Full Of Hell : Trumpeting Ecstasy

Noise Hardcore / USA
(2017 - Profound Lore Records)



Once more we're thrust into the vacuum of God's yawning maw.
A dream of human debt repaid.
In fear you live and breathe and wait and sleep.
Chambers under asphalt buried far beneath the boiling streets.
There is not a hand to save you from the hunter's net.

Society is a blister on the skin of the planet.
Man is a pustule on the face of the Earth. Grace is a harbor for human ugliness.
Free will is a barrel in the celestial mouth.

When Atom splits and the genome melts, will Cain cradle Abel?
Sudden death.


Break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.

In my heart, the sadness wells and in my eyes, the fell of fells.

Cast me down and lift them up, oh, Lord Almighty!

Within these blessed bonds, we tear, we tear, we swell, we ebb.


A dream of transcendence. An act of piety.
An inscrutable face. An iron curtain.
Chemical dispersal. Dreams made real.
A lone sphinx, no longer bound.

Guiding blindly forward to glory and agony.
At the hands of angels, a mass murderer is free.
The gift of peace, delivered discretely.

All hearts stop and point to One!
Peace delivered. Chemical dispersal.
Mass murderer. To glory.


A lifetime of emptiness.

A landmine underfoot, a shining light, awash and lifting.
Tone burnt brain, whispering and wandering.
Flesh slabs stacked, in stance belonging.
Oculum hallucinantur.
Grasped at chance, baleful yearning.
The restlessness of pining servants.
Fidem mendaces, fidem stulti.

Shining light awash and stark shone against a black whippet trunk.
Beaming white, "All matter is just the devil crawling back to God."
Turn away and turn towards tone burnt beings crawling and probing.
Beaming white, All matter is just the devil crawling back to god.

Faith redoubled, distance standing.
Blistering against the miles of desert.
Spiritual deprivation, spiritual destruction.
No God or harmony. No bliss. No empathy.
Just a lifetime of emptiness and a belly of regret.


In the cacophony of hammering flesh, I cannot hear a thing within this prison.
Living in this digital cell, cawing at these earless wrought bars.
Infinite loops of regressive code, spinning down like lead sinkers.
A regurgitating loop, echoes of snow and static welling in.


Leaning forward, hands awash.
Hands clasped on smoldering sage and thyme.
You would give them everything.
You would give them anything.

On bent knees, crawling back to God.
On bent knees, crawling back.

As the twig is bent, the bough is shaped.
One is many and many are one.
The blood of Abel cries out from the ground.

On bent knees, crawling back to God.
On your bent knees, crawling back.


Time pretense shatters harmony.
A mirror of savage remembrance, a hole of immeasurable intolerance.
A sprite careens. A kamikaze bled dry.
Into the river. On the muddy banks.

If it whispers, it bends. If it harks, it is alone.
Time pretense shatters harmony.
Veins course with the memories of a present we've forgotten.


Walls collapse on the city of refuge.
Under the enormity of its own violence.
Roads bend slowly in on themselves with the sorrow of generations.
Buildings stained pitch black. Lean in.
The carcass of time glazing over.
They bite and latch at the throat of morality.
Strangle and smother the future of all.

Gnawing at old flesh, barking at the sun.
Within Armageddon, humans eat each other.
Their teeth pull and tear at the chords of memory.
Gore the human soul. Dowse the human spirit.

Man will fail. Man will always fail.


Digesting what's left. Shrieking through an ashen mesh.
Carving at what is. Peeling back a festering scab.
Displacing cosmic purpose. Dirty needles in the vein.
Generations the same. Climbing and falling at her feet.

Eating what's been taken. Feasting at her table.
Tongues gone on unchecked. Voices felt unbridled.
Existence lined with ease. All taken for granted.
Carrion dogs sifting through the smoldering rubble.

The Earth shrugs off the corpse of our species.
The forest vomits our remains into the dust.
Machines collapse onto charred burning limbs.
Shafts of steel thrust us towards the vault.
The cell rejects the intruding pathogen.
The bliss of extinction and nothing more.
The planet sings sweetly of empty chambers,
Of a future without the threat of species.

Earth shrugs off the corpse of our species.
The forest vomits our remains into the dust.
The cell rejects the intruding pathogen.
The planet singing sweetly of death.


Eternal happiness clapped in irons.
Eternal happiness, mighty strikes.
Break their bands asunder.
Cast away their cords from us.
Cadence of horror.
Pull the hammer fast.
Pull the scalp back.

Atop the ashes of one thousand ghosts.

Tall and gleaming.
Judas millennia.
Perhaps tomorrow, your trumpet will sound.
Perhaps tomorrow.
Perhaps never.


God gave you the spirit of fear.
Bound you soundly to the trunk of the world.
It's a rudiment of your mutilation, an ancient relic in your failing heart.

Illogical horror.
Massive hemorrhage.
Harmonic silence.
Where the barbs have dug in, where the nettles are latching.
The wound of wounds.
In the heart's clutch, held withstanding.

Trumpeting ecstasy.

But God gave you the spirit of fear!
Bound you tightly to the trunk of this Earth.
It's a rudiment of your mutilation, a broken trinket in your ailing mind.

Illogical horror.
Trumpets blaring.
Massive hemorrhage.
Harmonic silence.

Tepid muddied fountain swallows us with the rest of the dregs.
At the cauldron's bottom, within the black vault.
In an endless sea of black rote, we've lost. We've lost.
Where the barbs have dug in, where the nettles are latching.
The wound of wounds.
We've lost, we're losing.
When the trumpet sounds in ecstasy.
The wound of wounds.
We've lost, we're losing.

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