Folge Dem Wind : Inhale the Sacred Poison

Pagan Black / France
(2011 - Code666 Records / Aural Music)
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...A door opened in a crack as the great old tree falls..

Another reality takes place
Covering a world in deconstruction
Stone after stone, dust after dust
Vision after vision, fear after fear...

No more familiar voices
No more guiding fame
To light my step on this unknown snaky way
To secret knowledge
Only ashes of time and space

Hanging on the branches of a dead tree
I vacillate upon the void
Mocked and threatened by the winds of torment
Screaming at my cars, whipping my flesh

With only terror as allied
I am falling deep
Through the splinters of a life
That once was mine

Crying out in silence
As only the dead can do
Now I dance
Hand in hand with the dead


J'ai vu de mes yeux de glace mon corps se noyer dans un magma d'orgasmes
Avortés et sanglants pour rejaillir de l'anus des mondes
Dans une indicible explosion de lumière
Intarissable source issue du néant, éternelle.

Runes resounding spreading like thousands veins through the void.
Writing the epitaph of a blood-red king.
Crowned in black fames
Seeing now the dawn of a new light fed by Oblivion.

Exalté de la verge ! Féconde donc ce astres morts !
De sang et d'Éther.

Face the antediluvian lion forging eternity,
Melting blood and ether inside his gaping foaming mouth.

Speaking in tongues of fire and ice.
A sun in each eye. One red and glowing.
One black and crawling.

Falling down through his chest of lava.
Swiging blood and ether down.
Singing an ode to to life throught the voices of the dead.
Embracing immortality behind this life that expired.


Errant, étourdis, sur la langue du serpent ; Suivant, inconscients, le souffle du chacal
Lapant, assoifés, la sève de l'arbre-vie ; Attendant, désespérément, l'appel du corbeau

Nous lavons nos plumes avec le sans des dieux
Our voices rise high ! (The chant of the voiceless)

"We are to the heat of the sun !
We are to the light of the moon !
We are to the wisdom of the stars !

We are to the whispers of life !
We are to the howlings of death !
We are to the heart of the worlds !"

...And with our vision as wings we shall reach eternity...


Se tenant là, à la cime du monde de l'éther, surplombant les hommes et leur inexistence,
Il gonfle la poitrine, absorbant les rayons d'un soleil éternel,
Inhalant, gueule béante, les hurlements des vents,
Déployant sur le monde ses ailes rougies de sang.

May our claws pull their tongues out
May our sun burn their eyes
May our storm deafen them
May our blood fill their throats
May our stars light their sleep

Grant them vision
Grant them flight


J'ai bu de mes lèvres de feu le venin ardent, suintant de leurs langues acérées,
Sonnant en une cacophonie imperceptible, à l'unisson des battements du tambour-coeur des mondes

Entends-tu siffler à ton âme la reptilienne symphonie ?

Dancing, hissing ! A chaos coronation.
Whipping, slashing ! The many tails of the archaïc lion.

Ailé... rampant... oiseau de proie... au sang froid... enseigne-moi l'inéfable !

Burning, blazing ! The serpentine arson.
Devouring, spitting ! Create through destruction.

We stand and we dance in the heart of the reptilian fires !

Creeping, crawling ! Snakes of fire in motion.
Coiling, increasing ! The flames of obliteration.

Of reptilian fires !


From the depths to the peaks
Listen to the voices of worlds

Swallow the seed of knowledge sail the seas of vision
Crush the walls of conscience
Close your eyes to see
Bite the serpent's head
Wash your feathers
Take dead's hand

Come join the dance !


J'ai senti sur mes os nus les violentes caresses de la mère-tempête,
Jouant frénétiquement la cruelle union du néant et du souffle.
Mêlant dans ce théâtre-tombeau,
Et la vie et la mort,
Et mes larmes brûlantes et les rires des dieux.

Tending in my glowing hands an inextinguishable fame.
I met the wolves of Eschatos
One named Hatred, the other named Scorn.
Their eye were of ember. I defed them,
Through the threatening cries of the primordial whirlwind.

Le masque brisé hurle la mort de l'icône.
Le tableau brûle ! Dansez la tempête !

And the winds kept on howling
And I kept on wandering
Throught the primordial whirlwind. Again and again


"Car qui voudrait perdre, quoi que remplies de douleur,
Cette substance intellectuelle, ces pensées qui errent à travers l'éternité.

Pour périr englouti et perdu dans les larges entrailles de la nuit incréée,
Privé de sentiment et de mouvement ?"
(John Milton, le paradis perdu)

Through a fading light I saw the stars
Refecting on my blood fowing on my dirty hands
And I heard them laughing so in deadly shout
I joined their feast with no mercy I laughed with them and mocked myself.

Riding death, despising life, I gave this one a new meaning.
Fiding wisdom in self-destruction.
Creating a new life with my rotting hands

Beating the drums of Oblivion with my own bones I chant my death and celebrate my life.
Engraving runes in the pale skin of the stars
Follow them once again in their everlasting mockery.

(Et dans un instant d'éternité),
J'ai rejoint les immortels et j'ai joui avec eux.
Et j'ai embrassé la lune, et dévoré les étoiles
Qui toujours se rient de moi,
Mais je rie avec elles
Maintenant et à jamais
Plus rien ne restera...

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