Every Time I Die : New Junk Aesthetic

Тексты песен


We cut our teeth in the bedroom.
We slit our wrists in our costumes.
All of them, witches, witches, witches, witches!

We are the death of the party.
We are the life of the funeral.
All of us, ragmen, ragmen, ragmen, ragmen!

I want the ripened fruit.
I want the fresh meat.
I want the first born.
I want the down beat.

We traded vows on the front line.
They ushered us through the stop sign.
All of them witches, witches, witches, witches!

We found our way in the blackout.
We are the ghosts in the lighthouse.
All of us, ragmen, ragmen, ragmen, ragmen!

I want the open wound.
I want the dark street.
I want the virgin blood.
I want that wet heat.


How ironic
I'm nailed to the cross
while the vultures stuff their mouths.
God and the devil are split by a thin white line

Six feet from an early grave
nine inches from being saved
eighteen hundred miles of skeletons on the interstate

Why do I give myself away
Why do I bleed so easily
Why do I give myself away
To be yours

Six feet from an early grave
nine inches from being saved
eighteen hundred miles of skeletons on the interstate

Why do I give myself away
Why do I bleed so easily
Why do I give myself away

If death's coming it best come quick
If death's coming it best come quick
If death's coming it best come quick
or I'm all yours

Why do I give myself away
Why do I bleed so easily
Why do I give myself away
To be yours

Her clothes will crack and peel off
A hard stance that a habit made soft
I am eaten of worms until I give up the ghost

If death's coming it best come quick
If death's coming it best come quick
If death's coming it best come quick
or I'm all yours


How ironic
I'm nailed to the cross
while the vultures stuff their mouths.
God and the devil are split by a thin white line

Why do I give myself away
Why do I bleed so easily
Why do I give myself away

I'm worth nothing to me


Wait until they send your son home in a box.
See if you're dancing when water is everywhere.
Anguish is endless but deaths unambiguous.
Wave as it carries him off and pose while it fits you in hospital gowns.
Flirt with the men dressed in white.
Slip into bed with the fire that consumes our house.
Sing on your surveillance tape.
Smile in your autopsy photo for once.
Phone up the boys that have buried your bones.
Where do you get off loving life? As if it's done any of us any good

You're going to wish you were me when the unsuspecting are dragged to their graves and you're standing on the edge holding a rose.
Dead where we stand and you concern yourself with such things as your status and what's in fashion?
Don't say you can't be this bothered.
Death becomes us all.
You've got some never having hope in this ghost town port of call.

Someday your insides will turn themselves out.
Tell me what purpose our efforts have served when we end up in the ground?
More acts will follow the roles we have played.
Everything loved will expire. I've seen it all and I'm worse off because of it.
Good men have died in my arms.
I've been everywhere yet we'll end up at the same depth.
What's the point?

You're going to wish you were me when the unsuspecting are dragged to their graves and you're are on the edge holding a rose.
You're standing on the edge holding a rose.
Don't say you can't be this bothered.
Death becomes us all.
You've got some nerve having hope in this ghost town port of call.

There's nothing to see here. And nothing gazes back at me.
There's nothing to see here. And that nothing looks back at us.


I've drowned my conscience and cast another stone.
I took to preaching while dancing on the code.
I can't see where I've been and only god knows where I'll be.
But there must be a place for a wretch like me.

Oh, lord knows I'm tired,
But I, I, I won't rest my head until I'm home.
And if my hands find themselves another body, well,
You can't blame them for trying to keep warm.

Morals are simply a matter of time,
And where you lay your head's a question of pride.
But when it's said and done you'll find in the light,
That privilege and wit make me misfortune's child.

Can't tell collapse that it needs to slow down.
Can't tell death that it shouldn't come around.
And when they take my head and put it on a stake,
I know that guilt and disgrace keep the dead man awake.
Bartering your figure for a paralyzing love,
What have you done?
What have you done?

I tipped the scaffold and laughed until I fell.
Girl if you need me, grab another from the well.
I can't imagine what hell has in store,
But I know if I'm there I won't wander anymore.

Oh, lord knows I'm tired,
But I, I, I won't rest my head until I'm home.
And if my hands find themselves another body, well
You can't blame them for trying to keep warm.

Oh, lord knows I'm weak,
But I, I, I can't clear my head if I'm asleep.

Morals are simply a matter of tide,
And where you lay your head's a question of pride.
But when it's said and done you'll find in the light
That privilege and wit make me misfortune's child

Can't tell collapse that it needs to slow down.
Can't tell death that it shouldn't come around.
And when they take my head and put it on a stake,
I know that guilt and disgrace keep the dead man awake.

We've lived under this dark cloud forever.
Waited for the bad light to break.

Just let me tell that one again,
With a little more feeling.
We slept at the crossroads together,
Tried to make an honest mistake.
Just let me tell that one more time,
Without a smile on my face.

And now the road is empty.
As every promise is.
If life is pointless then point taken, say amen.
So light another candle and point my body out to sea,
Because your heart is no place for a wretch like me.

Another stranger passing.
A common dissonance.
If life is pointless then point taken, say amen.
So light another candle and point my body out to sea,
Because your side is no place for a wretch like me.

When they unearth these passages,
Will I appear to be proud?
Not if you're listening close enough.
Not if you're sounding it out.


God knows I've longed to feel something but now's not the time.
I'm caught up in the heartless disorder of a Friday night.
Focused on staying distracted until I lose sight of the tiresome and clinical patterns of my life.
I will cherish this love for the rest of my night.
One day I'll find myself facing the firing line.
Serves me right.
For the record I've written my crimes.
I will cherish this love for the rest of my night.

Lord have mercy on my soul.
I've had a good run but I can't run anymore.
Just put me down.
Lord have mercy on my soul.
I've had a good run but I can't run anymore.
Just put me down.
Can't sidestep the long arm for too long with this paper trail.
I've let them devour my heart for some material.
But I'm a drunkard, a coward, a crook. I ought to change my ways.
Face the music. Carry the can. Etcetera. Etcetera.

What's next?
Trust me, I'm still with you somewhere. I just wish it was here.
Someday I'm bound to feel guilty but now's not the time.
I'm sure I'll get what I'm due.
Everything will be fine.
Hell bent on finding the next fix in the fog.
You're in a cab on the way to your house. Change the locks.
I will cherish this love for the rest of the night.



Put me to rest before it spreads.
It's not long until the bugs eat through to the castle wall and besiege my noble heart.
New flags are raised.
Cut off the gangrened limb.
In case it begins at the neck.
Save yourself from me.
Save yourself from me.

Please, once and for all.
The impact is dead ahead so take the gun and apply the brakes.
I can feel the onset of lust course through my veins.

Help me let go. Hell in holding on.
Help me let go. Hell is holding on.

So relieve me of life.
Give me what I came here to get.
I'm not coming home.
Not coming home.
Not coming home.

Be it undead or dogs, they will come for what's mine.
Though I put up no fight at all it's not my fault.
And so on.
And so on.
And so on.
And so on.
This is not me. This is not me.

You can't mute the virus once it screams your name.
I've changed the guards at the gate for the sake of the king.
This plea is old hat.
These bites are old hat.
This song is old hat.
Every word is old hat.

I'm not coming home.
Not coming home.
Not coming home.

Be it undead or dogs, they will come for what's mine.
Through I put up no fight at all, it's not my fault.
Happy dagger. Make it brief.
Happy dagger. Be brief.
Happy dagger. Make it brief.
Happy dagger. Be brief.

Start the chemical fires.
Chimneys bleed white smoke.
Before the worms even find me the crowd is given new hope.


I have lived every day of my life
Thinking only of what I should think
When I read back at everything
That I have written
On how I lived my life

And in the process of doing so
I have started the chance to feel alive.
Just to stay an observer of an impartial observer.

Here I go again. I'm chasing my tail around the sun.
Standing beneath a tortoise under an elephant under the world.
The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace.
I can't believe I thought my thoughts meant anything.

When we think we've reached the end, we're only back where we begin.
When we think we've reached the end, we're only back where we begin.
Superman. Superman. Superman.

We are starving to death on full stomachs.
Running miles, new hearts on old legs.
If I had known all the howls were false alarms,
Oh just imagine the ammo we'd save.

Here we go again.
I'll come to your party if it goes until 4 question marks at least.
3 or less and it's not worth my time at all.
On nights like those my absence trumps my company.

When we think we've reached the end, we're only back where we begin.
When we think we've reached the end, we're only back where we being.
Superman. Superman. Superman.

I truly believe I'll be remembered and that even this sentence will be studied.
Will you think I am wise because I'm aware of that?
Or am I just killing myself before they get me?


You've heard the voice of God, solely.
Everything is so clear to you.
Reload for the greater good.
Throw us at the feet of the fools.
You don't know how lucky you are that your life is so characterless.
All the worlds a cage and we are animals pounding at the glass.
Housebroken, declawed. Unaware of the threat.
Bull hooks that keep us in line while cameras flash and we play while the trespassers plot to collect on their debts.
There were eyes everywhere that I went.
You'll be found.
Mark my words.
You will be found.
Stripped down and held to the light.
You will be found.
They will narrow their eyes, take aim and bring the world to its knees.
You'll be found.
Mark my words.
You will be found.
Just because you have figured it out.
Doesn't mean it won't happen to you.
Just because you have figured it out.
Doesn't mean it won't happen to you.
All the worlds a maze and they are scientists plotting every move.
Big brother will keep us in line with his snipers on the roof.
Though I'm cautious not to draw the attention of the fiends, I'm the happiest sadist around once surrendered to the drink.
There was fire everywhere that I stood.

There was fire everywhere that I stood.
Just because you're afraid of the dark doesn't mean that its frightened of you.
Just because you're afraid of the dark doesn't mean that its frightened of you.

You've heard the voice of God, solely.
Everything is so clear to you.
Slow down your racing heart.
Quickly or it moves out of frame.
We are nothing more than mannequins.
Everyone is put of display.
This will not pass in time.
The moment will not pass.
Caught in the act for our lives.
The moment will not pass.
The dark doesn't flinch.
Take heed.
The moment will not pass.
Cover your tracks.
We're sitting ducks.
The moment will not pass.
We are nothing more than mannequins.


My cancer came knocking. It was dressed to the nines.
So I peeled back my skin and I let it come inside.
But it won't leave, though the guests have gone.
No, it pours a drink and requests another song.
Now it sleeps in between us.
Splits and doubles in size.
Apes my nuances of desertion, lust and arrogant pride.
And it drags me out of my head.
And it drags me out of my head.
The plague is now empowered.
My cancer waved torches.
Broke the lock on my door,
but I was powerless to refuse it anymore.
Is everyone comfortable? Is everyone having a good time?
My friends are all vampires. Come to drain and transform.
I keep the window cracked and the light on.

Kept the leftovers warm.
...maybe I make myself sick.
Make me give a damn and I will be with you everywhere.
I will open the sky.
Kill everyone in our way.

Open your heart to the snake oil peddlers.
Open your heart to the snake oil peddlers.

"Make me give a damn and I will be with you everywhere.
I will open the sky.
Kill everyone in our way."
Most romantic lines ever.

Snake oil peddlers are people who sell "medicine" but are fraudulent and/or ineffective.


Cleaned up the mess I'm in, now I am born again.
Naked, spotless motion without strings.
I've flushed the filth to sea, the limbs and sharp debris but if that water rises woe is me.
Hearts aren't beating they're counting down.
Breaths aren't stolen they're groomed and given out.
The closet is teeming with broken bones.
I'll be driven out and swallowed whole.
I walk a crooked mile with the devil on my back puppeteering, schemes with every step.
But I once could walk through walls and drift above it all, pursuing endless love to endless depths.
Hearts aren't beating they're counting down.
Breaths aren't stolen they're groomed and given out.
The closet is teeming with broken bones.
I'll be driven out and swallowed whole.
Object all you want but I am not done with you.
Lives will be lost.
Children will grieve.
Entire nations will crumble and blood will run deep, but we will be redeemed.
You and I will be weightless.
We'll stay unborn so death can't start the clock and love can seep through our pores.


Yea I know I look worse for the wear.
But I have everything at my fingertips.
I've been infantilized by a pat on the back and an endless go-ahead.
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride.
Ain't nothing gonna slow me down.
Oh no. When there's no one disapproving.

Yet its women not lack of ambition that keeps good men bedridden.
Jesus Christ I am forever making the same mistakes
Yet its women not lack of ambition that keeps good men bedridden.
Jesus Christ I am forever making the same mistakes.

I continue to stumble around as long as everyone cheers me on.
Am I the only one without the weapon to end the war?
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride.
Ain't nothing gonna slow me down.
Oh no. When there's no one disapproving.

Yet its women not lack of ambition that keeps good men bedridden.
Jesus Christ I am forever making the same mistakes
Yet its women not lack of ambition that keeps good men bedridden.
Jesus Christ I am forever making the same mistakes

Deaf men in the city of sirens.
Blind men in the presence of snakes.
But I'm adrift in a sea of temptation.
A newborn with inadequate skills.
Turn the party up, honestly be damned.
How fucking pathetic of me.
I can't go this way.
Not when I have your heart.
Oh what a childish life I have led.
God, what a wicked man I have been.
But ain't nothing gonna break my stride.
Ain't nothing gonna slow me down.
Oh no. When there's no on disapproving

12. BUFFALO 666

Despite what you think
I can offer you nothing
I'm seasick and strung out and tired of adjusting
Hands on the dashboard where I can see them
Hands on the dashboard where I can see them
Let me think
Let me think
I'm all backed up
Just let me think
If you would be my bride
The smoke and mirrors of blissful lives
Will throw the hounds off the scent
Learn the lines
Learn the lines
It's all I'm asking
We steal what we need and the rest we call love
We steal what we need and the rest we call love
Take back the night
Drug the captors and run for your life
This is not what it seems
Stockholm syndromes just excessive grief
If you leave me
I'm coming with you I promise you that
If you leave me
I'm coming with you I promise you that
Get out while you're still god's child
We are deer in the headlights
Motionless til we're ripped to shreds
Stop following me around
Stop following me around
Learn to lie
Learn to lie
Learn to lie
Learn to lie
That's all I'm asking
We steal what we need and the rest we call love
We steal what we need and the rest we call love
Take back the night
Drug the captors and run for your life
This is not what it seems
Stockholm syndromes just excessive grief
If you leave me
I'm coming with you I promise you that
If you leave me
I'm coming with you I promise you that
Get out while you're still god's child
Hands on the dashboard where I can see them
Hands on the dashboard where I can see them
Don't look up
The cheap thrill of our impending doom is all I have
The cheap thrill of our impending doom is all I have
The cheap thrill of our impending doom is all I have
The cheap thrill of our impending doom is all I have


Amidst the most barren scene how are we lost?
You've got to be fucking kidding me
Shut up
Just give me the wheel and I'll drive
You are not yet fit to speak on my behalf
We deserve to be moved by more than force alone
Instead I've been witness to loss
Upon loss
Upon loss
I'm assailed by the thoughtless who sing to their own
Caught in the middle
I'm pinned between the egos and the drones
Skill has been called to arms
Goddamn kids have grown up to let down
All around us are dissonant sounds
We're misplaced and we'll never be found
All these kids have grown up to let down
I'll be spinning in my grave for the rest of my life
Have I taught you children nothing all this time?
This labyrinth that we're puzzled by
Is nothing but a straight line
But sometimes those are even harder to navigate
We deserve to be moved by more than force alone
Instead I've been witness to loss
Upon loss
Upon loss
I'm assailed by the thoughtless who sing to their own
Caught in the middle
I'm pinned between the egos and the drones
Pride has been called to arms
Goddamn kids have grown up to let down
All around us are dissonant sounds
We're misplaced and we'll never be found
All these kids have grown up to let down
If this is the state of my art
Then I secede
If this is the state of my art
Then I secede
We're walking Spanish down a plank that stretches miles
You are not yet fit to speak on my behalf
What a shame we're forced
To suffer this senselessness and insanity

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