Endstand : Spark

Hardcore / Finland
(2007 - Combat Rock Industry)
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The future is in our hands
It's all matter of where we stand
What we're ready to fight for - can we live with less,
Or do we need more, more and more?
Create a new need
To fulfill your greed
Create a new need
For this sad dying breed
Do we dare to take a step,
Distance ourselves from the living dead
Of those obsessed to succeed,
To fulfill the others' need
And end up with nothing in the end...


Due to all those lonely days
Had to figure out my own ways
To make it through those lonely nights
When the imagination was running wild...
...Had to prove myself that every cracking noise and
Every moving shadow had a natural source
It was no ghost,
They don't exist
Guess all those lonely nights,
When I was forced to do things my own way
Made me stronger and more confident
I can survive this world by myself!
Couldn't be happier for the people
I get to live with today
Hope you all know how much you mean
Thanks for the security I missed when I was a kid!


And all these years you've been standing still
Watching teh dead flies on the window sill
Thinking of wiping them away
Yet too scared of the change
Too scared to take a new way,
Letting the life turn grey...
Ten years ago I saw you,
Had so much to prove
Now with all those years that have passed you by
Let the ambitions dry
Stuck in the same old city
A heart full of self pity


Since we got this far,I'd hate to turn back now
Don't want to do anything in vain,
Who knows what's there to gain..?
No I dont want it to end not like this
This all makes me wonder
Why we even got started
Maybe I'm just stubborn, or plain stupid
But I don't want it to end like this!
We got bruises and we got scars
But hey, we got to be a part
Of something that wouldn't be forgotten
If this just wouldn't be the end...


There's always gonna be kids hating what we do
But you know what - I'm not really doing this for you
This is my outlet, my pressure release
My chance to do whatever I please!
So sit back, think about yourself
What you want to do,
Where you want to be
Work hard to make it real
Maybe it's envy making you say what you say
Seeing people living their dream
And noticing that they're here to stay
And for you, it's just never going to be real
Stop wasting the time on petty bullshit
Barking about the things you don't like
Your words don't hurt, they don't do a shit
I'm here for myself,
This is my burning fight


I want to pass the fire
Want to see it burn with desire
Come on, take this torch
Carry it strong and pass it on
Ispiration from those I admire
Makes me to aim higher
Challenge me for courageous plans
No time to wait for the second chance
I challenge you my friend
Take this fire and carry till the end!
No matter how much I scream and shout
There's no easy way out
Want to watch that fire burn
Those flames challenge me to learn
Take this torch, pass it on
Make it burn a thousand strong!


It really makes me sad
Seeing you all that bad
Blank stare into nothingness
Trying to find a way out this mess
Don't know how we ended up here again
A place full of bad memories
No words will make you feel better
That's why I'm writing this letter
To remind you there's still someone who cares
Someone to hold onto, when ever you need


Thanks for the sprak,
For setting a beacon in the dark
Thanks for the light,
For being my lighthouse in the night
On a moment of desperation
Knew I could count on you
This is the matter of passion
It'll never be out of fashion
Here I feel like home
Here I'll never be alone
This one goes to the friends
Who ended up on a dead end street
Forced to take a new way
To be able to see this day


So stunned with our wealth
We forget everything around us
Blinded by our own wealth
We forget everyone who needs us
Me first, then the rest
Don't need the weight of the world on my chest
Eyes shut we walk ahead
Don't need to know about things around us
Eyes shut we walk the earth
Don't need to care about the people around us


So this is it, we're out of here again
This heart is on fire, sorry we can't stay!
Heart of a vagabond
Tells us to go
Can't make it stop
When the heart tells to go...
Again in the new town, tomorrow we're gone
We are on the run, tehre's always new places we need to Know...
This heart's on fire
It tells to go
Can't make it stop
When the heart tells to go


Thirties well passed damn, time flies so fast!
Losing my hair, one of us is getting gray
We surely got older, but it's not so bad in the end
It hasn't stopped us, it never will!
Got to see the World more than I ever thought
And there's still many years to go
More experienced than I even dared to dream
The wallet is empty but heart is full of gold!
Don't even dare to think what I would be
Without the music, without the message
So thanks to everyone involved
We're out of step, we got the PMA!
In this with our heart and soul
Together we have hearts of gold

Palabras añadidas por .Kris. - Modificar estas palabras