Erebor (UK) : Erebor

Technical Death / United-Kingdom
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Smash the pain
Torn apart
I'm to suffer
From the start
Kills me now
Fucks me up
Stop it all
Make it stop

All will feel the wrath of this longing death
Suffer as I suffer, sacrifice your breath
Walk with me in hell, demons are your shadows
Pulled my strings puppet master, you will now stand tall
Lust to hear your screams, clamber for your blood
I know you're here to kill

Manifest as cancer, Eating the body, Devouring the soul, Swallowing all
Destroying worlds, Ruining lives, Rotting the mind, Slither and crawl
You can be beaten, I am more than you, Account for my sixth sense Nothing you can do
Enduring research, Fighting it all, Called an act of god, Miracle destined to fall

I force you to feel the wrath of this crushing death
You'll suffer as I suffered, I'll deprive you of your breath
Force you down to hell, I'll be your shadow
Pull your strings, puppet master, I will stand now tall

This is no act of your god
Restore your faith in me
This is no act from your lord below
Restore your faith in all

Now you fear the wrath of this destructive death
Laughing as you suffer, you crave some more breath
Encase you down in hell, you are your own lonely shadow
Now you snapped your strings, you will never stand tall


A strange beast, monster of epic proportion
Rises again, prepared for the break
The cyclops stares on, his patience is wearing
His frame is filling with more blood

Red pours through expanding vessels
Pressing the boundaries with more and more might
The flow increasing , too fast for it’s housing
Increasing strength with every click

Harder the vessels are pushed to their limit, expanding to allow
As much as it can take
More flowing in, than could possibly flow out
Muscle and liquid combining in strength

At last, the colossus groaned
His goal is in sight, darkness pulled back
To reveal a void of all light
He throws himself forward with an almighty lunge

Struggling to get purchase, the cyclops loses footing
Stumbling more toward his prize
He feels the tension building as he works his way inside

Hours of toil, clambering these darkened walls
Shall not be in vain as his eye starts to swell
Darkness enfolds him once more

As the essence of that being is blasted out to the fore
He feels himself falling, back out of the swell


I despise you
Chauvinistic religious fanatic
I find your book of lies

Putrid, and disgusting
You are a cancer
Spreading your vile disease
Infecting those whom

Will succeed our generation
Blindly following

How can you believe
The lies that you spread?
Your faith promotes
Violence and mindless hate

Your putrid faith
Your spiteful God
Man-made bigotry
Your putrid faith
Your spiteful God
His almighty malevolence


An incorrigible scourge, rising from the east on a bloodied trail of superstitious hate-crimes
Spreading the word by sword and by stone, punish all who dissent or disagree

‘Death to apostates! Kill the non-believers! Worship our glorious prophet!’

Bursting at the seams of centuries of violence, lies and intolerant teachings
A ‘beautiful doctrine’ carries onward still, protected by those who would otherwise destroy
Built into their holy book: misogyny, oppression, racism and supremacy - A master race of men

Intellectual dishonesty dripping from their tongues,
Conflating criticism and responsibility with racism and fear
Protecting all your interests by silencing the majority

An insult to the hominids you claim yourselves above
Deny years of research, for want of that ‘perfect’ book
Passing off years of history as a scientific lie
The Earth’s greatest conspiracy in 200,000 years

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics