Frozen Darkness (COL) : The Beginning (Rising From Hell)

Black Metal / Colombia
(2008 - Morbillus Records)
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There was once a time they took me, unborn,
I came to life, in lies baptized, truth was unknown;
Some night with the last ray of light my eyes opened
And I looked the path of wisdom, my own philosophy, there I was born.

I was reborn… for Satan…

Then when the trial started, a multitude of questions,
many empty minds attacked my beings,
A pathetic try to rise their hungry fingers,
Asking mercy in a god of any worth,
I, only laughed, I am my own god, I don’t need these empty expressions.

Now I fly way up high, I don’t feel any unworthy thought in my essence,
High, over the mountains, over their ignorance;
May I call me evil, may I call me Satan,
Only pride for my own, only I in my presence.


In the cold winds of the north
The echo of the ancient ones rumbles
And from a burning flame of fallen hearts
Flows a neverending river of blood.

The air smells to struggle blood
The ancient horn of war will roar again
The battle of ancient wargods
Which fear not the fury of hell.

A scream of hate makes the war begin
Black horsemen arise again from the mystic northern woodlands
Guided for the great dark emperor
Who’ll reign till the end of centuries.

“The blood of the ancient kings is spilled everywhere
They cry for mercy, cry for their lives,
The cold steel of a victorious sword
Break the hearts of a whole breed”.

Thus after the battle
The funeral legacy of an ancient empire falls
And is buried under the cold northern lands
To let begin a new evil domain.

Then those cold lands
Return to their ancient natural owners
Which with loyalty till death
Swear protect her till the return of the mystic gods.

Now in the end of times
Demons guard the gates of the empire
They reign, they cover the land
With eternal solitude, flowing from the winds of the north…

Winds Of The North… (x2)


I saw the beauty in the earth as an ending life
I close my eyes; I refuse the light from me;
I know what’s beautiful is ephemeral pain
What I need is eternal like death.

The sun comes down, he dies again
And the night devours its light, filling the air with darkness
I rejoice in solitude, where no human may hinder my journey
Come to me my dead beauty and lay in my frozen heart.

You’re my poetry, you… my beauty in black…

I need to cut your life; I need to fill me with blood
You are ephemeral my beauty, oh no…
Now I lay alone thinking about you’re gone
And cry a thousand rivers, you where not enough…

“The candlelight is weak, seems to fade away,
A shadow of death is growing between the candle and me;
My dead orchids I consecrate in you all beauty
In your withered skin, in your pale delight;
Nothing can longer remain; all is dead, like my dead orchids”.

They are dead… !!!


Black hearts where only evil rules, evil that we have inside
That makes us be like we are, though we don’t seem this way.

Black minds made of the blackest and most evil thoughts
Where endless wrath is occulted in the deepest of our black hearts.

Black souls of evil and hatred, awaiting the purest evil thought
To fight and kill the impure ones that may hinder on our way.

This black and immortal feeling that we all carry inside
Many cannot accept the evil that rules inside.

Those who live in the ignorance conformed with the nothing they are
All those bastards will fall by our swords and their souls will be eternally alone.

Unholy black metal to awake and open the eyes to eternal darkness
To an endless wisdom guiding to the biggest power of destruction.

All those black hearts shouldn’t await to be on a merciless trial
It’s time to awake the strongest desire of revenge against the betrayers.

Now death and life don’t differ, they are just the purest wisdom
Only the true sons of darkness are able to take it.

Sons of darkness now rise and ride a world where wisdom is hidden
Spread the evil to holy ones, awake and start the end of the foolishness.

Black Hearts… Arise !!!
Black Minds… Spread The Destruction !!!
Black Souls… Ride What Is Rightfully Yours !!!
Black Hearts…

Black hearts reign this world with the purest evil
The false ones will died for eternity
Satan can triumph over God
If we reign with our Black Hearts.

Black Hearts !!!




In the middle of winter
Surrounded by cold nocturnal winds
Darkness spreads its black wings over all the earth
As the snow covers the mountains
Freezing the horizons for eternity.

I rise from the ground and look through the darkness
The ancient souls burning in hell’s fire
While talons of demons cut their heads and drink their blood
The smoke turns to fog, they suffer their holiness.

I had ride through the rain crossing the cold woods
The black green forest cradle of early life
My soul was flying free as the wind
Returning to the nature, nature eternal as me
My eyes are red clouds, my gaze thunders in the night
Evil lightning calling the eternal horned lord.

He rises from the depths cursing the holy sky
His horns give a mighty shadow, I feel wrath in my veins
His eyes of fire guides my path, his breath gives me strength
I’m a cold winter demon, now free in eternity
I never was born, I will never die, with eternity I am one
The devil rides my soul, I will conquer them all.

In the night it’s the beginning for an evil few to appear
We are the nocturnal few rising from hell in the night
We are sons of darkness,
Satan opened the gate to let us rise
We are enthroned in the blackest night.


(Fuck the Christ)

Here comes the nightfall, and we are gathered again
To make our alcoholic rites and hail Satan in hell.

We are drunk in the night, we are possessed by hell
We are drunk in the night, we are possessed by hell
We are drunk in the night, we are possessed by hell
We are drunk in the night…

Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine driving me insane
Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine to fuck Christianity…

We are the damned of the world, we fuck the Christian life
And we know Jesus hates us, we will impale him and…

We’ll be drunk in the night, drunk with the virgin’s blood
We’ll be drunk in the night, drunk with the virgin’s blood
We’ll be drunk in the night, drunk with the virgin’s blood
We’ll be drunk in the night, cumming in the face of God…

Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine driving me insane
Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine to fuck Christianity…

We are drunk in the night, we are possessed by hell
We’ll be drunk in the night, drunk with the virgin’s blood
We are drunk in the night, we are possessed by hell
We are drunk in the night…

Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine driving me insane
Blood of wine running in my veins
Blood of wine to fuck Christianity…

Blood of wine to feed our hate
Blood of wine, we are drunk in the night
Blood of wine, we are coming from hell
Blood of wine…
Blood of wine !!!


(God is dead)

Now the light of day is no more,
Only the fading flame of a dying candle,
And death… cold…
Among endless Frozen Darkness…


(The gift of Desolation)

Mother, tortuous hunger for your powers greets me,
With thirst I drink from your wrathfilled veins
The pure nectar of hate from your heart fills my soul.

Once I look your face, drowning in your tears
I raised my hands to you, “Spawn of Hate”.

Mother, betrayers arise on your breast
I ask for your sword to face the false prophet
And cut the head of the biggest whore.

In times of solitude sadness embraced my heart
And I heard your voice your voice, the whispering wind
Calling my name to enter your nightly cult.

Moonlight became my eyes for the grace of your hands
I kissed your lips, the rotting lust, buried my heart in your skin.

Mother, let me rise
My endless hate is so pure as rain from your mouth
Falling to breed destruction
Betrayers will die on our hands.

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