Ethereal Pandemonium : Arcanum Lunae

Doom Metal / Slovakia
(2000 - Leviathan Records (CZ))
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September, the autumn's first I hail
The supreme of seasons all,
Cometh the thunder, sky gets pale
And the drops of rain thus fall,
The dying sun hidden by the clouds
When Perun awakes the storm,
Within the lightning's final blaze,
The nature gets its final form...

When shadows were summoned, the vultures seeked their prey,
And Autumn reached its equinox as tears were washed away,
Truth appeared the cruelest and words didn't mean a thing,
The hunters of the twilight at their dark summoning

Night falls... and the skies get darker,
September at its greatest radiance
Nature brought and so shall take away...
Night falls... swallows realms of day,
In rapture the light is gone away...

Dunkel ist die Nacht, dunkel sind die Wege Zarathustras,
Komm, du kalter und steifer Gefahrte, Ich trage dich dorthin,
Wo ich dich mit meine Handen begrabe...

Like burning embers, thy life turns into pieces of the ash,
That by the wind carried is,
Promised to last, but descenting as the light in the blindness
Last seconds count the remaining time of thy life
And the nature weeps in mourning for her son
And what seemed so real before, is now seen as a dream...

An Autumnal Equinox

Hours seem as moments in death's sweet awaiting
Truth no longer matters as soul its dirge now sings,
Psalm of one man's life with blood is written in
The book of empty names October never brings

Night falls... and the vultures gather
September offers them its wayward son
Nature brought and now it takes away
Night falls... equinox is fulfilled
The Vultures no longer hungry shall be
Nature brought and now it's gone away.

Open way to nightfall as the skies turn ebony
The blindman search's for his sight, desperately he kneels
The trees hail endless autumn, rivers forgot to flow
And I alone, myself her own, remeber how to know
Sirius the brightest opens its astral gate
And death's ethereal silhouette quietly awaits
Open way to nightfall as the skies turn ebony
I cherish these last seconds, tomorrow dead for me...

The God is dead and his creator came to life again!


Poèul som žalospev, pohanskú hymnu bratov, posledný krát,
V agónii umierajúcich, nezmyselne zabitých, krížom spasitea.

Moja duša povstala z krvi, tvojho strachu z tmy,
Kalich slepoty je naplnený prázdnotou,
Pohàdam svetlom sviece, ktorej voskom je smr?
Moje ruky sa nezopnú, moja myse sa nepodrobí.

Melancholický chór smrti, znie pod pohanským slnkom,
Meè sa dožaduje krvi, v mene nikoho,
Slzy zúfalých pohanov, ktorí stratili aj samych seba,
Ich plaè je doprevádzaný zlovestným zvonom kostola,

Zobuïte sa, bratia, priatelia, teraz predsa nesmiete zomrie?,
Musíme bráni? svoju materskú zem,
Zostal si sám, môj synu, bohovia ti ukážu cestu
Ale ako mám prekona? tento smútok?
Nikdy sa nevzdaj svojho ciea!

Ten deò vláda Knihy sa zmení na prázdny prach,
Falošná svieca zhasne a meè zhrdzavie,
Objaví sa svedomie so znakom múdrych
Strach priniesol temno do myslí, koreòov èasu

Ja som pohan a kres?anstvom opovrhujem!

I see the dead bodies, thousands of Slavs, who died for us, the pagans,
My heart is squeezed by grief. Chistian! The Judgement shall punish thee!
We shall avenge our brothers! My folk arise!

Prepukám v plaè, keï cítim krv svojich synov,
Lúky poškvrnené smr?ou, akoby zomrela èas? zo mòa,
Ty si posledný, do ktorého vkladám nádej.
Ty si zostal, aby si bojoval za èes? pohanov,
ktorých dôstojnos? bola poš¾apaná šelmou,
Prichádzajúcou v mene Ježiša Krista.

Proroctvo štvrtého jazdca sa skrývalo v ruži,
Padnuté lupene znamenajú pád najèistšieho žrebca,
Tàne znaèia boles? múdrosti, ktorá bola tak úzka,
Nikdy sa neznížim k tomu, aby som objal tieò sviece...


Not in the legions of horrid Hell can come a devil,
More damned in evils to top Macbeth.

Spiteful and wrathful, who (as others do)
Loves for his own ends, not for you,
But make amends now, get you gone and at the pit of Acheron,
Meet me i'th'morning, thither he will come to know his destiny...

For in my way it lies, stars hide your fires,
Let not light see my black and deep desires,
The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be,
What the eye fears, when it's done to see...

I... you? Just a slave of the sea.
Drown... seek down, let it be
I... nothing stayed from you
Alone... poor man, what will you do?

Your vessels and your spells provide,
Your charms and everything beside,
I'm for th'air: this night I'll spend
Unto a dismal and fatal end
And that distill'd by magic sleights
Shall raise such artificial sprites,
As by the strenght of their illusion
Shall draw him onto his confusion

He shall spurn fate, scorn death and bear his hopes
'bove wisdom, grace and fear...

Drifting with the stream of a well-known sea
Fighting with an element of life,
Let drift, oh, Macbeth, don't you hear sounds
From the depths of desire,
Discover the ruin of the ancient empire,
Atlantis - Platopolis for you,
A bank will bring you just another fight,
Diviner of reality lies...

Why?... 'cause your fight has no sense,
Down... There's you in the coral depths,
I... an undine'll help you to find your right streams
Doubt... so you'll never find your Atlantis

[Lady Macbeth:]
Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts,
Unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the top-full of direst cruelty:
Make thick my blood, stop up th'access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visiting of nature, shake my fell purpose
Nor keep peace between th'effect and it.

The night has been unruly where we lay;
Our chimneys were blown down and (as they say) lamentings heard i'th'air,
Strange screams of death.
And prophesying with accents terrible - of dire combustion and confus'd events
New hatch'd to th'woeful time

[Lady Macbeth:]
Come to my woman's breasts and take my milk for gall
You murth'ring ministers, wherever in your sightless substances,
You wait on nature's mischief.
Come, thick night and pull thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.

The obscure bird clamour'd the livelong light
Some say the earth was feverous and did shake.


The spirits of the ancient fathers were summoned,
The old men prayed to the fate, to stand at their side
When the clouds of the endless darkness gathered...

And the men knew that their battle is final
Today the nature decides,
They all knew that it is now or never,
'Cause tomorrow was about never to come...

And as the light disappeared, Barad-Dur striked,
The black powers of Gorgoroth attacked the West,
When the light disappeared, the One who beared the ring
Stood at the edge before the ultimate decision

So hear, ye hear of the brave ones gathered
And their quest for the abyss endless,
Deep enough to hide the ring of doom...
And hear, ye hear of the Middle Earth shaking,
Of Elves and Dwarves, bound together with men
And hear, ye hear of the adventure supreme to all...


The kingdom Siebenburgen opens
Spreads its shade 'cross Carpathian night,
Nocturnal howling from the distance,
In the woods sparkling dimmed lights,
The Children of the night now gather,
Expect their feast of flesh and blood,
Escort the carriage on its way to darkness,
Darkness named after Dracul Vlad...

Illusions of mortal kind, Symphonies of desires blind,
I offer thee an everlasting life for draught of nectar from the veins of thine,
Obsessed with the brightest candle shine cherish Satan's whores and the reddest wine...
Thy blood is what I desire most,
I am the virus and thou art my host...

The Children of the Carpathian Woods...
Spread his spell across the land
The Children of the Carpathian Woods...
In the Yearning thoughts remain.

Shadows dance 'pon the walls of the castle
As Luna comes 'rom'hind the clouds,
The embrace of a werewolf, freezing winter,
Silence thrills as moonlight children cry...
In expectations of the Winter Solstice
Howling arias to the Queen of Doom
Ethereal spirit disappears with the new dawn
Knowing that the twilight shall come soon...


The Children of the Carpathian Woods...
Genocide in the Wolverine breed
The Children of the Carpathian Woods...
Sow the true Carpathian seed.

Shining brighter than Sirius, my spirit comes to thee...


Just a siren stayed from the soul of a swan,
Extincted one day like Herakleit's sun,
Thinking of glory in your dreaming heaven
During one night of June 1997
Feelin' so stranded in your dismal shell
I hope it was snow what you for the last time felt...

The last tear flowing down your hot cheek,
Suffering, memories and the last tick...

Wrath! Despite the knowledge

Without the godsend... snuffling the candle off,
Gospel condemned... Next fawn to dark
Her eminence Hyaena... decided again
To embalm her... Woe of soul

With May, the time of the blossomed lichens did not come,
A grim meadow full of forsaken straits.
Embers dabbed her inside and now she knew
That the crescent would become a fullmoon no more...

I see the sun in the mist and the darkness
The fallen beams to the withered flowers
Sadly flowing all your life
Your tears were changed into the ash

Perhaps one day I will comprehend
Wrapped up in the sea of the dismal memories,
Seeing only your closed eyes,
Thinking only of your lifelong pains

Thee seared her sooner than she died, Neferthiti of my heart
Forgotten in the temple of laments
And so much she wanted to live...
"Life is a beautiful flower, but we must have a courage to sever it
On the edge of the horrible abyss..."

Barbarian dew on my cheeks from the ivory
I implore the evangelical beehive of her disillusion,
I can't dishearten being face to face my inertia
A bee in disgrace? Thee fucking parasite!

The diocese with the emblem... Of Chrysanthemum
Congenitally kept running... With her chandeller
Blackness of goldlines... Doomed to suffer
As the colourless leaves of begonia

And this gossam was that last
For Antigona of my trivial ebonies
Oh, my wish utopian to put together her splinters

Passing by meridian of hope, finding a serenity until it urn,
Harrased, heavy as the sea level
No daintiness for her china smile

The flame of your candlelight will burn forever,
You'll never be forgotten, goodbye my friend...


Her hands embrace the icon of the night,
Mother Luna with her spell mourns for the darkness' precious light
Her nectar sweet reminds me of the wine
Yet her words cold speak of (death's embrace and) things soon to be mine

I, as the Phoenix from my ashes rise,
And through the eyes of the dead shall stare,
Discover the secrets awaiting me there,
And then I'll cross the sacred line,
With past beholders I shall meet
The Autumn faded souls shall greet
Roses for the princess of the dead songs,
Wither and so her children do
Yearning for Autumn to get them through
This is the last, but not the one,
It lies in the dust of ages gone, living in memories of none...

Erotic enchantment in the embrace of the crimson dreams,
Her words they whisper in the instant clarity,
Our souls together summon the realms of night,
Awake the beast, sleeping off the reach of the light,
Open the regret wounds and let me stare into your mind,
The stream of my obsession will be flowing deep and wild
For you...
For you...

I as the Phoenix from my ashes rose
And through the eyes of the Dead did stare,
Discovered secrets awaiting me there,
And then I crossed the sacred line,
With the past beholders I did meet
The autumn faded souls did greet
Roses for the princess of the dead songs
They bloom and so her children do,
They have their hope to get them through,
This is the last and the only one
For gates did close and I am here like a prisoner to my own fear

By immortal spirit of Carpathian woods I lay here my promise,
Until Luna seventh time into the fullmoon turns,
I shall learn to die...

'Tis the grey darkness, haunting my memories
Of bare breasted faeries dance in nocturnal woods,
Of grey mist and white snow, betrothed my Caropathia
Wish I could embrace again...

The closing chapter comes to its end,
The candles are growing short, beware!
Soon the night covers us all
But one of us shall not be there, beware!


The Woodman goes down the valley, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

And the highwaymen through the beech, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

Stop there, Woodman, don't you rush, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

Better unharness the horses, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

Hey, Highwayman, if you're such a lord,na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

Unharness the horses yourself, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

The Woodman lies there killed, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

Covered by the black sheet, na na nah, nah, na na na na nah,

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