Gallower : Eastern Witchcraft

Thrash Black / Poland
(2022 - Dying Victims Productions)
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Endless search, alchemists dream
Long lost tome of occult prim
I will be immortal soon, centuries to live on free
Daylight, nightime, maniac seeks
Torpor like passage on Styx
Ancient knowledge in my reach
Stone of magic tease me please

Stone of magic tease me please

Darkened coast, blinding winds
Hidden keep between in deep
Blindfolded in sleepless anger
I will try last secret trick
Pentagram under starry skies
Black candles shine so bright
Being forced to make a deal
Oh sweet devil I will kneel

For us spins fortune wheel

Dark arts of the witchcraft strike
Forbidden source of force
Lusty fool will lose his head
Victim of deception cries

Old manuscript held in hands
Trickster's part in no glance
Praising witchcraft on and on
Obsessed mind is slowly gone
Nasty sandstorm sending threat
Air so thick, is that trick?
To find that bloody mystic stone
Emerald board, reveal me now

Emerald board, reveal me now

Eastern plains heat the rage
Arabian sands engulfed in flames
Tell me why it does not work?
Life eternal costs no gold
Fatal fate ticks the thrill
Devil laughs, rips the heart
Way of gambling games for each
Life and stone beyond my reach

Forever to torment and teach

Dark arts of the witchcraft strike
Forbidden source of force
Lusty fool has lost his head
Victim of deception dies


Transilvanian terror
Vlad Tepes, called Dracula
Wallachian beast lurking in the dark
Turkish army marches
As the night falls
Sultan's scarlet blood, glitters on sand
Come, my kin of darkness
Our fangs are sharp, thirst overcomes

So there comes the feast
Warmongering beasts
Prey on living flesh, until sun turn them to ash
Kin of darkness be
For all eternity
Impaler's bloody forest, intestines bloody gore
Battle is to be, will dwell eternally
Primal sign of instinct, dead against the beasts
Dread's all around, terror overcomes
So hear the story of two immortal clans

Never tamed ancient beast
Soon, Hungarian king
Secretly, praising moon for
Goddess Diana or even Lillith
Silver circle rises
Inner beast hungers, hunt is on
On Ascension Day
Peasants shall be prey

It's so silent night
Moon is shining bright
Wolfpack feasts on ripped corpses of the hunted men
Primal Clan of Moon
Form will transform soon
Fur will change to skin, Corvinus name's clean
Battle is to be, will dwell eternally
Primal sign of instinct, dead against the beasts
Dread's all around, terror overcomes
So hear the story of two immortal clans

We... kill by instinct, not by will

One tribe against another
Eternal fight
Southern cruelty
Fangs against the claws
This is their destiny
Until the end of time
Gift of immortality
As well as the curse

Howling of the wolves
Bats are flying near
As the end of another battle slowly drawing near
Dracula spits on the ground
Corvinus cries and howls
Knowing they will face each yet another time
Battle it has been, will dwell eternally
Primal sign of instinct, dead against the beasts
As it comes the dawn, two sides go back to towns
Hospodar and Hungarian King, against humanity


Honor thirsty, way of the blade
Katana's drawn
Bushido's warrior, Rising Sun
Samurai sword
Sacrifice, Shinto shrine
Kitsune's favor
Revenge in his mind
Corrupted his sight

Need to hunt down
murderer of my clan
Steady we stand
Unity of sword and hand
Sakura's leaves fall
Here comes my last day
But what a day
My last breath will blow away
This treacherous man
I will send his soul back to hell

Once my clan, House of Orochi
I was a noble man
But here he came and and took away
Beloved land
Now like a dog, without his master
Wandering ronin
But warpath again
Linked our fates

Steady we stand
Unity of sword and hand
Sakura's leaves fall
Here comes my last day
But what a day
My last breath will blow away
This trecherous man
I will send his soul back to hell
but why I hold this girl?

Wise man said look by your eyes
Don't let revenge corrupt your mind
Susanoo played his trickster part
Oh Kami forgive me for what I've done

Now on my knees
I await for my death
Yes I killed that girl
And I wasn't myself
Revenge poisoned my mind
Susanoo's magic spell
Remember my pain
Seppuku's only way
Cut stomach open I faint
Honor regained


Ancient thicket
In Tzardom
Going on
Urge to find
Druid stone
Hungry of power
Mighty Tzar

As we venture
Sunlight fades
Wisps around us
Air feels cursed

What's around us, I don't know
My skin's cracking, pray to god
Wolves are howling, behind you
Someone's watching us

Scared to death
Running mad
Someone stampedes
Few are dead
All around us
so unreal
Stench so ugly
Why we kneel?

Ghastly wisps light
Surrounds us
Sergei's body
Starts to rise

What's around us, I don't know
My skin's cracking, pray to god
Wolves are howling, behind you
Someone's watching us

What's around us, I don't know
My skin's cracking, pray to god
Wolves are howling, behind you
Someone's watching us

Who's that man, my new lord
Brown fur grows, there's no god
My wolfpack howling, we are one
Druid forests will prevail

Мы являемся одном
Лес и нашь мастер, нашим домом
Мы никогдо не выйдом из леса
Забыла из куда я и чем была
этот камен вызывает мне
Вокруг дерева, мох, так как в сне
старой жизни больше нет

(We are one
Forest and our master, our home
We never leave the forest
I forgot where I was from and what I was
This stone calls me
Around the tree, moss, as in a dream
Old life is gone)



lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics