Gallileous : Ego Sum Censore Deuum

Doom Metal / Poland
(2008 - Foreshadow)
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Ego Sum Censore Deuum


I'll revenge...
The wind that arches trees
Blows my body through
The horse I'm dreaming of comes to me only in the night
A silver sword is cutting the ring in my heart
But I'm not dying
Now I'll revenge myself the two thounsand years of slavery
The truth is close
The truth is about to come


Fall of Emperors
Only on wings brave and honor
You can get to a timeless place
Where unholy or holy means nothing
Where there is ever lasting battle for glory and fame
When no Emperors can ever win
There is no winner...
Only war
War forever


Tu z winnicy miłości niedojrzale grona
Wzięto na stół Allacha; tu perełki Wschodu,
Z morza uciech i szczęścia, porwała za młodu
Truna, koncha wieczności, do mrocznego łona.

Skryła je niepamięci i czasu zaslona;
Nad nimi turban zimny błyszczy śród ogrodu,
Jak buńczuk wojska cieniów, i ledwie u spodu
Zostały dłonią giaura wyryte imiona.

O wy, róże edeńskie! U czystości stoku
Odkwitnęły dni wasze pod wstydu liściami,
Na wieki zatajone niewiernemu oku.

Teraz grób wasz spojrzenie cudzoziemca plami,
Pozwalam mu, - darujesz, o wielki Proroku!
On jeden z cudzoziemców spoglądał ze łzami.


When the eyes of Time started to see...
And the Darkness unchained Prophecy from slave of nonentity
Cursed found Lord of the Destiny
He found sea of dreams welded to iced darkness
The sea of Doom...

- Son, I remember Grat Beginning...
- Tell me Father about the Time of Darkness
About the time of Chaos and Eternal Night
- I've seen the battles and rest before next ones
I've seen things and people unimaginable
I got to knowledge and unnatural power


And time flew sloe the across the Sea of Impassable Darkness
Into the whirlwind of chaos to be drowned in deepest nonentity
And Eternal spoke about his dream what was the truth...

- Tell me the Oldest where were you...
- I've been to places older then Light
In forest unknowable like fear in the eyes of gadabout
In forest which fire will never blaze
- Tell me the Oldest about Old Oaks...
- I've seen Old Oaks dancing to songs of the Cold Wing
I've seen supper those from the forest
I've seen the time stood to see Them celebrating...
- Tell me the Oldest about Mortal Storm...
- I've seen the End what was the Beginning
I'vee seen the Great Forgetfulness forever...

And Eternal's dream wasn't over... And dream happened now...
When the storms overthrow Stones of the Past
And bells of silence started to boom.


...Only the one of many
Crossed the Sea of Darkness and Worried Silent

...And he got the End of the World Where unnamed giants live
Those who sang like the cry of the abyss
Where chaos was twisting in dance of thunders like the possessed.

Where night was shinning like a blaze of the sword of hate
...And he stood At the back of the beyond
And he heard frosted whispers of the storm of fire
And he saw through the suspended waves of chaos
Cold Island of the Nothingness
And he united with the Ice.

Winter of madness imprisoned him forever
In hopelessness and sufferance on the Coldest Side of the World.


"Oh vast Rome your ruin approaches,
Not your walls, but your lifeblood and substance;
Someone with a sharp tongue will make a dent in you,
Harsh chains will be around it all."
Century 10:65 Nostradamus

Hey! New Babylonian Tyrants but still this same faith
Perpetual State of Fear of the Artificial Absolute comes an end.

Whore of Babylon
Reborn Raider On the poisonous Komodo Dragon
True Messenger from the Nocturnal sky
Now! My army approaches
At the gates of the ruin to be placed
Fear and hopeless prayers
End of dominance Shadows of Hierarchy!

Whore of Babylon


I've got this desire to open my flaming eyes

I look up

A beautiful land and a desert seem to be alike
And the thunder himself will set my pure soul free

Losing my temper I'll manage to alugh
And I'll become insane
A Madman

When the northern wind will start to blow


Siderus Nuncius
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
Mysterium cosmographicum

Etiam comminata et tortura...

Copernikus Keplerus Gallileous
Astronomia nova

Dominium Mundi
Harmonice Mundi

Eppur si mouve

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