Eruption (SVN) : Demo

Thrash Metal / Slovenia
(2007 - Self-Released)
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To what point have we come
The human kind is on it's road to ruin
Greed is now the only virtue
Religions are the tools of death

The Church says love when it means hate
Isn't that just great
The rotting corpse nailed to the cross
Now bids you all to war
The God has left, ashamed and hurt
Nothing he could do
The virgin Mary's image now
Has become a whore

From Adam's sin
Born our kin
War and hate
Is our fate
Satan's call
Took control
Our own will
Betrayed us

Entire nations die
For the benefit of richer ones
Poisoning your minds with agression
Teaching how we are the better kind

When still a child you get a gun
Thinking it'd be fun
They teach you it's ok to kill
Your foe is less than man
He's a beast, so is his God
His faith is just a lie
The blood of Christ will help you fight
Revive you when you die!

And so you visit that house of your God
Cause he is sacred right!?
He will forgive you all your sins if you pay
Well why not try being human for a change?
Would it be so hard to smile to another man
Maybe just look at him, ya know
Take a look at his eyes and feel his

The preacher dressed all in white
Asking you to buy eternal life
Buying your tickets to heaven
On the streets you spit the homeless one

But that's ok it's all his fault
why don't he go to work
This is not a man of God
He can't pay for his sins
The God has left ashamed and hurt
Cause of the likes of you
The virgin just O.D.-ed and died
Fuck! She was just a whore


No more of your lies!
We've had enough of those!
You don't care for people's lives,
money is your only lord!

Do you even hear the cries?
Why do you pretend you don't!?
We are the ones who vote,
sholdn't we get something in return?

Legally steal from your nation
and give your empty promises,
taking what's righteously ours,
leading your lives as kings!

You call this democracy?
To opress, to take and to kill!
I say it's hypocrisy,
all the promises are false!

But people seem to believe,
blinded they buy your words
of peace and equality,
you hide the reality!

When someone speaks the truth
he's simply put away
Arrested, even put to death.
You murder, wash your hands of blood!

And the world knows nothing of it,
instead you give them tales
of evil comunists,
but comunism's just your puppet!

You call this democracy?
To opress, to take and to kill!
I say it's hypocrisy,
all the promises are false!

One day all will see
and that will be the day
when together all will stand
and take the power in our hands!

Until that day I will fight!
Others like me by my side!
Preaching what we feal's right
make all the sheep see!

No more of your lies!
We've had enough of those!
You don't care for people's lives,
money is your only lord!

You call this democracy?
To opress, to take and to kill!
I say it's hypocrisy,
all the promises are false!


Instead of wings
So I could fly
They've trapped me
In a cage

They say my words
are blasphemy
words of
the anti-christ

are they doing this to me
won't they let me be
took all I had from me
they want my life
oh, do they even try
please God help me

I teach of science
don't spread lies
I don't preach
satan's words

The church believes
that I must die
for them
the enemy of god

I see the pyre
Burning bright
For witchcraft
I must burn

If they believe
Science is a sin
For those sins
I will die


We are all caught in the sands of time
No one can ever escape
Whatever we do the end is the same
We die we are turned back to dust!

As soon as we're born we start to die
Time brings us famine and war

In the dunes we're drowning
From the sands we can't escape
In the dunes we're drowning
No use trying to catch a breath

Soon we grow old our hair fades to gray
Skin so worn out and pale
The cracks on the face increase every day
As we're approaching life's end

Isn't it strange no man can change fate
And how everyone ends the same
We care too much for riches and fame
As the desert of time plays it's role

The sands of time
We cannot escape them
The sands of time
Who is your master


In the dunes we're drowning
From the sands we can't escape
In the dunes we're drowning
No use trying to catch a breath

I can not breathe my mouth full of sand
Chronos awaiting my soul
My face scarred and old, my hands trembling, pale
Trying to clutch to this life

I'm on my knees, pleed for more time
As the dark silhuet laughs
My body faulters I take my last breath
Cadaver devoured by sand

The sands of time
We cannot escape them
The sands of time
No one can master

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics