Feythland : Decadent Call

Black Death / Poland
(2004 - Old Temple)
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Hear, distant echoes
The call of a final host
This is his shadow
That used to drift with me
Through life misery...


Smile! For I've shed my blood-shoot eyes
Your face will haunt me forever
Laugh! For I've blown out my candle of life
Six feet under you'll find my heart

Distant shore
Heavy seas
Undying memories
Gloating on the sight of my pain
I relish your venom still flowing through my veins
Fallen leaves sough on my grave
Listen intently they whisper your name

Let the wind carry their song
My hatered, my love
Song without words

Alone in my cold seduction
I'm destined to fall
Sans compassion, sans love
My fist is clenched, wind has frozen my tears
Hear me now, my sardonic laugh!

Autumn - in my heart, in my mind
Winter - in my blood, in my eyes
Sword - in my hand, in your heart
With ice in my veins and with fire in my eyes
Feel this force, it's inside each of us

I love it!


We excrete fuckshit pulp of Mc'Nation
Mimeograf of the inert draft
We're adrifting reinless virus
That enwind ephemeral veil
And we cry our tears now burning
And our fears're etherizing us

Welcome to the world where you force a smile...
Where your eyes are dying open
Fixed on the shapless gun

Dreams refrigerate
With cold-hearted sound
Lifeless in inertia we drink to die
Beyond our visions
Beyond the light
We died to the world of human kind
Fuck you all!
I say hate
Masks they wear
Smiles they share
Words not said...

Hands of might
Clows of darkness
Lead me to unreal sensations
Lost in reverie unknown to man...

Alone I drink, alone wake up, but together we vomit on the looking glass
Alone we hate, sometimes we fuck
With bottle in hand we count our days to be drowned

Day after day
Soul- cold-demise
Moments we shared
Minutes we laughed.


Deamons, deamons're living!
Money, power greedy!
They're marching through my head with no respect to my faith
They're raping all my dreams and trampling my beliefs
Our vengeance will come-leprosy of the living

It shall bring us new light-the end of false beliving
They're slipping into my life, into my eyes, into my soul
And create brand new world without my right to say no
Another church they build, who paid for that I don't know
They lie in wait for your treasures, they want destroy
Deamons of Christ! 2x

Face the bastards eye to eye
And throw off their human masks
Make them crawl, make them cry
Make them suffer, cry aloud!
They lie, they cheat, they blunt, they prey,
they thieve, they rob, they bluff, they beg,
they smile, they rape and laugh!
In the name of God!!!
Who they are, if not the deamons, the deamons of Christ?!


The sky is clear tonight
The stars are shining bright
Each of them is mine cause we've became one
My confident, my love
Shall wrap me up with dark
Shall drown all music, fucking talks and laughs
Cause I'm not coming back
Cause Universe is mine
World is at my feet and stars shine pentagram
Euphoria seeths in my heart
Dementia creeps in my mind
Oh how I'd love to stay among the silent stars

Moonlight shines and ravens fly
They are icon of my hate
In no. 666 they are
Black as the night and evil as god
Shattered hopes and broken dreams
Now belong to the past
Hey pathetic earthy grubs
My journey ends, enjoy your life!
Constrained to live only to die
No profound words, no tears to cry
Omnis moriar...


Falling down from the lowermost tower
The river-port of my empheral desires
Once again the sky is whirling
My mind is a blank, craving for a closing ground

This time I have left behind
All the light from the Moon and Sun
All the sorrows and all the delight
For all times!!!
Release my soul from the cage of my body
Transforming into Wolf it smiles to me!
It takes an oath to bring me god
And tear out his heart if he is going to lie
Nothing happend, Christ did not come

And although flames are flogging my body
My soul remains cold as a chilling iceberg
Destined to grope in the dark...


Into chasm of my mind
Parasite of my heart

Mournful gardens of long lost passions
Flowers of merriment decay and cry
Too many years of catching a dream
Too many bricks in utopia wall
Too glorious for me!
My life-intoxicated
I've never cried for your love!
Love - double-dealing
Eyes - lying needles
Smile - sick illusion
Poison - all your tears
Broken are my dreams...

Indistinct shapes
Flicker in the dark
Asking me to the carnal dance

Flogg me, possess!
I'll drink to that!
Entwine me and lead
Where nights drown in lust...

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