Fate (FRA) : No Sense

Death Metal / France
(2000 - Mafia Underground)
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Las palabras

1. Stagnant Water Of Mind

Sleeping deep down behind your eyes
I'm the thing who mortifies the mind
Waking p a chaos you've never known
Saturate you with millions (of) insane thoughts

Listen to my voice
An immortal obsession
No more lucidity inside you
I consume your life

I fade your senses and take the control
I guide you through an ultimate carnage

Welcome to hell !

I hope you enjoy scattering bodies
Spewing blood and piecesof bone
Kill and kill again !!!

I'm inside each human being
Waiting (for) the best moment to appear
Make you reach the point of no return
But you don't care
Now I'm you...

...cause you're dead

2. Smoke The H

Dives me
Love and wisdom

No escape from this brutal reality

I want to get so high
Away from this sick world
Away from this chaos

Smoke shroud(s) my body
It's arousing my senses
Extending my consciousness
My perception of humans' perversion(s)

No more control
We need to smoke
Free the weed

Fume de la ganja, fume de la ganja !


3. Chibulitude (Trained To Kill)

[backing vox : Feutse]

["On entraine les jeunes soldats r tirer sur des hommes, mais leurs officiers ne les autorisent pas r ecrire MERDE sur leurs avions parce qe c'est obsccne."]
[Colonel Walter Kurtz]

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Cuddled up to eah other
The pighead full of straw(s)

The whispers we exchange
Are devoid of meaning
Army must have moral men
Able to use their instinctive pulsions to kill

Without any emotion(s)
Without any passion
Without any judgement
I commit hundred(s) (of) horrors

Horrors you've seen
But you refuse to see
Cause they get too much
For the ordinary men

Words are powerless to describe
Clearly what is necessary
For those who don't know
What the real horror means

You've (got) no right to call me (an) assassin
But you've (got) the right to kill me
You've (got) the right to do it
But you've (got) no right to judge me

4. Black Dog

{Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme}

Maniac creature with gigantic teething
Pay attention to that killing machine
Staring (at) me with eyes of hate
And growling like a truck engine

Appeared from nowhere
Barking and foaming
Having a terrible urge
(To) Grub my ass
(And) Shred my balls

There's only one solution if I don't want to die
It's to run ! Run ! Run ! Run !

Scared to be devoured
Running for my life
If I am lucky
I'll get out alive !

Fucked !

5. Insane

[backing vox : Poupou/Xela]

Insane... Insane... Kim Jon II

A population is starving
Families run away to escape death
Men, women, children...
If they fail, they're burnt at the stake
A relative is forced to light the fire...

...and to watch the suffering
Labour camps detain 200000 people
Prisonners are fed on mud, tortured
Women who give birth see their babies
Immediately strangled

Hunger drives some people insane
Parents kill and eat their children
Some of them sell human flesh
How is it possible ?
Kim Jon II is willing to let die
Seventy percent of the North Corea population

6. State Of Violence

I don't support
This state of violence
I need to scream
Loud my convictions

I refuse it
Noise is my violence
I fight for peace
Words are my weapons

No solution
Kids play with with guns
No control
They shoot when they want (to)
Early warrior
Allowed to kill ?

Life or death
Fucking game with no rules
(In) God you trust (but) children die

[solo mr 8]

7. Epitaph Of A Greedy World

I hate this world where I was born
I loathe the knowledge pretention
The ethics and virtue mankind defends

The hypocrisy of human venture where
Altruism is pride on even when
Greed and selffishness are always used
Citizen full of your own importance
Leeches sucking up money and power
I'm fed up with you !
You shall die !
My fury is aimed at those who talk
About love and claim to feel it
This world is unable
To love anything

Blind again and again with its egoncentricity
Humans sink into the sea of vile madness

As fast as it can, as fast as it wants
Lost between life and death
The only two realities of existence
Mankind has made its choice
Live in a rotten world, satisfy their greed
Die forgotten of all, without a grave
Too late for you, you're convict(ed) !

[solo david/mr 8]

8. No sense

[backing vox : Feutse]

9. Conformism

["Deux routes s'offraient r moi, et lr j'ai suivi celle ou on n'allait pas... Et j'ai compris toue la difference."]
[Robert Frost (1874-1963)]

Obssessed by what they see on TV
Drugged up with the fucking magazines
Idealism of beauty, imposed perfection
All this shit trusted by a retarded generation
"Be like that or be nothing !"

Can you feel the fatal destiny ?
The shame of being yourself
The fright of being rejected
The dry taste of exclusion
Its cold breath in your flesh

Being different is often a hard price to pay
The despair of staying unloved forever
Chained by a thick loneliness
Unkown and nameless creatures
Lost in the dark marches of the nothingness

Despised by the fashion fanatics
You don't exist on that rotten earth
Nobody wnats to know you
Your world is too ugly
For this lobotomized herd

The stupidity is out of limit
For whom the eye is the first judge
Of what they see
For those who don't know how
To hink by themselves

Fuck you !!!

10. People Never Change

You can't go out the real human nature
You can't fight against the primary instincts
Don't pretend the opposite !
You're not different

[solo mr 8]

So easy to destroy, too tiring to build
Making the good is too expensive !
No lessons, no progressions
The story remains the same

Lazy human race !!!

Politics of money
Dictatorships of power
Maniacs of control
All over the world

The same mistakes
Full of lies !!!
The same wastes
Full of cries !!!

You're not better
You'll never change
You'll never be better
You won't change !

Silhouette without form
Discolored shadow
Paralysed strength
Gesture without movement

Poor human race !!!

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