Extirpation (GER) : Extirpation

Black Death / Germany
(2007 - Self-Released)
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Cold-blooded murder
Calculated destruction
On target, destroyed
Who cares for the method?

Sacrificed for the great goal
Regardless of the consequences
An ineluctable action
Invisible wounds, unheard screams

No chance, no choice
Only one aspect in the plan
Elimination of the enemy
The enemy of their world order

Wrong time, wrong place
Fragmented bodies, demolished future

Sacrificed for the great goal
Regardless of the consequences
An ineluctable action
Invisible wounds, unheard screams

Forgotten fates, forgotten questions
An unknown body count
Suppress all memories of suffering
The propaganda machine works


I've seen my future crucified
And suffocated by man-made evils
Religion and politics

A path of misery lies before me
No turning back, no way to escape
My mind is my prison

A world of grey surrounds me
Denying me to bathe in light
Or hide in the shadows

World of grey
Full of disgrace
Cold and hostile
Product of our failure

This world grants no peace
For those who seek serenity
Only eternal war and pain

Upstarts dare to enforce
Their decrepit visions
Of right and wrong

No one willing to give in
General lack of compromise
Will be our demise

Lifeless light from a dying sun
Spills over the corpse of our planet
We've sealed our crippled fate
Death is here, too late for escape!


In my chamber black
You'll meet your ultimate fate
My henchmen torture, bind and gag you
Until you've made your final confession

Die! Die! Enemy of my system!

Knife into your eyes
Nails into your bones
Cutting off your limbs
Grinding off your teeth

Die! Die! Enemy of my system!

Isolation – Walls seem to come closer
Isolation – realising you will never see the sun again
Isolation – beginning to accept your fate
Madness – death becomes a familiar fiend

You stood in my way.
Your might was a risk,
your criticism a nuisance.
So this is my revenge, this is your end!

Nobody will see your wounds
Everybody will call you a traitor
Nobody will support you
Everybody is confident that
…you are guilty!


Confined in this prison we call home,
A country that will become our tomb.
A silent war is going on, ready to burst into napalm fire,
To consume us all in our apathy.

The Government works against its own population,
Hesitant to protect the weak, addicted to exploitation.
Individual interests come before the common good,
That's why the masses are clumsy and helpless.

Extirpate the prevailing ignorance.
Destroy all sickening thoughts.
Rip out the chains which tie us to the ground.
Extirpation! Extirpation!

Infected by seeds of hate,
Feeble-minded fascists strive for ethnic cleansing.
Violent minorities endanger a richness of culture,
Visions of brutality are reflected in brainless eyes.

Delete the social virus of displeasure,
Get rid of things that poison the whole.
We all suffer from things that bind us.
We are not willing to die on our knees.

Utopia is an eternity away, all ideals have gone to hell.
Rituals of daily mutilation have numbed us beyond lethargy.
Violation of human rights and morale is our daily companion.
The world war cruelties seem suppressed, and are likely to be repeated.

After the war is before the war, tanks are prepared to roll through Eden again.
Failing to render assistance over and over again, we are working on more nameless graves.

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