Full Of Hell : Weeping Choir

Noise Hardcore / USA
(2019 - Relapse Records / Daymare Recordings)
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Six trees sit beneath six arches.
In a glass wrought armory, obsidian.
Scavenging for firelight, hobbling.
In the ruins of a pillory, crumbling.
Heart moved like dead leaves,
Run raw with intolerance.
Sand bubbling to glass,
Time spent in aberrance.
Cavern is empty
Doorway is shut
Land is in love
Mingled with grief
A billowing cataract on a long polished gem.
Joints scream, stone boils from within.
A Silmaril clutched underneath permafrost.
Machines whirr, lonely dig belies the cost.
A sigh of vapor rises amongst floral haze.
Haunted arches resting soft betwixt their gaze.
Cavern is empty, cold without meaning
Doorway is shut, forever sealed
Land is in love, heart moved like dead leaves
Mingled with grief, union of aching
Weeping ghost.
Living warmth.
Glowing blind.
Pit of despair...


A looming barge, a sea of fog
A candle soaked indefinitely
Weathered tower clawing out
Rattling at the worlds throat
Where you fell, so I am
Where you fall, I will be
A whispering hiss from tail to head, tumult and disease

Within the wake at the center of the fountain
A seething rage and blooming distrust ever mounting

A looming barge, a candle soaked
Weathered tower rattling
Where you fell, where you fall
A whispering hiss from tail to head

Clawing out from the center of the lid
A bastard coil, bolts of lightning long distilled
A light refracted, smoldering prism of my heart
Gazing inward, Gordian Knot so unbelieved
No time to forget before all is forgotten


Thundering hammers, Christ's lovers
Veins of fluorite, fold over fold
Ore woven, band upon stone
Hands of man, undone
He shall give angels charge
Over thee to keep thee
In all thy ways, ever always

Crime on humanity
Crime of insanity

A lonely spirit eats the heart of the mountain
Hallways echo endless of past ages conflict
Imperceptible movement shapes all
A vicious heat melting death into life

Crimes on humanity
Crimes of insanity
Crimes on humanity
Crimes of insanity

Weeping onto thundering hammers
Begging before Christ's lovers
Eating the heart of the mountain
The melting of death into life

A crime on humanity
A crime of insanity


Your head is a radio for speaking to God


Thief of one thousand names, whisperer
The stepless step, the gateless gate
Diamond jewel perched inside the mind's eye, within reach
The raining fire, the stinging warmth

You're clawing your way to heaven, but where is your soul?
Pierced by a thousand arrows reduced to carbon atoms
You’re probing for weakness, an unwelcome lover
Grasping at a heat you will never understand

Hurtling violently towards the sun
Hurtling violently towards the sun
Hurtling violently towards the sun
Hurtling violently towards the sun

Fallen thief of one thousand names
Diamond jewel perched inside the mind's eye


Like a blind tern
Its flight is caged, its wings are weighted and drawn
Like highs with low ends
Peaking resplendence before a downward spiral
Like an old oak
It swells and dries with the turn of the seasons
Like a sneaking boar
Digs through the layers of loam and of dirt and time

For the jewel of a jewel of a jewel
So does the weeping mother probe her clutch
Like an old worn oak beam swells and dries
In the wetness and the turn of the seasons
So does flesh

Your corpse laid out like a fouled white sponge
Clumps of muscle and skin freed from the shame of being you
It's not enough to succeed when others must fail
A dry heaving circus of inhumanity

Like the sneaking boar with a haunch packed with lead
Digs through layers of loam and dirt for the jewel of a jewel
For the jewel of a jewel of a jewel
So does the weeping mother probe her clutch
Miracle boon of the muddy banks


Cavern of dreams
Gnashing walls
Leaning obtuse
Crushing - gripping
Built up for millennia
A prison beyond death
Memorial fog
Thicker than mud
A whimper refracts
As a howl
Sightless obsidian
Wallowing armory
Sightless obsidian
Wallowing failure

Beyond the door are many doors
Beyond the window are many windows
They will always be locked and sealed
There will always be a defeat
Cavern of dreams
Gnashing walls
Sightless obsidian
Wallowing failure
Beyond the door are many doors
Beyond the window are many windows


Secrets in the permafrost
Trouble in the barrens
A brilliant glass
An eye of treasure
Thee old wisdom
The truth, a piston through your skull
A steel bolt through your frontal lobe
Like a rope is reaching down
A dawn sapling is reaching up
What was wrought is unwrought
What was made now unmade
The truth, a piston through your skull
A steel bolt through your frontal lobe
Humanity’s step unbidden In god’s iron clutch
An eraser to your soul
A smudge across aeons
“All goes onward and outward. All collapses.”

Wondrous upheaval


Gutters swell with the fruit of loose flesh
The flowering perfume of gored halos
Dead language between burning stars, deciphered
Eternal rapture, eternal rapture

Gutters swell with the fruit of loose flesh
The flowering perfume of gored halos
Dead language between burning stars, deciphered
Eternal rapture, eternal rapture

Eternal rapture
Eternal rapture

They're laying their treasures up in heaven
The beauty, there was no decay
They're laying their treasures up in heaven
The beauty, there was no decay


Noxious fugue harming
Vermilion fog mending
Flaccid weight crushing
Bearing down slowly
Like a corpse rotting
Smoldering prism speaking
Whispering lore, untruths
Scrambling signals

Circuits unwinding
Your heart is a wellspring of hatred
Errors embedded

As the gears slow to a stop
Unbound like a broken black egg
Do you see the hand upon my hand?
It is not my own

Empathy released
Your heart is a wellspring of hatred


Driven by vagaries to the bottom
Sage lifts burning at both ends
A mortar grinding into a pestle
Overflowing with transmuted gold

Keyless passage
A hall of arches
All doors refracting doors
Like a lachrymose reliquary

A shadow swallows a rusty claymore
Ebbing down into hues of red light
Filling a black cellar with no exit
Like a drape of blood

Filling the cellar like a drape of blood
With my mouth agape
I swallow it all

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