Foscor : The Smile of the Sad Ones

Black Metal / Spain
(2007 - Temple Of Darkness Records)
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Sadness... The agreement inside, overwrite.
The style of the destiny's smile.
Lessons... There's no doubt, now.
I'll walk straight through the long path of life.

Wound then, the malice of dumbness.
Every step I rise approach me a fearless level.
A desert at last, of emotion fade or cut.
Laughing loud, in the name of night.
Depression fo the elders.
In my tragedy the blood embraces.
I can't be afraid I would be dead.

Smile... The smile of the sad ones.
Let me... Find the path of existence.
From the red dawn to the intense fearless site.

They... Promise me a land with a knowing extortion.
I could never believe, in my coldness I'm rich.
Then... I smile and sad stand.
A sword on the eyes of the god.


Condemned !!! I have no strengh.
No certain path unconscious.
Set !!! The breath of end.
Become the law, the life's death code.

Cells... Their oppression smells.
And brings so far my ego.
Slay... The senseless chains.
She waits behold... The dance.
My constant claim... The horizon never was useless.
I will stand !!! Tireless.

Oh !!! How many stupid things.
I let and learnt from the past.
Blinded !!! poor !!! Thrilled by the lie.
While... I couldn't enter... My darkness...
A throne in the night.
My darkness... Beyond !!!
The noisy throng !!!

Lonely !!! Cold !!! There's no wall too high.
Neither their end would advance...
My self delayed dusk.


Oh !!! Vella boira que camines.
Envoltada de records.
I lloances de deriva.
De la gorja treus el foc.
D'on forges, el palau dels plors.

Fredes brises avisen.
Que l'esmolada dalla encara talla.
I frisa !!! Per encetar de nou la por.
El roig condol.
La venjança s'alça i no serà tardia.

Esvaïdes les profundes ànsies de dolor.
És moment per tancar ferides.
El reflex de la teva sortida.
No enderrocarà el palau dels plors.

Mai... S'oblida l'enyorada rauxa.
Mai... El seny el portarà la mort.
Mai... No mai !!!


In my last days, I feel the sense of life.
Although I would reach remorse.
I'm sure, I could not ever see the lost.
Only writing these few words.
I think my soul would flow as yours.
The rain never felt as dense and warm.
To make me decide to leave this world.
So anguished but cold, I hear at last her voice.
So help me disappear, from this deep senseless hole.

Whitish forms, appearing across the clock.
Beyond the rooms I found as safety folds.
Shikly sytaigh the steps to upper floors.
Deep inside my murders knock so loud.
The suicide of those I meet and loved.
At least I start the eerie path of blood.

The spectre rise my shame.
As moving old pictures of death.
Myself grey landscape fell.
As soon as beauty was slain.
By greed, by pain... With chains.
I descend... Again !!!!

In a comfortable darkness.
The whitish breath of end.
Make it sure to kill myself.
It seems to be so far when I forgot.
The hours I stand apart of those.
By greed !!! By pain !!!
I descend... Again !!!!


Vine amb mi, endinsa't en un món de tèrbola esperança.
on la por és renec ferir-te o seguir fort.
No és momés un joc es tracta de la mort !!!

A la foscor, aspre i esmolada no estic sol.
En la estreta corda del meu dol.
Pel silenci un marge a voluntat.
En trencar el reflex banal de la ciutat.

Oh !!! Verge udol, satisfet l'anhel de nou.
Ara si és moment per dir.
Que ja n'hi ha prou, vull fruir tot sol.

Creure en el misteri és encetar el camí.
Això no es resoldrà si esperes el destí.
Negra dama enlaira't, fes un gest !!!
Un per què per viure el tot o res !!!


Oh !!! Sento un plor, s'esmicola l'alba.
El record de l'altre s'esvaeix, per la curta estada.
Sona !!! La tornada d'ànimes tancades.
Dins el cor roman, la raó preuada.

Gebre !!! No cerquis els records !!!
Gebre !!! De la nit em resta !!!
Gebre !!! Un esperit prou fort !!!

Oh !!! M'entres, la boira acompanya.
Dóna'm nit, la foscor que em manca.
Cerco el dolor gravat en pedra gebrada.

Orgullós veig llunyà i fosc, el moment de vèncer.
Els fets, els temor, d'ençà de néixer.

Gebre !!! No cerquis els records !!!
Gebre !!! De la nit em resta !!!
Gebre !!! Un esperit prou fort !!!


Crits !!! Enllà de l'ombra els porta el vent escrits.
Ressons emprats per recordar els vells crims.
Que ben endins per doldre els tinc.
Eixuta l'arma arriben temps sublims.
Aquest terra treu del dol l'esperit.
Del roig gravat al goig colpit.

Només amb ferm oblit !!!
Refaig l'esguard brandit.
Al temps que l'au renova el foc.
I sola rememora el risc !!!
Només amb ferm oblit !!!
Rebuig sonat de l'erm sentit.
Al temps que l'au renova el foc.
I forta torna de les cendres !!!

Xiulen, espurnes cegues entre cingles.
Paratges, morts en temps de xiscles.
El meu renec, el teu rugit.
Sota l'ombra de les armes cerco el cim.
Aquest mans preneren sang com vi per dir.
Que el nostre anhel, és lliuce i viu.

(... I torna de les cendres.
En un temps de mar de fons.
Ferma, per la corda estreda.
L'Au segur que aixeca el vol...)


Face !!! The lies one day tried to blind you.
And claim to those deny your part of wisdom.
Feel !!! The call and let it convince you.
It seems to be a new chance, to the inner fredom !!!

Is darkness what I wanted.
Is darkness what I needed.
Live !!! This narrow path.
Live !!! The darkest sigh.

Hills over the frightened city.
Where falseness is left and still.
being standing.
The wall of old human behaviour.
The sense of blod and words.

Seasons !!! Scream !!!
Wisdom !!! Words !!! To the inner sleep...

Bring a trip with knowledge.
Would make for sure reside.
The darkness on your side.
To proudly rest in a cot of death.
Should rise at least, your part from them.

Palabras añadidas por Apophis2036 - Modificar estas palabras