Ethereal Pandemonium : [email protected]

Doom Metal / Slovakia
(2002 - editora desconhecida)
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O'er crimson moonlight, mirk Poets, lengthering Shadows
Revealed dismay impurity hidden there,
In oestrus forest elegies, bloomed in twilight gray,
By sirens of Arkona, Slavon' Gods swore, never to fade away...

Stillness impales me, throughout the years I've yearned,
For thy embrace, for shadows pure, Oeuvre pagan mine,
Lurking with the caves of mist and lunar feeble shine
Preternaturally ambient like an aery lullaby...

Oaken God, thy sword arise, With majesty to thee such own,
Thy folk shall never thee despise, like shall do Jesus Fucking Christ!
Remember them when pagan fire, from skies in rains shall burn the holy soil.

Wrath... As the Statues Wooden were,
Arisen to life and with the troops of pagas
New era was 'bout to begin
Now... For Volk and Heathen Race,
We, like the gods of human Thoughts
To Heavens rise our Bows and Swords.

Ako Orol, ktory hniezdo svoje pred supmi chrani,
Tak i Hromovladca Perun, pohansku zem,
A hoc sam uz minulost nenavratim,
Ja, v boji za narod, i zomriet hodlam pren...

Barefeet, wandering through the gardens of the past,
Among the founts of long-forgotten lays,
With the sagas of the fallen leaves and tragedies the sunsets wrote
Shall witness crucifixion of the Nazarene again!

Waterfalls they flow with different waters everytime,
But my pride remains unchanged with every drop that passes
By my side, wishing I could rise my sword, to see the thunder
Striking 'bove the Perun's oaken stand...

Roses of darkest colour, the embers flame devours,
The memory of the Dark-Age but still bright and free,
And though the curtain untorn remains, I vow to thee,
That my faith for pagan race shall live eternally...

For Dark - Age Philosophy


The Mother of all knowledge, the book of my disguise,
Whence doeth come the storm that I can't see?
A dusk-flame reborn whom whirlwinds obey
Just thousand more years elements decay
And whither then it pass' crestfallen poetry?

Of earth and oceans, sky and lightning, we are born
All four quite distant, still the mixis of the apeyron,
Self-battled odyssey, the spiral to the core
Of the thought that no human ever thought before...

The maze with thousand spotlights, heroic is the one
To walk is straight as the mountain path alone,
Pass the shapes, lost in circles run
Searching not for the moon nor sun,
They seek the words to describe, the wisdom's sacred spawn.

Of earth and oceans, sky and lightning, we are born
All four quite distant, still the mixis of the apeyron,
Self-battled odyssey, the spiral to the core
Of the thought that no human ever thought before...

Ever thought before,
Spiral to the core,
Settling the score,
Spiral to the core.

Pozrime si do oèi Sme Hyperborejci - vieme az prilis dobre, ako zijeme bokom.
"Ani po susi, ani po vode nenajdes cesty k Hyperborejcom": to vedel onas uz Pindaros.
Mimo sever, mimo ?ad, mimo smr? - nas zivot, nase s?astie...
Objavili sme sastie, pozname cestu, nasli sme vychodisko zcelych tisicroèilabyrintu.
Kto inak ho nasiel?
Moderny èlovek snad? - "Neviem odkia kam, som vsetkym, èonevie, odkia kam" - vzdycha moderny èlovek... Touto modernos?ou sme stonali, zhnitym mierom, zbabelym kompromisom, vsetkou cnostnou neèistotou moderneho Ano a Nie.
Tato tolerancia alargeur srdca, ktora vsetko "odpusa", pretoze vsetko "chape", to pre nas scirocco.
Radsej vade zi, nez medzi modernymi cnosami a inymi juznymi vetrami!
Formula nasho sastia: jasne Ano, Nie, priama linia, cie?...

We chase the raindrops by the chalices of wine,
Cockroaches in the dirt is what we call goodwill divine,
Confused and mislead, the pathfinders of destiny,
On the ladders to the higher principles...

3. VIDOVDAN 1999

Zronený, no stále živý, žia nahradil spravodlivý hnev,
vzopäl národ všetky sily, boj sa jeho nepriate,
z východu vietor pomsty veje, doráòaný národ z pahreby vstáva,
Viac už pokory vo vriacej krvi nie je, chopil sa meèa, domôc? sa svojho práva...

Bráò sa, vlèí rod!!! Pamätaj na Vidovdan!!!

Kým boles? pominie a skonèí raz nᚠbô,
Kým slzy veènosti nepohltí èas,
tam kdesi na dne studne nárekov,
spomína? bude každý z nás...
Nikto si nezaslúžil, nikto nemal plaka?,
bo preèo hynuli naši milovaní,
To plná såz je tá podomnou mláka
ani èas nemôže zmy? z nás všetky rany...

Tak bráò sa vlèí rod a pamätaj, pamätaj na Vidovdan!

A ty mor ho! Hoj, mor ho, detvo môjho rodu!
Kto kradmou rukou siahne na tvoju slobodu,
a èo i tam dušu dáš, v tom boji divokom,
mor ty len! A vol neby?, ako by? otrokom!

Tisíc rokov èakáme na ten deò, kedy Sláv naplní odveký sen,
Skonèí sa èas poroby a pokory, vo svite Luny zažiari nᚠdiadém...

Ó, spomínaj na ten èas, kedy netrpel môj ud!

Prišli vraždi?, zabíjali,
Otèinu našu a deti tvoje zotroèili, Nie!

Le?, ó rýchlo le?, nádej k oblakom, odkia nás súži strach,
zoslaný hviezdou na naše deti nevinné,
Nebesia sa rozostúpili a posol temnôt chàlil oheò na môj ud
Ó, beda nám...

Bráò sa, vlèí rod!!! Pamätaj na Vidovdan!!!

Volaj, Slovan, kriè, nech poèu? Slávsky chór,
nech ucítia nᚠbiè, ó pohanov...

Sláv bráò si èes?, bo pominie nᚠrod,
Zovri ruky v päs? a daj sa na pochod... Si Sláv!
Daj kres?anovi zna?, že pohan prichádza,
na pomoc bratom svojim, ktorých on nezrádza... Si Sláv!

Si Sláv!


Misery... came to redeem us with
Dignity... of the icons of death
Jesus Christ... and his crestfallen sight
Tragedy... of the split divine

V bezútešnej tíšine rozplinul sa tieò,
Prekonaný èasom v ten osudný deò,
Zo scholastických vôd narazil na breh
A vôkol rozliehal sa Erazmov smiech
Z popola doby povstal, aby vyrazil vpred,
Súmrak bohov privolal, èím uhasil svoj smäd,
Osvietený posadil sa spä? na udský trón
A obrátil kríž – s vervou – s novým posolstvom... ku nám

Ornaments of Torture – Unique, Severed Limbs repaired,
And will with urge to control sensibility long dead,
With oceans, bleeding orgasms, perverted sainthood – I
Philosophy of new day vengeance born, condemned to die.
Feed me dirt, scum bathe my body, slowly hours pass,
But eyes refuse to stare the way the painful heart demands...

Self-hatred carnival and masks expressing self-pressed anger
God hidden in atom, divine chemistry
Manuf(r)actured poetry for the vengeance of the new millennium
Blasphemy as exit from the stabwounds of our fate,
Set ablaze in freezing darkness – mummified verse,
Where tons of human flesh cells fulfill promethean curse,
Labyrinth of straight path – Christendom of trust?
Forever incomprehensible to us... (Christendom of trust)

Where are all the wizards now? Who can hear their cries?
Time has buried their torsos in the dirt...
Whom they shall preach, whom shall they praise...
Only Whores of modern Babylon...
But still... a memory out to the distance...
Reminding of the moment... close to their death

Now watch the icons bleed, the heavens weep and pandemons black'n'roll...


Raised by the knowledge breaking the walls,
In spirit of darkness, falling asleep,
As prophets of coincidence, process of birth,
Falling too high, yet rising too deep.
The raging wolves with the jaws of glass
When questioning the wiser to step back,
By thoughts driven fear we shall rule,
Ours defend, foreign attack!
Samo reborn, the legions let march!
Wogastisburg of our hearts.
...Wogastisburg of our hearts...

Homewards, Vesna lead my steps
My lungs to fill with your breath,
On the wings of Phoenix, take me there,
Where solstices and thunder flare
All men as one, together hail...

Rhyme for the verse, the one eyed old man's curse,
Bleeding promises that failed...
Rebellion of no clues, the give and the loose,
Last requiem that failed...
We walked the same common path
Where am I supposed to find you now?
A poem for my lonesome wrath
How am I supposed to fight it now?

Combien faut-il de fois secouer mes grelots
Et baiser ton front bas, morne caricature?
Pour piquer dans le but, de mystique nature,
Combien, ô mon carquois, perdre de javelots?

Nous userons notre âme en de subtils complots,
Et nous démolirons mainte lourde armature,
Avant de contempler la grande Créature
Dont l'infernal désir nous remplit de sanglots!

Il en est qui jamais n'ont connu leur Idole,
Et ces sculpteurs damnés et marqués d'un affront,
Qui vont se martelant la poitrine et le front,

N'ont qu'un espoir, étrange et sombre Capitole!
C'est que la Mort, planant comme un soleil nouveau,
Fera s'épanouir les fleurs de leur cerveau!


Venus et Adonis heri vesperi ferociter pugnabant et semper hominum cogitationis vincetur, cave!

Nemesisis vindicta!

Venus et Adonis heri vesperi ferociter pugnabuntur et...

Adonis... Adonis!
In tenebrae... In tenebrae!
Venus is crying damned by the past and the blind
Stultitia... Stultitia!
Adonidis... Adonidis!
Though the mankind is blind I shall never see the black and the dark

Lux et Tenebris...

This is the requiem for the mankind tossing in the basement...
When the scars of the past are stronger than Atlas.
You cannot die, oh Venus, open your embrace, touch me,
Dance with me the waltz of the hopelessness...

Vae Victis!

From the throne of the eternity
I saw the memorial fo the damned
No penance for Venus, no pity for them
Die in disgrace! Poor human race!

Venus et Adonis heri vesperi ferociter pugnabant et semper hominum cogitationis vincetur, cave!

So die...
Red Orchidea...
Although you were in bloom...
The sin of the crestfallen...
And graveyard of the damned...
You can see...
Die, oh, die...
Let us suffer, Lord...
And what about the life?
Vanity Divine!
What if idea will change the existence?
Canta, Venus! De metu mortis! De spe! De vita beata!

Damnata sum, laesa eram, opus dei immutavi,
Nefaria, impia sum, malum operis de vidi,
Militis paucoris Dominacionis,
Spem omnem serv�al�ecabant, oh adonis


I shall... I shall tell you what is the passion,
Never... Nevertheless, you'll never find love
I can't... I can't tell you what is love,
Never... Nevertheless that whore will grind your soul

In Nomine Dei Excelsi, a cross of thousand masks,
Self-turned misantrophy, Equillibrium of Love...
And Hate!!!
Hate? Such Pleasure and Emotions such the purest,
Dear Mephisto, teach me how to hate Him in your vein!

Feel my pulse... and concentrate, stimulate, breed your hate,
For God's sake, thy propaganda is ripping all my senses

In the falling of the Skies, you'll be searching for the seas
In the struggle with thy god, fallen temples you will see
Where the seraphims unbound, in the laughter prophesy,
There in the weeping of aman... Desires in slumber shall die...

Betrayed, so purple, among the tombstones, in lovers? waltz, they danced...
All's gone now, too vanished... Alas! My Decadence!
Desire stronger than the bounds of living, the heavens, stay awake!
Venom, Dagger, my voice... Thy venom'll be a choice!

Peccatum Eternal and covenants of cellestial archs,
Possesions mean no more than dust in my old bones,
For thousand golden chariots, asigh from her divine,
Pristine and temporary... The Aries of my desperation...

Malevolent, turbulent, enchantment permanent...
Purity, the gravity and whirlwinds in my sanity,
Just history...

In third 'velation, the constellations would never be too weak...
She appeared as the clouds were torn, Illusion now reborn,
And choirs celestial were all so quiet, like never before...
The battle won for a man, whilst God has lost the war!


And thou, the ascetic whore of all,
Whom all disasters did befall,
Before settled upon my soil and stood as a cause to all my toil,
I demand thee, release...

Feeling of loss in my self did emboss,
Such disastrous you are when you open my scar,
Waters of ocean take all my devotion,
May God's hidden mask cover all that I ask,
The pain may it sever, for now and for never,
For words do not ache, should my thoughts turn to fake?
Empty the shell from the liquid of hell,
Be the face from the black that commands the attack,
My demand to release all that should be released,
From the brain and the throat, from the lamb and the goat...

Whirlwinds ablaze ? Thunder driven fire
Elements decay ? Thousand one desires
The massive wooden factory tonight my calling answered
And mirrors staring back acknowledged...

Spèir... Danach...
Unleashed, thrown in raging, fucking kaos
Die Wille... Zu Macht...
Tossing and struggling, offer existence, beware!

Stinking of Sulphur... Raped in twilight dawn
?dicted to acid rains, Their ancestors of twelve disciples,
Never question their fatherland, failed is to remain dead!
Better breed your own kataklyzma alkemy ? W73 ? Kaos elementally...

Psykodelic essence into lungs of the believers,
We shall be protecting their thoughts before the downfall
That the Satanic age coming onto our sties brings...
Bayonet into every eye and sulphur onto every tongue
As we fulfill the will of the master emperor jesus.christ.thenazarene
His only purest heart whose enemies did die with even more cruelty
That the world has ever befallen...
Ein Krist... Ein Himmel... Ein Gott!

Stinking of Sulphur... Raped in twilight dawn
?dicted to acid rains, Their ancestors of twelve disciples,
Never question their fatherland, failed is to remain dead!
Better breed your own kataklyzma alkemy ? W73 ? Kaos elementally...

Whilst magnets prison my regrets, whilst fabric of the death and threats,
We with the acid rains shall dance until the stars awaken,
Whilst our burden carried is, and whilst ideas our dismissed,
We to disciples of the kaos our faces turn...

The Elements of Kaos... The deepest Kataklyzma
Our Elements of Kaos... The Alchemy Equilibric Tonight


Breathing the flames and the flames would I breed
With the crows would I dance to grow 'diculous seed,
By the moondials of nocturnal spirit unleashed...
Pulsing to beats of this gloom symphony
Just once inhaled to rise to the level of seas
Be my Zuna, the almighty Luna diseased...
Whence this call goeth there my dark atrophy
Turns forbidden to loose and the Atrocity,
With the enemies tending the peacocks mislead...
Fearing just misery whom I shall preach,
Then to raise brand new spawn on the styx' purest beach
By the towers of nocturnal spirit unleashed...

Weak to the dawn with the palms razor-cut
With the face not too white and the motives too bright
"Delirium cumulates..." soon would she speak
To the Christendom turn and with Christendom bleed...

Brothers in blood that united in hatred
And Seraphs of fallen wing,
Gathered from chambers beneath bloody sky
And their voices thus did sing:
"All the unsaints ? pledged to the rebel,
Pleased to grow weak and then suffer the devil
Past serpentines ? dance with the storm
Kissing the thunder with earth's golden dawn..."
We failed to arise ? Failed to slay G.O.D.
By crescent nor fullmoon nor eclipse so dark,
Six time we tried, and sixth (it) almost died,
As the Acheron shook with the Babylon's arc

Can you hear all my callings, oh, Caesar the Vice,
Perpetuum... Universum...

Enter Iesus Nazaretus Rex Iudaeori
Sacred remain thy blood in which we shall bathe

With the structure of chemical waves
And the vortex of all pulsing heights
Opening, regretting, dying and forgetting
Awaking, celebrating... dancing in the northern caves
Constellation of absolute lows,
Reproductive and ready to flow
Opening, regretting, dying and forgetting
Inhaling, exhaling... dancing in forests of north

The imperial palace, compass huge and high,
The structure, skill of noblest architects,
With gilded battlements, conspicuous far,
Turrets and terraces, glittering spires

Pulsing with vortex I bleed
And with decadence to feed
Palm against the razor
Razor against the teeth


Lesmi i poliami, èo stvoril nᚠvek,
V mysliach dávnych pochovaný je des,
Cez sedlá hôr, hmlistých Karpát hrebene,
Putuje v dia nádej vzbudená dnes,

A stovky orlov, èo krúžia vo výšinách,
Jej vzdáva poctu, tichá dôstojnos? vnich,
Aj tie už znajú to, èo iní tušia len,
Že výkriku predchádza nebadaný vzdych,

A zútrap osídiel, hoc raz už zronené,
Teraz sa prebúdza apovstáva spä?,
Do vekov vryté runy slovanských èias
Toho návrat teraz každý zná uvidie?!

Ó, povstaò Fénix slovanský a le?,
Naše duše zúfajú zas teba uvidie?,
A duby tisícroèné v život preber nám zas,
Nech Perún vzkriesi nᚠèas...

Predlho èakal titán ukrytý vnás,
Údy mu zoslably, hoc silný sa zdá,
Re?aze však pretrhá, nech slovanský rod,
Útrapy otroctva nikdy viac nespozná

A synov našich nikto viac už nespúta,
S?a orly hrdé oni budú sa nies?
A veène posvätné v ušiach ti bude znie?:
"Ja nikdy nezradím svoj rod asvoju èes?!"

Ó, povstal Fénix, kletu krídla rozprestrel,
Vtej chvíli každý vedie? lieta? len chcel
Z tých dubov tisícroèných poèul si hlas:
Dnes Perún vzkriesil nᚠèas!

Páslo dievèa pávy v tom zelenom háji,
prišli k nemu dva mládenci: "poï ty dievèa s nami!"
"Kebych s vami jela, kam bych pávy dala,
pustím ich ja dolinami a ja pôjdem s vami!"

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