Facegrinder : Unstable Mentality and Theoretical Convulsion

Brutal Death / Australia
(2013 - Self-Released)
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Phenomenal detonation, universal displacement, unknown Forces pulsate from the abyss. Atoms splitting, neutrons Colliding, dimensions caught in the eclipse.

Epic fail of cosmic construction,
Gateways choking on each Others disruption.
Fabrics of time dissolve and warp,
Giants in isolation twist And contort.

Planets explode in gravitational friction,
Scarring the Cosmos with shrapnel incisions.
Multiple vacuums created in The process,
Devouring any debris from the abscess.

Overloaded with remnants from the universe's disfigurement.
A disruption in matter releases a wave of sonic bombardment.
Rings of destruction pulsate, sonic shockwaves eradicate.
Remaining orbs rendered to dust,
Radiated light eats at the Crust.

Engorging and thriving on breaking the barrier of sound.
Infinite destruction forever travelling unbound.


Confusion yet understanding,
The puzzle completed yet never Broken.
Pure and unique, imperfections obsolete.
Born of no deformities.
Produced to ascend and teach,
To make the universe complete.
Hands of resolution, curing the minds polluted.

Balance out existance, be free of dissonance.
Energetic release, corruption deceased.

Confusion yet understanding,
The puzzle completed yet never Broken.
A reason to live, think beyond the abyss,
Physically and Mentally.
Produced to ascend and teach,
To make the universe complete.
Rise of the systematic, prodigy of the enigmatic.

Easing off our depression, teach mankind a new lesson.
Balance out existance, be free of dissonance.

Confusion yet understanding,
The puzzle completed yet never Broken.
Pure and unique, imperfections obsolete.
Born of no deformities.
Produced to ascend and teach,
To make the universe complete.
Rise of the systematic, prodigy of the enigmatic.


Fires burning deep, malevolence seeps.
My mind recoils, I detest the spoils.
Abhorrence, grotesque repugnance.
No envy, but absolute misanthropy.

Resentment plagues, for absolute hate.
Abomination, full of vexation.

Patience worn thin, hatred slowly consuming.
Crushing the sanity, nothing left but profanities.
A burning will to please, affliction will appease.
Combusting inferno, raging internal.

Violent tendencies overtaking stability.
Short on mentality in psychotic ecstacy.

No weakness, forever furious.


Mental breakdown imminent, psychological torment.
Descend into paradox, sanity gone but not lost.
Mine is shattered, equilibrium, lucid experience.
Vivid imagination, sleeper awake, internal consequence.

Escape is non-negotiable, trapped in the void.
Mentality unsustainable, unapproachable.
Is this all just a fantasy, how did I slip from reality.
My mind is scared, hainted by pathological entities.

Breakdown commences, visions come relentless.
Torture becomes progressive.
My sanity is dismissive, no solutions.
My brain is polluted.

Mental breakdown imminent, psychological torment.
Descend into paradox, sanity gone but not lost.
Mine is shattered, equilibrium, lucid experience.
Vivid imagination, sleeper awake, internal consequence.

Reinstated with visions I fabricated.
Abandoned of all senses, left with no directions.


Vicious cycles of the mind,
Atrocities of the ferocious Kind.
Warped perceptions plague, overwhelmed with rage.
Reason vacuumed from sanity,
Nothing left but a living Profanity.
A hunger to resolve, neglection of life taking its toll.

Angered energy yearning to burn,
Ascension to the point of No return.
Life and its meaning have no worth,
The taste of flesh Forever a curse.
Conforming to abnormality, heightened senses of insanity.
Cant escape the carnivorous traits,
Derogatory thoughts Emancipate.


Visions, deceptive, disillusioned.
Superstitious faith of a future opaque.

Expired visionary, wisdom stationary.
Attrition in the mind, optimistically blind. Knowledge Convulsions, theoretical expulsion. Premonitions of lies, Philosophers demise.

Visions, deceptive, disillusioned.
Superstitious faith of a future opaque.

Downfall of the prophetic.
Despised and deemed pathetic.
Information irrelevant, knowledge inconvenient. Inconsequential suffering, unforeseen misery.
Premonitions of lies, philosophers demise.

Your pursuit of wisdom, understanding of knowledge, things And their causes, will all be abolished.
Your study of realities, and systems of theories,
All your General principles lost in my obscurity.


A blank expression, my face trancends.
Despair glazes over my eyes.
Noone seems to notice this hollow descent,
The visions I Gaze upon.
Stealing my attention, dimensional eclipse,
Physical status Left behind.
A blinding light coarses through my conscious.
Am I trapped within my own mind?

A parallel universe shatters with my own.
Multiverse metamorphosis.
Barriers of time incinerate the life around me.
Evaporation of creation.
Am I to suffer, or id this the result of suffering.
I have no physicallity.
A voice bellows, summoning my entity.
I am no crimson offering.

Reality disfunctioned, you must submit, you must transgress.
Brain manipulation - we seek atonement, swim in the Multiverse.


Alone in the cast emptiness, becoming one within the abyss.
The void unmeasurable, incomplete,
The great divide ill-Concieved.
Knowledge passed away, unable to understand.
Confusion causes anger, never again to comprehend.
Relentless dissonance, contorting reality, resorting to Insanity to withstand the obscurity.

Lost within conscious, the link to freedom, the ability to Wake, deliver the mind salvation. Overstimulated, mental Corruption.
Angered suppression causes neural destruction.
Distorted visions blinding the obsolete.
Trapped state of delirium, never to be released.
Tirelessly weakened by the abscence of reason.
Psychological dispute now in question.

Dissintergration, I disappear.
Through a vortex, drowned in my fears.
Follow a voice to find my reflection,
Brace myself for lucid Entrapment


The living of life is an allowing of self.
There is no escape from the self. Your idea of the world is Everything.
Change your idea and you change your world.

Fear is the mind killer.

Changing expectations and beliefs, you can change your own Dreamspace.
Dreams of the beholder, eyes behold.
They affect us as we effect it.

Concentrated focus with intent, anyway is the right way.
The mind, the emotions and mental action, precede the Effect.

Fear is the mind killer.

Probe the depths of unconscious knowledge and the dream reality.
It may mean somethin, it may mean nothing - hope and consciousness..


Awaken from your hollow dreams,
Struck down in discontent of Living.
Beholding flesh in its purest form,
Evil and corruption Scorned.

A contagious disease spreading through the mind,
The hidden Darkness in humankind.

Minds that once roamed free, trapped of their own insanity.
Deprived of salvation in your own dimension.

Self inflicted, unable to release the tension.

Engulfed in your own madness,
Creating a monster enshrined In darkness.
Self inflictions dwell far internal,
Harnessing a force Infernal.

Physically and mentally, draining your soul of its energy.

Feasting upon your weaknesses.
Control for sanity is obsolete.
Your own thoughts incarcerated, consumed inside your own Walls.


Bright transition, cosmic radiation dispersed.
Anomaly, mysterious matter of a sub-atomic particle.
Argentum being of supremacy.

Unearthly entity, of god like talents.
Converting matter and energy, exerting itself and randomly Effecting surrounding matter. Infecting biological beings, Molecules in constant of flux.

Metallic alien, beacon of destruction, summoning an Intergalactic force of astronomical proportion.
Feeding on thermal and organic energy, the monstrous entity Recoeves the pulse of dissonance.
The silver anomaly's message for a planet to be consumed.

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