Extreme Noise Terror : In It for Life

Crust / United-Kingdom
(1989 - Sink Below Records)
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Grew up with punk, meant so much then
A way of life but you changed your mind again

Are you in this for life or just for today?
Are you in this for life or just to pose?

Hawkwind and acid, a new way of life at last
Fuck the present lets live in the past

Well we´re just people looking for a way to end the hardships, the problems of today.
We´re still thinking the way we did then and we won´t sit back and watch it happen again
Our movement starts to splinter. Our dreams go out of range. Become another false product which can never bring change.

Reliving the past won´t right the wrongs
Instant relief at the toke of a bong.


The governments wayof looking up your mind
To make you believe everything´s fine

Subliminal music mind control
Subliminal music brain death
Subliminal music mind control

Synthetic music to numb the brain
Buy this shit just to fit in
Brainwashed by pop-songs, fantasy world
Moulded into thhe perfect clone


9-5 the oblivion of my mind
Shackled to the millstone of daily grind

Bollocks to your restarts
I won´t fuckin´ work for you

Stuff your useless money, I don´t need it.
Only got one life and I´m gonna live it.


In the scene of so many factions and different outlooks on life
You´ll always get people who will stab you in the back

It doesn´t matter who you are, what you say or what you do
You´ll always get people who will criticise you

Forget the backstabbing, build on the things that we agree
Lets work together for a more united scene


Pulsating man made growths infest the bodies of laboratory animals
Force fed pain from birth til death, animals dying to be dead

Cruelty to carnivores
Not to animals
Fur ripped from the backs of baby seal, nerves and veins left hanging in shreds, skulls cracked open, brains exposed, left to rot but still alive.
Sick to death of lies, excuses and dumb pretence
If you´re still eating meat now you´re nothing more than a selfish, ignorant, uncaring shit.

Animals hung from rusty meat hooks. Thrown into cazed, chaotic fits, eyes gaping wide in total terror, as its guts spill out on to the floor


(No lyrics available)



Unquestioning lackeys to gutless bigots. The weak dominate the strong The few suppress the many. Self righteous puppet masters manipulate the strings of yielding pawns... Dogs fenced in a yard, weak minds. Snarling on command, swallow insight, pavlons hold, limited reason. Mindless puppets your stubborn persistence to dogmatic fanaticism. Leaves us only one avenue: Dragging ourselves down to your level. You can run...But you cant hide.

Manical Reason: broke from its tethers
Still they seek a second coming
One by one, the lowest of worms
creep out from under the stones.

CH: You can run but you cant hide

Snivelling mass murderers
Their guilt a burden too heavy to bear
Sentence is already passed
The Sentence is already passed...

CH: You can run but you cant hide

Spellbound eyes se only heroes
Interest became obsession
Hobbies of purity in your gas chamber
In your very own gas chamber

You justify such heinous crimes
The executioners hand you would kiss
No other words of persecution
And the cards are already dealt.


I can see pages open
Spills out with a proud sneer
And to these naive eyes
Its just spinless ignorance

Deciphered in the crudest form

Spelt out in one line sarcasm
The poison pen vomits scorn
Swirled once in the business belly
And simply spat onto paper
All sentiment now smothered in bile
Patronising articulate diction
Reading mockery between the lines

So knowledge rests on expert shoulders!?
Abusing trust that is placed upon.
A high price to pay to push out the walls,
When the roof caves in, snuffs out the spark.
Diluting opinions, praising self regression,
Rip out the heart: contractual obligation
A circus of words to label predictable
Ineffectual: we've heard it before...

Fuck off.


Who am I if Im not one of you?
Play the game, you roll the dice
Jumping in with mud in my eye
It comes to an end: pedestal fall

ch: The harder you fall

What makes you so much better?
Lycky breaks can drop like leaves
From maternal arms, you could rise or fall
And I can walk away with a smile on my face

ch: The harder you fall
[Repeat last verse]
ch: The harder you fall

Your fifteen minutes are ticking away, ticking away...

11. CABIN FEVER (92 F)

Its all encompassing, a snare chocking space
No escape to seculation, hiding in short temper

ch: Stifling, choking, I need air

Stagnating in this pool, second nature swamps
Swallowed the key, press for self destruct

ch: Stifling, choking, I need air

Schizophrenic, homely obsessions
Rise to attack then wave the white flag
Stubborn righteousness and fevered temper
Building bars in this bedlam

Need air to think clear, dealing cards too fast
Wandering in a maze of selfish stupidity

ch: Stifling, choking, I need air

Playing my ace, but its lost in the pack
Screaming privacy: no space in my head

ch: Stifling, choking, I need air

You need air


''Yesterday is dead there is no tomorrow, only now''(Charles Manson)

Enslaves by a dream a life to fulfil
Blind ambition just fuels the disaster of disappointment
Its over by morning
Its now or nowhere

Theres no going back

Paranoia of the moment not of thing to come
My head buried in the sand: a sympton to relate
To this, it is terminal
Its now or nowhere

Theres no going back

Theres no going back: but forward is nowhere
Theres no going back: cant relive the past there
Theres no going back: but forward is nowhere
Theres no going back: and now is somewhere

The fondest of memories to fondle that moment
When the past looked to the future
With eyes that never open at dawn
Its over by morning
It is now or nowhere
Theres no going back



Gonna get up early, just once a fortnight
Looking for work, just once a decade
Farcical interviews, failings an art
Rather be slob than work all my life

ch: Hooray...For the vegetation of youth

Straight to the post office, giros are nice
Drunk and disorderly, fuck the 9 to 5's
Vomiting green haired punx still on the dole
Lets waste our youth for the next 40 years

ch: Hooray...For the vegetation of youth

Break out the beer, I've fooled the restart
Lets celebrate, its giro day

Couple of days spending spree, don't get enough
You can lead a horse to water but I can't find the offy
Lets stuff our faces on beer and pot noodles
Lazy good for nothing, I'll drink to that


Ride a cock horse over straight edge cross
To see chemicals spilling insane, insaine laughing

ch: My body, my mind stimulant abuse
My body, my mind just remember

Mindless pleasure is tabboo, you'd love to see me freeze
Running through the town in just my nightgown

ch: My body, my mind stimulant abuse
My body, my mind just remember

Whatever happened to individual choice?

Prohibition of choice: obsessive non obsession
Yet I could never write a gospel of open minded reason.

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