Gloria Diaboli : In Nomine Domini Incipit Omne Malum

Black Metal / Canada
(2010 - Parasitic Records)
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Lord ov Terror

Satan, wolf of the hungry Darkness
Lord of terror and malicious infliction
Manifest thy flesh and possess my will
I serve the Dictatorship of Hell

Satan, your flame which burns within
Shall purify, universe incinerated
Raise up your dripping talons
Rip the fucking heart of all creation


I have been branded with your essence
This burning flesh falls to dust
As I rise as pure black flame
The world is reduced to ashes

Death Dragon, coiling serpent of corruption
Expand the black hole of non-existence
Wrathful one, hateful bringer of chaos
End times, evoking cosmic holocaust

Deus Inferni, guide my burning shadow
With your left hand to the mouth of hell
Satan, devour my sould
I seek the void of unending darkness



Titanic fire come forth and burn
The material world to dust

Darkness awaits His final solution
Hungering for life, so easy to swallow
His black hand ascends as a fist to crush
To burn to maim and to kill with cruelty

Within His burning eyes lie the key to perdition
"Hate is our prayer, revenge is our war cry"
Black mirrors they are, to evoke the end to come
Lord of transgression, killing the light

The seas will boil and rise and flood the cities
Man will turn against one another
Flames will arise from the beneath the earth
And storms shall spread them across the lands

See through the black eyes of Satan
Watch the tide of darkness emerge
A deathly shadow blackens out the sun
And blankets the world with poison fog
The slaves shall look and see a black horse
And upon his back, death with a scythe
For he has come
To do the Devils bidding

Severe is the path to heinous divinity
Suffer the weak for they shall rot
Praise the Titan Flame as he incinerates
The fleshly body into ethereal offerings

Within His burning eyes lie the key to perdition
"Hate is our prayer, revenge is our war cry"
Black mirrors they are, to evoke the end to come
Lord of transgression, killing the light

lyrics added by King_Sathanas - Modify this lyrics