Exalted Saviour : No Tolerance, No Compromise

Doom Metal / Canada
(2013 - Self-Released)
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Father God, right now in the Name of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth
I take authority over the very atmosphere of this building
In the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
I confess Jesus as Lord over this meeting...
I declare Jesus, you are the Captain of our salvation
And in the Name of Jesus I raise the shield of faith around everyone in this room
Let the light of Jesus expose all darkness in this place, in the Name above every Name
I break the power, and I take the Sword of the Spirit
(now this is a demonstration of a prayer and I want you to understand
the "Sword of the Spirit" is the Word of God)
I take the Sword of the Spirit in my hand right now
And I loose everyone in this room from doubt and unbelief
Loose them in Jesus Name
From fear of religious spirits
I break your power now
Loose them in the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
All spirits of division and strife
Loose them in the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
Every wicked spirit of discord we break your power now
Confusion, perversion, error, passivity, loose them
And let them go right now, in the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
And I bind satan's ability to interfere with any finances of anyone in this room
In the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
Now I seal these prayers, and this spiritual warfare with the blood of the Lamb
In the Name of Jesus, I plead the blood over this meeting
This building, the people, the leadership, and the membership
In the Name above every Name
Father, call us all to be mighty warriors dressed for battle
Teach our hands to war, O God
Put a wall of fire, and a hedge of protection around everyone in this room
And everyone listening to this...
I forbid the retaliation of any wicked spirit against anyone in this room
Or anyone listening to this...
In the Name above every Name, both now and in the future
In the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
I pray that everyone in this room would be zealous, white-hot, fervent
Full of fiery zeal, in the Name of Jesus, the Christ of Nazareth
Now Father, we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb
By the word of our testimony, and we love not our lives unto the death
The battle is the Lord's, and the victory is ours
Let the high praises of God be in our mouth
And a two-edged sword in our hand
Now, thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph
In Christ Jesus
Amen, and amen.

Worthy is the Lamb of God to receive all praise
Blessings and all adoration to the Highest Name
He who breaks the seven seals, the time is now unveiled
Jesus Christ, the Living God, for us He was impaled

The Lion of Judah's tribe, He judges and makes war
In righteousness, and from His mouth a sharp two-edged sword
The Word of God, the Prince of Peace, the Master of the hordes
Lord of Hosts, exalted Saviour, and the risen Lord

Master and Commander, I live to extol Your Name
I differentiate betwixt the Holy and profane
Help me be a light to others, as I live my life
So they may turn from sin, and to the Truth of Jesus Christ

Jesus, the Messiah, who delivers Israel
Casts false-prophet, and the beast into the maw of hell
Only Your blood purifies and cleanses me from sin
Bring blessed regeneration, new life now begins

Through You I am justified by faith, now I know
Saved by grace and not of works, lest any man should boast
I carry my cross proclaiming Your unfailing love
While we were in sin, God sent His Son to die for us

Behold the Hand...
Behold the Nail...

Yeshua, the Law fulfilled, who sets His sheep apart
Cornerstone of God's Temple built within my heart
You who lights my path, a lamp unto my feet
Encompass me with fire, and enlarge my steps beneath

You who wash away my tears, the only living God
You who casts away my fears, and brings them all to nought
You are Just and Faithful, Merciful and True
God, you died for me, so I will live for You...


Tell me why the heathen rage, and plot a vainful thing
To overthrow the Lord of Hosts in grim conspiracy
He who sits enthroned in Heaven laughs at their attempt
And in the Day of Reckoning they still will not repent

The blind will lead the blind until they fall into a pit
And he who killeth with the sword, himself is killed therewith
Jesus is the only way to escape from hell
In the end, there's no one else to blame except yourself

Jesus is my Master, and it's Him that I obey
We're living in the latter days, there is no more delay
He took me from the jaws of death, drowning in the black
Repent therefore, the Kingdom is at hand, He's coming back

Holy Spirit guide me to the Truth, and help me see
Help me walk in holiness, I put my trust in Thee
Everyday I take my cross and follow where You lead
Be a doer of the Word, not merely hear decrees

Jesus must be lifted up, myself, I must decrease
I only want to hear You say that You are fully pleased
With my actions as a servant, bow before Your throne
And welcome me into Your Kingdom, my eternal Home

Jesus is my Master

Jesus is my Master, and it's Him that I obey
We're living in the latter days, there is no more delay
He took me from the jaws of death, drowning in the black
Repent therefore, the Kingdom is at hand, He's coming back


He comes in glory, shining brighter than the sun
Victory belongs to Him alone, God's only Son
Burning up the elements all melt with fervent heat
Flowing from the cross, like Blood upon the Mercy Seat

From the Holy City He reigns for a thousand years
Jesus, the Messiah, wash away our every tear
With an iron scepter, His Kingdom shall never end
And the curse upon the earth shall never be again

Purified, some wise will fall so they may be refined
Cleansed, until the end that comes at the appointed time
Blessed is the one who, watchful, vigilant, remains
Reaching one thousand-three-hundred-thirty-five days

The antichrist will persecute and overcome the saints
But we shall overcome him by the Blood that Jesus gave
The word of our testimony of His saving grace
Loving not our lives unto the death into the grave

Praise be to God, my strength and song
Who takes away my sins
Jesus Christ, my Saviour, and my
True and faithful friend
Transgressions are removed farther
Than East is from the West


Father God, I come before Your throne and seek Your face
Humbling myself before You, I am a disgrace

Begging for Your mercy, for to wash my sins away
Then i turn and wallow in the sins that You forgave
You are just and faithful in Your righteousness so true
I am such a wretched man, I'm nothing without You
O my God, You are the only one who satisfies
The hunger in my soul, O father God, be glorified
Jesus, Your Messiah, was rejected and despised
Crucified, entombed, and then You brought Him back to life

Jesus, I extol You, for You are the risen Lord
Who gave another life to me I never had before
Thank You for the sacrifice you made upon the cross
I put my trust in You because without You I am lost

Begging for Your mercy, for to wash my sins away
Then i turn and wallow in the sins that You forgave
You are just and faithful in Your righteousness so true
I am such a wretched man, I'm nothing without You
O my God, You are the only one who satisfies
The hunger in my soul, O father God, be glorified
Jesus, Your Messiah, was rejected and despised
Crucified, entombed, and then You brought Him back to life


Jesus, my Saviour
I worship and adore you
Lord, Alpha-Omega
Beginning and the End

For me You were beaten
And nailed to a cross
You shed Your precious blood
To atone for my sins

Passover Lamb, You are worthy of all praise
Slain before the foundation of the world was ever laid
Blotted out my sins by Your sacrificial death
Quickened by the Spirit, my Messiah lives again

You triumphed over sin and death
Your strength will never fail
You crushed the head of satan and
And You mocked the priests of Baal

In the Name of Jesus I will battle for the prize
To You I show allegiance, even if I have to die

I pray that You will keep me in the palm of Your hand
Empower me to preach, and reach as many as I can
Father, my provider, without You I am undone
Victory is Your, yes, the war's already won

Forever You're my fortress, whatever the devil brings
I will trust in You under the shadow of Your wings


Snow falls to the frozen ground, the blizzard a cascade
So beautiful, the Lord's creation that His Word has made
From the times in early Spring, which gives the trees rebirth
Even though it lies suffering underneath His curse

Nature longs to be restored by His eternal grace
Ever since our parents came into their fallen state
When Jesus returns, he comes to set the World aright
He will give regeneration, and the tree of life

Built upon the sure foundation of Lord Jesus Christ
His strength will never fail throughout the cold and desperate night
In the storms of persecution, misery, and death
I will praise the God who gives me life, who gave me breath

In all things, Thy Will be done, in Heaven and on earth
My life is Yours, my love for You, because You loved me first
With my sword and armour I wage war against the dark
Empowered, I stand with the Holy Spirit in my heart

Lord, renew my heart and mind, to mount on eagles' wings
melt the winter bitterness, as in the early Spring
Though I walk through tribulation, shadows of the damned
You will keep me as a jewel in Your immortal hand

Nature longs to be restored by His eternal grace
Ever since our parents came into their fallen state
When Jesus returns, he comes to set the World aright
He will give regeneration, and the tree of life

Built upon the sure foundation of Lord Jesus Christ
His strength will never fail throughout the cold and desperate night

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