pills
Victims of your conscienceless
Fulfilling your will
Their tortured minds will never rest

Utilize the weakness
Of the adolescent minds
Exploit their dreams
Drugged to extremes

Utilize the weakness
Of the adolescent minds
Exploit their dreams
Drugged to extremes


Selling the soulless
You sold your soul
You sacrificed art
Upon an altar of gold

Raking the way so many took before
Might bring you fame
But sure makes you a whore
Makes you a tool just a puppet on a string
Human material for a whole industry

Marching through the inferno
For the vision in our heads
Marching through the inferno
Until the day we're dead

For many years
We've been working hard
For the idea we had from the start
Untrodden paths we still walk with pride
With none but ourselves on our side

Marching through the inferno
For the vision in our heads
Marching through the inferno
Until the day we're dead


Selling the soulless
You sold your soul
You sacrificed art
Upon an altar of gold

Not for the money not for the fame
And we don't see this like you, as a game
It is our lifestyle, it makes us be
There's something about it you will never see

Marching through the inferno
For the vision in our heads
Marching through the inferno
Until the day we're dead

It's a question of flavour, it's a matter of style
It's the king of discussion that makes me go wild
It's an endless, struggle against the bling mass
And my decision remains: they can kiss my ass!


The crown upon my head
The blood down my cheek
The wood behind my back
Tires me, makes me weak
Thoughts in my head
Start to become real
See my hand and feet
Freed of the steel

The last temptation

Forty days in the sand
To meet the final end
For a world that makes no sense
Through a pain that never ends
I await my destiny
And wonder what could have been
If I had chosen the right way
Would I have seen another day

You come and step to me
I let you take my hand
To lead me away
And make me understand
Make me forget
What has become
With devil's words
In angel's tongue

The serpent crawls to my ear
Whispers to me in soft words
To live on the fruit of its tree
Now becomes my urge

And as I speak
My final words
Everyone hears my cry
None knows my inside
That I've fallen prey
Prey to the beast
Became his servant
As my body ceased


He who came across
Mountains that divide
Us from the world
Since beginning of all times
Shall light up in the fire
Shall suffer in the flames
Forgotten be his word
Unspoken be his name

Our sentence remains
Forgotten be his name

To destroy the order
By demons he was sent
But our faith won't fade
Now, here, 'til the end
Temptation lurks in words
And within ourselves
God help us resist
Guide us through this hell

Our sentence remains
Forgotten be his name

Aware of every world
Aware of every sign
For it will show
Who'll be next in line
Inside the innocent
The demon lurks and breeds
A single sin could be
All that he needs

The demon breeds
On our deeds

Inside the sinful soul
The demon holds his feast
Awaiting for the arrival
Of his lord, the beast
The weakness of the flesh
Spills over on the soul
And with every deed
Is further our goal

Burn the Heretic!

To destroy the order
By demons he was sent
But our faith won't fade
Now, here, 'til the end
Temptation lurks in words
And within ourselves
God help us resist
Guide us through this hell

Our sentence remains
Forgotten be his name

He who came across
Mountains that divide
Us from the world
Since beginning of all times
Shall light up in the fire
Shall suffer in the flames
Forgotten be his word
Unspoken be his name

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