Equinoxem : Nightgenesis

Symphonic Metal / Argentina
(2015 - Self-Released)
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Through the times of night
Through the ways of lies
Come inside this world
Leave the mortal crawl

Walk into this Lodge, starting to know, the Serpent Seal.
And lose it away every mistake, of human race.
Get seasons of light, ages of night, in one step…
And dissociate the weaknesses, and elevates mankind.

Purify your soul take away your sins.

Serpens sacramentum,
Ignis et Revelatio,
Sanguis et Victoria,
Solve et Coagula.

See beyond this veil, come and protect, the Serpent Seal.
And trespass the line resting again, in golden chair.
Get reasons for make circles in salt and sulphur squares...

Don't be afraid, to meet the shade that is within.

You're in way to the light,
Forgive the Earth, forget all pain.

Sight up to this seal shining on me,
grows inside you, thy serpent incarnates.


Snowing in the City of Winds,
Looking through the glass.
Time is running, in a golden-clock.
Wearing badges and facing the cold.

Growing is the paradigm shift,
Unsheathing a flaming sword.
All is shaking, noises are so close
Is the fountain and the hidden code.

Can't remember,
Why I'm here in the street
With an army,
Waiting for my order.

Dark days come
The True Light, fights again.
From this day,
The world will change again.

Is this the oniric state?
Or is real world?
I may wake up now,
Or maybe stay asleep for more

Can't remember,
Why I'm here in the street
With an army,
Waiting for my order.

Dark days come
The True Light, fights again.
From this day,
The world will change again.


Dance, under an Èsbat moon,
My eyes shine for your beauty light, silent Lady.

Sing again like brothers in faith,
Free your mind and spills your blood to be.

Into this coven
I am walk with the spirits of nature.
An old rite, contacts with the Goddess.

Drinking and sharing
The eternal chalice,
An Elected of Nine,
In a real sacred act.

The center of a unique circle,
And a sleeping sun in peace, a ritual under an Èsbat moon.

Queen in his quiet throne,
Bless the seas with your beauty light, silent Lady.

From neophytes to immortals,
Joined in love with flesh and fly tonight.

A pentagram written into earth,
Lesser banishing, that calls
For the risen.

Know all the Demons
That chokes the air,
Dance with the angels of night.

The center of a unique circle,
The Two transmutes in One, a ritual under an Èsbat moon.


The clouds veiling the sun
A cubic stone in the skies
Two brothers work for (the) creation
And only one will survive.

A bastard from the creation,
His mother: the woman incarnation,
His father is the Morning Star.

Injustice back in this earth,
Hatred of God made a mark,
Banned in skies, (the) sunset dies.

We celebrate your faith,
We celebrate your act, your master way.
Born again and rule,
We're here for you,
This is the Cain's lineage.
Smoke of his sacrifice, ascends!
Smoke of my offering, (is) denied!
His vanity and ignorance, (is) accepted,
My work and wisdom, outside!

Maybe there is no one good,
Maybe there is no one bad,
Just two forces fighting for rise.

We celebrate your faith,
We celebrate your master way.
Where are you true God?
Is this justice for you?
Here comes the Cain's lineage.




Descendiendo a los infiernos,
En la propia tempestad
Hallarás la piedra oculta
Rectificarás el mal.

¿Qué se oculta en el nombre?
En la tumba y en la cruz.

Una rosa en el centro,
En la estrella un haz de luz.

La llave rota del portal
Se abre a la verdad,
En silencio.

El corazón en llamas
Por el místico deber,
De ese cáliz.
A la muerte,
Caminando mas allá,
Sostenido por pilares
De templanza y de virtud.

Es el Delta Luminoso,
Es el velo y el umbral.
La señal de los viajeros,
Vía fértil del juglar.

La llave rota del portal
Se abre a la verdad,
En silencio.
El corazón en llamas
Por el místico deber,
De ese cáliz.


A black halo
Over the virgin land,
Blurs the wild air
And brings the deepest rain.
Crowning the creation
With the sunset.
It is the end of daylight.

Is the Genesis of Night,
A great door for mind.
With the key that joined to earth,
We can open the Dante's hell.

"The earth was without form, and void.
And darkness, was upon the face of the deep" [Genesis 1:2]

"Do not expect to ever see the sky;
I come to take you to the other side,
The eternal darkness, frost, fire"
[Dante Alighieri]

"At midnight, in the month of June,
I stand beneath the mystic moon." [E.A.Poe]

The light reaches
All his splendour in the dark,
Because light
Needs the darkness to shine.
Is the anthem of every loneliness.
And is too, the book of dead.
Is the genesis of Night,
A great door for mind.
With the key that joined to earth,
We can open the Dante's hell.

"Above, the gemmed azure is the naked splendor of Nuit." [AL 1:14]

"I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset;
I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky." [AL 1:66]

"I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice." [AL 1:58]

"Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will." [AL 1:57]

Is the genesis of Night,
A great door for mind.
With the key that joined to earth,
We can open the Dante's hell.

Tenebris surgit!
Noctem in secula!

Tenebris surgit!
Noctem in secula!
Tenebris vincit,
Et lux superatus est!


En los dominios de Nyx,
Los gemelos vuelan sigilosos
Se disputan el suave sopor
Que separa del mundo concreto.

Hypnos adorna con sueños,
El camino hacia el toque fugaz,
Engaña a la rueda vital
Con onírica paz.

En el umbral de la existencia
Thánatos resuelve el toque final
Sueño infinito,
Antorcha de eterno andar.

Hypnos y Thánatos
El sueño y la muerte,
Hijos mágicos y lugubres
De la Reina Noche.


Tenebris surgit!
Noctem in secula!
Tenebris vincit,
Et lux superatus est!

The agony of the Sun
In the hands of Chaos.

Ruling from the dark
Silence of the West.
Filling all the spaces
With shadows and fog.

Under the bright blue night
The Order of Gaia comes with
Chants for the fourth winds
To achieve the central beam.
The triumph of the serpent
Beyond the holy's trap.

Making all the stars
Tempest in the skies.
Protecting all the creatures
With shadows and fog.

Attracts the sound of discord.
And will become feared,
And will be honored forever,
Loved by the left handed path.

Erebus chao!
Erebus chao!
Erebus chao!

Tenebris surgit!
Noctem in secula!
Tenebris vincit,
Et lux superatus est!


Into the enlightenment,
When the structure moves.
The old ideas
Change to new forms.

And the end will be
Always the question,
Because in doubt lies

The path to certainty.

In a new dawn of mind,
Even covered
By the darkest night,
With the fire
That is in your heart
Begin to deconstruct the old.

To understand
All that was forbidden.

See how the vanity
Can defeat even
The wisest king.

And take the tools
To start the adventure
That makes you
Truly authentic and new.

In a new dawn of mind,
Even covered
By the darkest night,
With the fire
That is in your heart
Begin to deconstruct the old.


In darkness eyes, the light begins...

Banished from Heaven,
Prince of the rebels.
A hated warrior
By blasphemy of wisdom.

The Bearer falls, his flame for us...
The Archangel
The Rebel
Great Master of Light!

Oh! quién eres tú?
Precioso Ser...
Que has caído aquí...

Oh! déjame ver...
Qué hay en tí..
Es la Noche y su Luz...

Falling through times
All seasons left behind.
Believe in the true path

Against the blinded mass .

The Bearer falls, his flame for us...
The Archangel
The Rebel
Great Master of Light!

Now I'm here! remember me!
In the Kairos and the Chaos!
You're a God like me,
A masterpiece of freedom.

Y con mi canción
Te ayudaré...
A despertar el Ser...

I decline my immortal side,
To bring (the) fire for all mankind!

The Bearer falls, his flame for us...
The Archangel
The Rebel
Great Master of Light!



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