Erra : Augment

Тексты песен


We begin the fall of the Omega generation

I'm left gasping for a breath of air in this failing body
And fading beauty

I reach for what was never there,
But I'm still reaching for some reason

Teach me to navigate the stars
(And use the wind to guide my way)

If night and nature are my only hinderance
(Then let me see the light of day)

Unheard of is the language that lured me in
It's deeper than the surface resting just beneath the skin
Unheard of is the language that lured me in
It's deeper than the surface resting just beneath the skin

Coated by the stratified soil of my settlement

I dream of lives I've lost (and enduringly lament)

Unfinished pillars of our generation
Personifying this falling nation

People and animals alike; the people are animals at night
Reverting back to their natural state when law was
Shapeless and held no weight

We live in caves buried in mountains
Stalactite supports without foundations

We are our fathers' bastard children, evovled from cursed seed, but we are not helpless
We will become the rebirth of hope

This steadfast campaign remains relentless

(We will remain relentless)

Unfinished pillars of our generation,
personifying this falling nation

People and animals alike; the people are animals at night

Reverting back to their natural state when law was
Shapeless and held no weight

We live in caves buried in mountains
Stalactite supports without foundations

We begin the fall of the Omega generation

Coalesence of Omega children, take my hand
The new world begins

Unfinished pillars of our generation
(Reverting back to their natural state when law was
Shapeless and held no weight)

Personifying this falling nation
(We live in caves buried in mountains,
Stalactite supports without foundations)

Unfinished pillars of our generation
(I dream of lives I've lost enduringly)

Personifying this falling nation (falling nation)


Embraced by the fluidic abyss I adore.
Engulfed in beauty that I cannot see.
Pressure mounting on its floor.
Granulated rock shifts beneath my feet.

Accepted as a companion to the creatures,
To the creatures of the current.
Their fluorescent glow transcends allurement.
Their fluorescent glow transcends.

Join me, they motion,
With cunning brilliance, brilliance veiled.
I followed this muse under,
Under waters, waters not sailed.

And through the mineral reef beyond
The shallows, into the deep,
This seraph lead me
Into a lapse of time.

A continual electric pulse of life.

Solemnly staring while my eyes were wearing,
The frailty of my being no longer persisted.
This celestial entity that I'd been pursuing
Delivered my spirit that was forever imprisoned.

And through the mineral reef beyond
The shallows, into the deep,
This seraph lead me
Into a lapse of time.

Adrift in a medium aloof from reality,
I gaze into an exalted mirror.
Its reflection left an affection
That had long been absent.

A continual electric pulse of life.

This creature has become my father.
A giant reaping what he has sown.
Absorbed in the darkness of glacial dead water.
This sentient creature has touched the vast unknown.
Touch the vast unknown.

Life is found where it is taken.
A vapor in the wind cycles.
Replaced when the ground is shaken.
Nature is an equal to mankind.

This celestial entity
That I had been (I had been)
Pursuing delivered my spirit
That was forever imprisoned.

A continual electric pulse of life.


In my grasp are my dreams personified.
A unity of fiction and reality.
The birth of beauty.
The only one of its kind.
Its grace exceeding limits set by the sky.
Years had come and gone and my desire with them; A
caged perpetuation of hope.

A tally kept upon my body of days I care not to know.
So effortless, I seemed to let myself decline.
Loss of ambition.
I pushed my dreams aside.
Am I the cause of our descent, or are we chained to anchors?
Mine engrossed in rust while yours still gleams and shimmers
Renew my albatross,
So it shines with yours in the beams of suspended radiance
That are cast upon the ocean floor in ever-changing gradients

Renew my albatross, so it shines with yours.
Sinking down. Am I the cause of our descent?
Are we chained to anchors pulling ourselves below?
Descending into passivity.
I'm becoming what I am not;
A selfish being consumed by adverse thought.
In my grasp are my dreams personified.
A unity of fiction and reality.
Birth of beauty.
The only one of its kind.
So effortless, I seemed to let myself decline
That with the loss of ambition,
I pushed my dreams aside.
Sinking down (sinking).
Are we chained to anchors pulling ourselves below?

Descending into passivity. I'm becoming what I am not,
A selfish being with relinquished feelings,
Consumed by adverse thought.
Am I the cause of our descent,
Or are we chained to anchors?
Renew my albatross, so it shines.

Am I the cause of our descent,
Or are we chained to anchors?
Mine engrossed in rust while yours still gleams and shimmers
Renew my albatross,
So it shines with yours in the beams
Of suspended radiance that are cast upon the ocean floor
In ever-changing gradients.
I pushed my dreams aside.


Frostbit fingertips caress the razor's edge.
Cold ideals implanting themselves inside my head.
Inadvertent gestures given effortlessly by my limbs.
Complacency of warmth never sets in.
This is an endless winter.

One where the air gets thinner.
A proclamation to the clement seasons.
War without a rhyme or reason.
Turmoil is elemental and so simplistic a feature.
Though personal and integral, I cannot bear to brace this creature.

It's becoming deeper.
This feeling urges my cliffs steeper.
Stepping closer to see the fall.
Negligence consumes my all.
Have I let go of what I am?
I stand here with unclenched hands.
Retreating into my own.
Enduring this all alone.

I scream to remember passion.
Unheard emotions in breathtaking fashion.
Frostbit fingertips caress the razor's edge.
Cold ideals implanting themselves inside my head.
We are all the same; unique and indifferent.
Living as if this cryptic fever is isolated, but it isn't.

Have I let go of what I am?
I stand here with unclenched hands.
Retreating into my own.
Enduring this all alone.
Have I let go of what I am?


Interlaced fingers. The locking of hands.
Omnipotence entwined with man. Alteration before conception.
The pretense to coalescence to form this imperfect plan.
Unconsciously bound to one another.
Liberated emotions are becoming smothered.

Dynamics of the absolute contort our narrow view.
We were not meant for this hybrid birth.
Inhumanity crowns the Earth. This hybrid birth.
Momentum is your venom.
Clinging to progress, we embrace the toxin.

Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence.
Unkept instincts, enslaved, inefficient.
We were not meant for this hybrid birth.

Inhumanity crowns the Earth.
Designer of mystification.
Imposer upon a fit creation.
Momentum is your venom.
Clinging to progress, we embrace the toxin.
Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence.
Unkept instincts, enslaved, inefficient.
Inhumanity crowns the Earth.

Momentum is your venom.
Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence.
Enslaved, inefficient. They breathe with us.
They've bred with us. They are self-proclaimed behemoths.
Bound by our own desire. Seduced and expired.
Self-proclaimed behemoths. Bound by our own desire.
Seduced and expired.


Our hands were holding our fate, but they grew tired.
Everything we knew came crashing down in waves of fire
Strange hands over mouth and in hair.
Red eyes from the water, gasping for air, rebirth.

Blurred vision disrupts perception of this present state
Made new in the chilling currents that carry me away
Follow your heart and leap from the cliffs.
Close your divine eyes to reason.
Let inertia move you.
Cling and be clung to.
Speak and be spoken to.
How beautiful you find yourself.
Remove this scourge from where we dwell.
You will be found in a dark place
And somewhere through time and space

Adorned with purity yet blessed with knowledge,
Contradicting what I've been taught.
Upheld in a pale light that burns my skin.
I am the distorted one.
I am a prisoner in this body, bound and chained to flesh.
I am the distorted one.
I am a prisoner in this body.

A mirror reflecting an honest rendition.
A faction following a faithless tradition.
Your own body renamed religion.
Our hands were holding our fate, but they grew tired. Everything we knew came crashing down
You will be found in a dark place
And somewhere through time and space.

A mirror reflecting an honest rendition.
A faction following faithless tradition.
Follow your heart and leap from the cliffs.
Close your divine eyes to reason.
Let inertia move you.

Cling and be clung to.
Speak and be spoken to. How beautiful you find yourself.
Remove this scourge from where we dwell.
You will be found in a dark place and somewhere through time and space.

I am the distorted one.
I am a prisoner in this body, bound and chained to flesh


This high is all that's left of us.
A hallucinogenic conservation that without, I am captious.
There is complacency in knowledge and desire in wisdom. They will be found entwined behind the final curtain.
Speak over me; body, mind and soul.
Lose all self-control.

At once, I'm sinking into desolation,
Overwhelmed by fascination.
This common case I'm bound to face amidst
This self-induced cerebral recreation.
Speak over me; body, mind and soul.
Bleed into the deep. Let go.
We must lose all self-control.
Let go of letting go and hold on to something whole.

The butchering of a beast or birth to enduring peace
Infinite darkness or incessant ease.
Speak over me; body, mind and soul.
Lose all self-control.
Ultraviolet eyes.

Speak over me; body, mind and soul.
Bleed into the deep. Let go. We must lose all self-control.
Let go of letting go, and hold on to something whole.
We are not what we seem. A living fiction and hidden theme.

Allow the ephemeral ecstasy to course through every vein.
This enlightenment is temporary and may never come again.
Ultraviolet eyes.

We are not what we seem. A living fiction and hidden theme. Violet hues are comforting,
Tracing through my mind, consoling me.


This lackadaisical mind, the cap to my spine, is weighted with worries for the punishment of all of our crimes.
As graceful as the rising sun at dawn,
You open your mouth, but words don't shine out.

Entangled as one (Our bodies are two...)
Spiritual deviation (...yet my heart's inside you). Entangled as one (You've swallowed it whole...)
Spiritual Deviation ( a ghost in my home).
You've become mute in the waters.
Trapped inside this aquifer.

Everything with meaning is filtered out,
And stopped from streaming.
Entangled as one. Spiritual deviation.
Our bodies are two, yet my heart is inside you.

You've swallowed it whole like a ghost in my home,
And I've tried to escape, but my persistence dissipates.
Bring me back home because I've ran and I have roamed
My erratic agitation leads to hyperventilation
(Spiritual deviation).
This is neurosis compelled by those I held the closest
Sweaty palms can't carry on.
Racing heart, you've played your part.

This is the disintegration of my being.
Love has either lost or proved its meaning.
Entangled as one (our bodies are two). Spiritual deviation. My heart's inside you.
This is the disintegration of my being.
Love has either lost or proved its meaning.


Undiscovered entities.
Thoughts of inconceivable beings.
Universal catastrophe.
They're relatives to you and me.
Space and time.
Emptiness lightyears wide.

To discover the reasons why, we'd revaluate all our lives.

Happenings that can't be explained.
The crawling inside your brain.
Unknown toxins in every vein.
Exo-galactic. Planetary sabbatical.
Their design is tactical. Surviving is impractical.

Our inferior intelligence versus calculating assailants. Ancient times of negligence. Eradication of our existence.

Our races are being tamed.
Undiscovered entities.
Thoughts of inconceivable beings.

Creatures that became our masters.
Worlds fused from disaster.
Realizations too late to matter.
The descent of man begins the pattern.
Exo-galactic. Planetary sabbatical
Our races are being tamed. Their design is tactical. Surviving is impractical.

Happenings that can't be explained.
The crawling inside your brain.
Unknown toxins in every vein.
Our races are being tamed.

Creatures that became our masters.
Worlds fused from disaster.
Realizations too late to matter.
The descent of man begins the pattern.
The descent of man.


It's as if I've fallen with the fall.
Like leaves from trees, standing short and tall.

My lungs are frozen from the winter air.
A stale cold and respiratory flare.

Crimson scatters near the roots
Of the last soldier from the summer.
It's as if the battle happened here
And the bodies were buried under.
A tectonic drift and polar shift would ensure our camouflage

It would be as if we never happened,
And this place was a mirage.

We constantly collide with the troposphere.
We cut straight through like Roman spear.

Displacing oxygen like a paid assassin.
Promised to forget because it never happened.

It's as if I've fallen with the fall.
Like leaves from trees, standing short and tall.

Crimson scatters near the roots
Of the last soldier from the summer.

It's as if the battle happened here
And the bodies were buried under.

Stimulating consequences rest on my conscience.
This addiction to the things
We do is neither conventional or acknowledged.

An echo of existence. Subsist in our commencement. Limitations have escaped us, contrary to accepted thesis.
A tectonic drift and polar shift
Would ensure our camouflage.

It would be as if we never happened,
And this place was a mirage.
We constantly collide with the troposphere.
We cut straight through like Roman spear.

Displacing oxygen like a paid assassin.
Promised to forget because it never happened.
Crimson scatters near the roots
Of the last soldier from the summer.

It's as if the battle happened here
And the bodies were buried under
An echo of existence. Subsist in our commencement. Limitations have escaped us, contrary to accepted thesis. An echo of existence. Limitations have escaped us.
An echo of existence.




In the reflection of the water's stream,
I watch the current carry me
Irresolute and indiscriminate,
This liquid flux is transcendent.
A birth to conquered memories of sentimental quintessence.

Learning to let go of oneself converts grievance into lessons
Your innermost thoughts appear physically.
Cataclysm is bound to everything.

The event horizon; there is no escaping, inescapable.
Light speeds, black holes, time lapse; we're unstable.
To contemplate the unthinkable, break free from captivity.

Envelope the atmosphere with magnetized
Waves of processed nerve activity.
Bring me back to the river's edge to bathe in consequence.

Future events colliding, spoken of in present tense.
The event horizon; there is no escaping, inescapable.
Light speeds, black holes, time lapse; we're unstable.
Misplaced ideals provoke tension. There is no escaping it. Dementia in this dimension.

Our neurologic fortitude has been broken through.
All of the pieces once whole have
Shattered in contact with you.

In the reflection of the water's stream,
I watch the current carry me away.
Irresolute and indiscriminate,
This liquid flux is transcendent.
Carry me away.

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