Fatum Aeternum : Simple Pop Song

Gothic Doom / Israel
(2020 - Self-Released)
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Compassion and freedom
Walking hand in hand
Hot bad desire
Footprints in the sand
Oh, sweet naivety!
How great thou art
We’re gladly sacrifice divinity
On the altar of simply tolerated art

No matter what you do
No matter what you say
Not gonna trust you anyway
There always gonna be a rule or two
That brings money for the rich
And bread for the poor
No matter what you do
No matter what you say
We gonna hate you anyway
The honest man never reaches the top
He’ll end up his days buried in a day-time job

War is a part of history
Or some names on the news
Do you really think that modern men or women
Could be that easily abused
But from the mountains rose the monster
Ugly, subtle, filthy beast
And to countries and the nations
It had shown its iron fist

No matter what you do
No matter what you say
Not gonna trust you anyway
There always gonna be a rule or two
That brings money for the rich
And takes the last bread from the poor
No matter what you do
No matter what you say
We gonna hate you anyway
The honest man always trusts the lies
He’ll end up his days believing government is on his side
Lies, ‘cause no one will be on our side
Lie, we live in a world that dies


Welcome to my silent castle
You won't find no cries, no hassle
Come when you're ready,
Your stay is prepaid

For them it’s just another round
Before you will become a fraud
Lies are comfort when they're sound
But you don’t want to be the crowd

No one loves a noisy slave
When you're ready rise up from your grave
Join me in my castle of silence
No need to hold back own defiance
Join me in my castle of silence
No need to hold back own defiance
So send your regrets like a postcard

No faces, only profiles
All you can do is domestic violence,
Check out early,
and be on your way .

No fear, no illusions
Self emulated conclusions
Misery ends
Well, that's what they say.

No one loves a noisy slave
When you're ready rise up from your grave
Join me in my castle of silence
No need to hold back own defiance
Join me in my castle of silence
No need to hold back own defiance
Send your regrets like a postcard


Loneliness is a mirror and you’re its reflection
And all your movements are only dancing in isolation
No one wants to hear your confession
Because you meant to be alone

So take it right, don’t you think it’s so bad
You are the chosen one in the promised land
And no one will find your body when you’ll be dead
Because you meant to be alone

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics