Extortionist : Sever the Cord

Deathcore / USA
(2019 - Stay Sick Recordings)
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You came baring hollow intentions.
Carried darkness from where you came.
False connection bound by filthy habits.
Can't say I haven't done the same.
Is this what we've become over this product of pain?
Bad vibrations loom with your dark spirit.
You haven't been the same.
Free fall into shadows where you dwell.
I'd be lying if I said that I've been doing well.
When I look in your eyes, I don't know what I see.
I think it's time that we say farewell.
It's taken over your mind.
It's taking over me.
I think it's time that we say farewell.
No more affinity between you and me.
From foul history, we are relieved.
Lost between the lines under fluorescent lights.
Dance with our demons into the night.
Life seen through haze enveloped bedroom eyes.
We are what we despise.
Separation holds the key.
I need to be set free.
This is not what we're meant to be.
I cannot live my life this way.
Anxiety takes place every time I wake.
These drugs we take aren't worth the pain.
When I look in your eyes, I don't know what I see.
I think it's time that we say farewell.
It's taken over your mind.
It's taking over me.
I think it's time that we say farewell.
Succumb to sleep, my anxious little hell.
I'd be lying if I said that I've been doing well.
Free me from the endless disconnect.
We were one in the same, now you wear a different face.
Who the fuck are you now?
Bad vibes


Longing for an idle mind.
Can't seem to leave my past behind.
When I'm awake I feel a constant degradation.
Countless Marlboro meditations.
Tell yourself that the world you love hates you.
Even the ones that care for you the most.
Feels like 1,000 eyes are staring at my soul.
Tell myself one day I'll choke on the smoke and find peace.
No peace to find. Get up, get up.
Watch every step, dissect every word that is said.
Replay and rewind these fucked up memories in bed.
Please bare with me I'm still learning.
Stupidity spews from the mouth of the burden.
I didn't do anything right.
Lay waste to my youth and what is sacred to mine.
Anxieties built a home in my mind.
And the walls are beat to shit.
Just because I'm fine doesn't mean that I'm alright.
But I don't think you get it.
Tell yourself that the world you love hates you.
Even the ones that care for you the most.
Feels like 1,000 eyes are staring at my soul.
Tell myself one day I'll choke on the smoke and find peace.
Just because I'm fine, doesn't mean that I'm alright.
No peace to find.
It's built a home in my mind.
Pictures of my trauma hangs from the walls.
Always reminded of why I'm crawling out of my skin.
No I can't stand the sight of myself.


I was supposed to be something. Not what you painted of me.
I was supposed to be someone. You lie through your teeth.
How does it feel to be so selfish? Does it bring you peace?
Manipulation is your game. You never listen to what they say.
The world would be a better place if you just went the fuck away.
I'll sit and watch as your life decays. How does it feel?
No one remembers your name. No love to salvage. Forgotten, a waste.
No path or future. Only death remains.
You let your mistakes bleed over me.
The hatred stings.
Push the blame on everyone else but yourself.
You've created your own personal hell.
I'll sit and watch as your life decays. How does it feel?
No one remembers your name. No love to salvage. Forgotten, a waste.
No path or future. Only death remains.
Forgotten, a waste. Only death remains.
You're just the shit scraped off the shoes of every fucking person you've used, motherfucker.
You deserve nothing, and will fucking die with nothing.
There's a reason why your mother never fucking loved you.


Uncertainty drives my fear.
(The panic sets in)
Panic setting in.
The noise inside my ears will never silence.
The room is spinning, I'm losing composure.
Anxiety driven, it throws me over.
Am I unwanted? Yeah, am I unwanted?
The voice inside my head it tells me that my mind is haunted.
Another day in this life. Another day living life with a broken conscience.
How can I ease this pain?
The dark never seems to fade.
Beaten, abused, and unloved. Feels like I'm all of the above.
But you'd never understand while you're barking those commands with a silver spoon in your hand.
So shut the fuck up.
Am I unwanted? Yeah, am I unwanted?
The voice inside my head it tells me that my mind is haunted.
Another day in this life. Another day living life with a broken conscience.
How can I ease this pain?
Take a step back. Think before you speak.
I can't control this panic. That occurs at times.
Yeah sometimes I might lose my mind.
You'll never know what this feels like.
You'll never know the torment that's been eating me alive.
My worst enemy is the voice inside my mind.
You left me out in the cold when I needed you most.
Stray dogs get put down. I'm stuck with nowhere to go.


Exposed of false imperfections. They try to ruin me.
I've lost all sight of my ambitions. There's nothing here for me.
I've lost myself in all directions. No one can hear my plea.
What is the point of all this pressure? There's nothing here for me.
This life I lived used to be everything. But I've been killing myself for a dying dream.
Beaten and broken down constantly. There's no benefit. Just anxiety.
Cast aside when I ask for help. Burnt out and bitter.
I guess I'll just go fuck myself. This is not the way it's supposed to be.
Always bending backwards, I can barely breathe. I've lost myself in all directions.
I've lost myself in all directions. No one can hear my plea.
What is the point of all this pressure? There's nothing here for me.
Motivation grows harder to reach when my whole world implodes every time I leave.
I have no fall back, I have no peace. Feels like I've lost my purpose.
All I have is me. You motherfuckers.
I've lost myself in all directions. No one can hear my plea.
What is the point of all this pressure? There's nothing here for me.


No soul must enter, take what you want I don't care.
Shut every helping hand in the door. Losing myself in thought.
I don't want to be this way anymore.
Every hand holds a knife. And they're pointed at me.
My lack of fucking trust is what caused them to fucking leave.
Paranoid your intentions are unclean.
Take what you want, I don't care anymore. Tear me apart if it's what you desire.
Hang me up high and watch me bleed. Suspend me by my impurities.
You can cut me open. Take what you need.


Gouge these memories from my brain. Haven't seen you around. I haven't been the same.
Nostalgia holds me hostage, don't walk my way.
'Cause I can't take another second. I can't take this pain, no.
Nothing left to lose. I'm through with you.
What will you do when no one's there for you?
Losing my grip, I try to keep it together.
I haven't been so well. Yeah, I've been under the weather.
Swimming deep to the bottom of the seven.
The whiskey helps me sleep. Loneliness I surrender.
Bite your tongue, cease me from your bullshit.
Don't say another word, this is what you wanted.
You know me and yeah I know you too. We both played the game.
I know the things that you do.
Yeah, I know the things that you do.
I'm not perfect but I'll never sink as low as you.
Where did you get your sense of entitlement?
(It's all bullshit)
The world doesn't owe you shit. Brace for a cold day in hell when reality hits.
I've tried so many times to get through to you.
But you're too far gone. One day you'll realize you were wrong all along.
You're just another lost cause. And I knew that this day would come.
Yeah, that's right. I told you motherfucker.
Keep talking your shit you punk ass bitch.
You're too wrapped up inside that ego that you feed.
Your social web of lies has you tangled in deceit.
Don't want any part of it, keep that shit away from me.
I'd rather walk this life alone. I'd rather walk to my own beat.
Can't tell you how many times.
Offered hands, just to wrap around my throat.
You preach about respect but why am I still hanging from your rope?
Gave you places to stay when you had no where else to go.
But now it's your turn, it's time you finally learn.
Respect is earned motherfucker.
I might be low. But I'll never sink as low as you motherfucker.


Don't tell me baby, where did you go? Lately that shoulder of yours has been so cold.
Stomach turning, sense of panic shakes throughout my bones. Intuition knows our love has decomposed.
Don't tell me where you sleep, baby. I know what you've been doing.
If you see my face, don't walk my way. Save your words 'cause I can't bare the pain.
Once a Christian girl, now look at your horns. Can't tell which version of you that I like more.
If you got a thing for dancing with the devil. She'll sure as hell leave your heart on the floor.
Peel back my skin, take a look at what you left me. See that I suffer the pain of feeling empty.
Take everything, leave nothing. If I said I don't deserve it I'd be lying.
Don't tell me where you sleep, baby. I know what you've been doing.
If you see my face, don't walk my way. Save your words 'cause I can't bare the pain.
Feels like the vultures picked apart our love. I'm not sure if that's what you wanted.
And yeah sometimes I fucking hate you. 'Cause the way it all went down, it was fucking awful.
You got me wrapped around your finger baby. Won't you set me free?
It's been 3 years and I still die inside when I hear your name.
Don't tell me where you sleep, baby. I know what you've been doing.
If you see my face, don't walk my way. Save your words 'cause I can't bare the pain.
You didn't realize what it did to me when you'd tell me that you loved me while your body was between those fucking sheets. In the end I promised we'd be friends. But I just couldn't accept.
And I'm sorry for the mess I made. My conscience is forever stained in regret.
The darkest side of me resurfaced the moment you left.
Maybe one day we will reconnect. But if not I understand.
Feel free to forget me.


Stuck in a world of deceit.
I'm ridding myself of your world of deceit. I hear the rats singing as I leave.
Keep drowning yourself in your pool of dishonesty. I've played the game, you will never fucking fool me.
Now I feel nothing. Nothing. Now I feel fucking nothing.
Stacking bodies, I watched them fall one by one. Connections bound by poison.
None of my friends give a fuck. Yeah, it numbs the pain but it's never enough.
(Never enough)
No it's never enough. Yeah we drink just because.
They all wear their masks hiding knives behind their backs.
They all fake their love and it's all fake trust.
I won't break my back for this connection to last.
I've played a part of my own misfortune. Buried myself in my own destruction.
Burnt every bridge that lead me out of the darkness. At the end of the day, all you have is yourself.
I'm ridding myself of your world of deceit. I hear the rats singing as I leave.
Keep drowning yourself in your pool of dishonesty. I've played the game, you will never fucking fool me.
Yeah it numbs the pain but it's never enough (never enough)
No it's never enough. Yeah we drink just because.


Bleed yourself dry. Let them wear your skin.
Always staying quiet. Spread yourself thin.
It doesn't matter how hard you try. You'll never fucking win.
Cut the fucking cord. You will feel my pain.
Sleep in broken glass, tell me what do you see in the reflection?
Do you feel at peace with yourself? Do you feel nothing?
They're vultures, they feed when favors are due.
No where to be found when succumbed to the blue.
No longer will I bow to the fakes. Freed myself of your selfish ways.
No sympathy. No forgiveness.
Extortionist 2019 motherfuckers.
Sever the fucking cord.


Pain and separation.
This pain lies in separation. My heart has learned to love again.
The fear of loss takes a miserable toll. I know eventually I will lose it all.
Experience gained but it's such a shame that connection is not eternal.
I know eventually it's bound to end.
Stripped of feeling, burnt out and anxious. We learn to live in pain.
No happiness, no peace. Fight the dark another day.
Curse this mind of mine.
Experience gained but it's such a shame tat connection is not eternal.
Why do the things we love get taken away? Why do our hearts get frozen over?
Stripped of feeling, burnt out and anxious. We learn to live in pain.
No happiness, no peace. Fight the dark another day.
Stripped of feeling, burnt out and anxious. We learn to live in pain.


You will leave them, they will leave you too.
A pain you cannot bare. There's nothing you can do.
Death is inevitable. Life will be rid of you.
Roots will be torn from the family tree.
Sacred bonds you wished forever are now splitting at the seams.
There will become a day where there will be no you and me.
It doesn't matter how and when. It's all within our destiny.
The ones you thought were true will be the "friends" that are never there
for you.
The hardest pill to swallow, is the one that's labeled "Truth".
Pain bleeds in different shades. No one reacts the same.
They wear a different face. Fingers pointing aimless blame. Go.
Some will make mistakes that they carry to the grave.
Some will act maliciously and spend their days ashamed.
None of this means anything at the end of all our days.
Accepting loss is the burden we are forced to face.
The ones you're holding close will go their separate ways.
Damage will be done and you will do the same. It doesn't matter how and when.
They will all go away. Regret will take it's fucking place. There is nothing to say.
The ones you love will leave and you could be the one to blame.
They'll rob you of your spirit. You'll strip them of their fucking will.
An endless cycle of grief. The holes we leave will never fill.
Free yourself from all the pain. Stay inside and hide your face.
Very few will be around to walk this life until the grave.

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