Final Reign : Destiny

Heavy Metal / USA
(2001 - Cross Purposes Recording)
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Everyone has a destiny
Either you follow the destiny
That the Great Almighty God
Has for you - and have life
Or you follow the one Satan
The prince of darkness has
For you - and have death
It is for you to decide:
"Which will you choose?"
"Which will you follow?"


Take a stand in the land
Hold the sword in your hand
It's time for God's children to be free
It's a fight to the end
It's time for us to win
It's God's, will it's our Destiny

It's God's will, it's our destiny

There's laughter in the air
There's blood on the ground
The battle is a tear drop away
Leave the past in the past
You're free from the curse
Revelation begins today


You can receive Holy power
If you confess your sins
You must be willing to reach up higher
If you plan to win

Tell me where do you stand
Tell me where do you stand
Tell me where do you stand
Look in your heart
Tell me where do you stand

Don't gamble your future away
Give it to Jesus today
You don't know if tomorrow is yours
But in Jesus your life is sure

If you play with Satan
He'll destroy your soul
Better to be safe in Jesus
Then your future, you'll know


Come out of the darkness
And into the light
Grab your sword
You're called to fight
Your future is not tomorrow
It begins today
There is no more time
To play

Won't you please take His hand
He'll help you to understand
Won't you please take His hand
He'll lead you to the promise land

You're not put here
To throw your time away
To use it wisely
You need to pray
He'll give the power
All that you need
Don't just stand there
And let Satan make you bleed


Are you wondering
Why life's gone wrong
You're feeling hopeless
There's no where you belong
There's someone
Reaching out to you
He's offering
A love that is true

So don't be crazy
Don't be crazy
Don't be crazy
And turn and walk away

You know your searching
For something that's real
Well I'm here to tell you
Jesus is the real deal
So stop chasing
The father of lies
'Cause all he'll do
Is break you down
And leave you to die

Don't let the devil
Steal your soul away
Give your life to Jesus today


I'm called to fight
Called from darkness to light
It's my destiny
To help my brothers to be free
I have the power of the Word
Which is given by the Lord
I take and turn it up loud
to be heard in a crowd

I'm a Warrior
I'm a Warrior
I'm a Warrior for the Lord

I'm called to help you see
The power that sets you free
Come with me to the door
Be healed by the strips He bore
Come with me and walk through
and you can have the power too
Raise up your sword and shield
In Christ your life is sealed

Hang on to the power
Hang on every hour
And all evil has to flee
It's the only way to be free


The world was lost and cold
It was falling, about to unload
But Jesus came to pay the cost
To redeem all the lost

The slaughter
Slaughter of the Lamb
The slaughter
Slaughter of the Lamb
The slaughter
Slaughter of the Lamb
That's what set us free
And changed history

When the blood hit the ground
Darkness came all around
Satan lost all control
Jesus paid the price for your soul


Won't you come to the alter
And receive a brand new start
Your soul has the hunger
You feel it pulling in your heart
so come to Jesus, believe
And receive

And now be washed by the blood
And set free
A brand new life is yours
Take it if you please

The penalty for your sins
They have been paid
And with Jesus
You'll never be betrayed
So plead the blood of Jesus
And you'll be strong


The beast was thrown to the earth
With anger in his heart
Now he roams the earth
Seeking whom he may tear apart

Better slay the dragon
Slay the dragon
Before he slays you

He has no love at all
He's the lowest form of hate
Latches onto, anyone he can
To destroy their fate

He thought he had mankind
Since the first day
He didn't know that Jesus
Was going to make a new way

We have the power by the blood of Jesus
That makes the dragon run
He can't take the power
Of the Holy Son


Your dark hour, I don't need
I don't need your evil deed
I don't need what your power can bring
From the falling one, I don't need a thing

I don't need your six, six, six
I don't need your satanic fix
Jesus is the only thing
I need for a high

In the flame with your false fame
I don't need your crazy games
So away with you, in the eternal heat
'Cause you're already beat

Many think you're the highest command
But against Jesus you'll never stand
Cast you in the pit of hell
Let you burn in the eternal cell


You're always there to remind us
Of where we've been
Well, here's one for you
Jesus freed us from sin
You're always out to deceive us
But we're born to win
It's you Satan
Who loses in the end

Hey Satan
You're going to hell
There's nothing you can do about it
You're going to hell
Your fate is permanently sealed
You're going to hell
Hey Satan
You're going to hell

Your future world is only fire
But with Jesus we can step up higher
Your world is darkness and decay
For us Jesus, He paid the way
So the laugh is on you
'Cause in the end, you're through
We worship the Holy Master
Who freed us from disaster

Your pain will be greater
Then what you gave
For you, there is no hope
You can never be saved



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