Goatscorge : Hymns of Annihilation





Killing as many as we can
Before that dreadful day
Scum rulers of death
Demonic corpse mutilation

Spraying the astral plain
In bullets
Holy anointing crushing demonic filth
Bombing the gates of Hell
As we await the apocalypse

Heavenly arsenal of weapons
Holy sword and nuclear might
In the spirit world we war
In the spirit world we kill
They die

As we await for the apocalypse
As we await the apocalypse

Crushing demonic filth
Weapons of war crafted from the Spirit's flame
Crushed in everlasting torment Satan still burns
Satan's demise is inevitable
Weapons crafted in Heaven's forge
To wipe away all demonic scum
We wait for the apocalypse

We wait for the apocalypse

The terrible day of Yahweh
Woe to those who long for it
A terrible day it will be
Save yourself while you can

And war!
And war!


Darkened one fallen
A stray angel in the midst of bleak destruction
Death awaits him as I desecrate his temple
Taking what sackcloth I find in the midst of the ash
Force him into submission

The Lord repays evil for Justice
Victorious triumph will be the last thing Satan sees of God
Once a bright cherubim in the northern sky
Now brought to nothing, alone and afraid

Taken out of the Heavenly Kingdom to rot and burn and die
Forevermore he shall suffer as his satanic offspring feast on his bones
Desecrated in eternal death he burns in eternal fire and darkness
Blackened flame of destruction surrounds this corpse

Blackened flame of oppression overtakes this
Fallen angel corpse

The corpse of the fallen, fallen rotting into submission
The corpse of the fallen one, taking away his high rank
And made him into a fool of his own likeness and a coward
Taken away from the Heavenly Kingdom to earth
To rot and burn and die and suffer
Sulfur, brimstone

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one


Laceration, corpse dissection
To be humiliated and shamed
Lacerate the goat

Stripped naked in the wilderness
Broken off its horns
A swift slice to its back
A thousand times

Burning in the ethereal flame
Bleeding naked and alone
Lacerated in the pit
The goat in boiling excrement

Taking its throne to shatter
Into worthless rubble
Its worshipers now apostate of the apostate
Even the blood yearns for more destruction

Goat laceration
Goat lacerated
Lacerate the scum
Lacerate the evil one
Lacerate the goat

Taking its head
For my collection of demonic skulls
Carve into its flesh with the whip
Carve into its face with a knife
Take its corpse and burn it publicly

Its eyes melt into the sockets
But still I am unrelenting
I continue to lacerate this goat
A million times over cruelly, uncompassionately
As I stare down at it's burning, rotting, dying face


Toleration of wickedness is futile
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take the head of Satan
And hang it on this rusty pole

Would you tolerate Hitler walking your streets?
Why then do you tolerate sin and evil?
You wicked people of a generation of snakes
Crush Beelzebub under your boot and tear his flesh

Genocide of demonic spawn
The blood, organs, brains spewing
The intestines of Lillith pouring
The humiliation of Set as he is shamed
And burned at the stake

Blood and violence as the angels pour out God's wrath
Upon this generation of wickedness and evil
They kill each other without relenting
The apocalypse is here because of your tolerance of evil

The streets are soaked in innocent blood
Cries of disembodied voices weep horrifically in terror
Demons scorged and humiliated in the unearthly flame
Death cries out in pain as it can't hold much more of it's victims
Babylon forever broken and defeated

The temple of Baal is destroyed
The temple of Ashtaroth is completely eradicated
Hell itself wishes it could implode
At the number of lost souls it must bare

You tolerate evil and shun the Holy Spirit's conviction
In order to please your filthy flesh
Behold the antichrist has risen
You are too late, you've accepted the mark unknowingly
The cost of evil, the cost of your soul


Nephilim nightmare
Demonic offspring genocide
Slaughtered by the millions
Buried in their own blood

Taking their heads
As in David's time
Place them on a pike
On this rusty pole

Let the nephilim blood flow
Neither demon nor man
Let the demonic blood flow
As they watch their children die

Fallen angels
Raping human women
Satan's seed
Shall forever perish and die

Nephilim desecrator smash their heads in
Nephilim eviscerator watch the brains flow
Gore excessive

Crimes against creation
They reproduce no more

Total demonic extinction of unholy offspring
Extreme might powerful enough
To cripple the largest of armies
Bullets tearing through the demonic offspring flesh

In times of old swords slicing wicked offspring skulls
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take a blade and a knife
Take your bat and your club

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All demons
All demons die

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever






Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Slavery to all mankind

The enmity of man is about
To crumble before the Almighty
Throne of the Most High Yahweh

I don't care if I'm your enemy
I don't care if you hate me
I don't care if you lie behind my back
I don't care about myself

But you better not touch my family

Or I will bash your head in
If the Lord does not stop me first
He will have to help me resist
Slitting your brain open

Cutting your throat in my imagination
Help me God these desires are not of You
But they are being so cruel to my loved ones
Will I even resist this temptation to murder?

Will I stumble
Before the throne of Yahweh
With blood soaked hands?

Slitting the throats of thousand swine
I will crush the demons
Resisting this urge to murder man
Instead I destroy sin

I refuse to react in anger
To my fellow man
I deprive my flesh
Of this bloodlust

I am not a slave to mankind
I am not a slave to their lies
I will not allow their actions to control mine
I will not be a murderer

But instead strive to be a Saint
Though I am so wretched
I will strive for the cause of Jesus Christ

Kill me before I kill them
Oh God, Kill me before I murder
Oh God, please kill me
Before I kill the murderer

Vengeance is not for my own hands
But let Your justice do what it will

"Vengeance is mine", says the Lord of Hosts
"I will scatter their corpses on the ash filled plains"

Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
Vengeance is not within these mortal's hands

Hundreds of lies and hatred
Hundreds of lies and hatred
This vengeance is not for me
My bloodlust will not be fed by murder

Hundreds of lies and hatred
This vengeance is not for me
Mankind will witness ultimate and supreme Salvation
No longer craving the blood of the murderer

Hundreds of lies and hatred
I have thus repented

My bloodlust is now fed by Communion
In the most purest of ways


Satan bludgeoned by God
In the depths of the Earth

Lucifer castrated
His work has been undone

Sinless, and Holy
Your supremacy brings forth

Judgement on the ashes of death

Of Hell itself
Torn apart

Almighty God is enthroned on high

Taken from me
This sin and decay

Skinless, malnourished
From the fear you can't obtain

Unable to oppress us
You are slain before all mankind

To see

Taken from me this impure image
Taken from me this face of me

Almighty God I don't want to witness
My wicked deeds cause me to die

Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your Glory; Glory and Grace

Glory to God!

Don't cut me short, don't cut me off
Of Your Glory and Grace

Take heed you heathen
Only One God remains, and has ever been

His wrath poured out
Upon the idols of the human race

Guts spewing out, flesh decaying
You can't comprehend what is done to you


Or else suffer
An eternity in Hell

Revoke your evil ways
And turn to Him for guidance and restoration right now

Death and life, decay demise
Will you let yourself be your own undoing?

Repent or else
Deny yourself
And crush the demonic offspring

Unrepentant sinner
The debt of sin has been payed with your own blood

Choose which this day is the worthy sacrifice
Your sin or your soul

"Come into my heart oh Lord
Slay these demons beneath my feet
And make them bleed and suffer in pain"

Prayer of faith has just been uttered
The power of Satan has just been shattered
(demons scream in anguish)

Behold! The unrepentant sinner

Has just repented


The wickedness lurks beneath
The sky its darkness may rise
As I grit my teeth my mouth bleeds
Blood runs down my face

Testimonies fulfilled, darkness overcome
This is true power, may Satan's demise be forever
Prophets and wickedness,
The truth that all despise

Help me despise the works of darkness
Never to be fulfilled again
The lust of my flesh

The strings behind the scenes
Let them be knotted so
Satan's puppets, slaves of my enemy

Evil lurks at night, looters kill
The heathen fight God on high
To no avail

Fascism, racism, anarchy, factions begin to slaughter
Utter chaos and everything decaying
I will not stand for this anymore
The Church has become like a crippled daughter

But we shall wage war in the spirit realm
Crush every demon, pull them to the ground
Their brains bust open, dump their remains in Hell
Spirit-corpses of the fallen, in the other realm you bleed; you die

May the puppets crumble, and the corruption be crushed
May this wicked rule be abolished and replaced
By one submitted to the Most High God no longer in defiance
To our Master, our Lord Jesus Christ

Our souls reign supreme in Jesus Christ
His Majesty I will not despise
Though I have hatred
For every evil around me

False prophets shall be eradicated
Only the Holy shall remain
In triumph with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
HaMashiach has overthrown your rule


Lodge the knife deep into my throat
Let the blade act as a catalyst for my blood
The arteries severed and membrane torn
Skin peeling back as I pull down

Darkness and blackness mirroring my demise
Satan is laughing at my cold and dead mind
Driven to insanity ever so blasphemously
I hereby sentence myself to death

Spirit pulled out of my body by my own two hands
Tearing my body flesh is spraying blood
My life flashes before my eyes

What was it all for?
Why was I even born to begin with?
Decaying mind as soon as I step foot on the surface
Of this God-forsaken cold, blackened earth

It's like I have amnesia
I can't remember who I've become
And why

I've forgotten what I have been
Who am I now, and what do I have to become?
Tell me God in Heaven, speak in your wrath if only
To answer my heart chilling call!

I just want answers, I just want to know when
I can see my face in the mirror
I do not understand who I am
I do not know what I am, when I am

Why was I even born?
And what led me to this awful day
To begin with?

If only I could die a little while longer
But my thoughts leave me, the knife no longer exists
The blood isn't on the floor anymore
It was all in my imagination

Once again my fantasy is taken away from me
Just leave me to die already, I can't take this pain
Just let me suffer violence at my own hand
And be done with it from beginning to end

Just let me die in anger
Just allow me to suffer
If you won't let me take my own life
Then do it for me right this very moment

Just answer my call, oh God
I beg you to answer in the thundering rain
From Heaven right here on the altar
Hear my screams, hear my cries, and save me!

Reverse the damage done to my mind and help me see
Your Supreme Salvation
And crush these demonic oppressors underneath my feet
And make them scream

Tremble and scream!
In the name of Jesus Christ
Fill me with Your Presence
And show me Your Mercy

I'm so very sorry
Come and save me
From the torment that surrounds me
And that is plaguing the inside of my mind right now


In Jesus' Name I command
The legions of Rege and Jah to be slain
I beckon all angelic warriors to fight along side me
I command all soldiers of Apollyon to be burned to ash

Abraxas, you are nothing more than a scheming scoundrel
Ready to be slain
Set, you are worthless, a dog begging to be put out of your misery
Lillith, your the queen whore of lust and rebellion
Bleeding from your filthy, rotting maggot filled wounds

I pray for the Power of Your Holy Spirit to infill me
As I slay my way up the demonic hierarchy

As I kill my way up the demonic hierarchy!

Amun, demonic abomination of sun worship impaled
Belphegor, you who led Israel away into perversions
Your acts have not gone unnoticed, you shall perish
Amon, instead of vomiting flames you will begin
Vomiting your own blood

Filthy Baphomet skinned alive
And Satan, you who are perverting the Trinity
Antichrist, and false prophet
Beast, evil doers among demonic worthlessness
You shall all be laid to waste


Nuked from orbit
Belonging to Hell
False sabbath eradicated
By Holy Supreme Might

False sabbath of heathen scum
Baphomet ascendance
Impaled infants and burning children
Prepare for obliteration
Take up your swords
And spears of the mightiest of angels

The antichrist is here, slaying all of mankind
Humanity is crushed and paralyzed
Faces pummeled bust wide open
Skulls split in half by the heathen's axe
This is the result of God's wrath

Flesh diced into pieces
Skinned and flayed alive
Demons and heathen submit
They cannot be saved
It is too late, the beast has been worshiped

The ark door has been closed
The day of God's wrath is here
The great and terrible day of the Lord
Woe to those who long for this

Dark will be that day
There will be no light in it
Only death will reside there
Blood deep enough to reach the horse's bridle

Blown into chunks of meat
With grenades and pipebombs
Chaos and anarchy
Lawlessness and godlessness

Brains scrambled on the floor by the shotgun
A murderous frenzied rampage
Terrified families brutally slaughtered and mutilated
Mass genocide the antichrist approaches
With crazed blood shot eyes
It is too late

...For him

Angels begin to come forth
Tearing his servant's arms off
Loved ones avenged by God
Jesus Christ accompanied
By tens of thousands of His Saints
As His promise foretells-

"Then you will trample on the wicked;
They will be ashes under the soles
Of your feet on the day when I act,"
Says the LORD Almighty.'

Antichrist dropped into Hell alive
The lake of fire reserved for him
The blood on his hands multiply heat
Of the flame that angrily rises

False sabbath of heathen scum
Evil has been vanquished
Those who would repent
Shall witness the antichrist being eradicated
May he boil alive in the pit's molten stone
Chocked to death by sulfur


Fallen to Hell, burning alive
In flames, tormented
Satan, watch your kingdom
Fall into ruin, and crumble

Lacerated demons, gouging obsession
Impaling Hades, within Holy torment
Spine torn out, ashes on the plains

Kingdom of Evil
Trapped within, the valley
Of the shadow, of death
Forever belonging, to pain

I scream, your name
laughing, mocking
As you mourn, and weep
Gnashing of teeth, no hope for you
Prepare to suffer, an eternal misery

Daemons, impure spirits
Fallen angels, unwise cult
Slicing into, your weak ribcage
Your corpse, though spirit

Shall burn forever, like weak paper

Thou Art Doomed
Awaken to tears

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