Emyn Muil : Elenion Ancalima

Las palabras


…then the Edain set sail upon the deep waters,
And the Valar laid a peace upon the sea for many days,
And sent clear nights and a sailing wind, so they can shine across the waves
Under a silvered star.


Far beyond the horizon of the night,
I sail to reach the land i’ve never seen.
Silver Star will guide me to the Light,
A shade from east across the morning sea.

I will never see again,
White flame from the sky,
Ships sail into winds of war,
I saw it in my dreams.

Shadow of Men comes closer to their soul,
For what they seek,
As elves the eternal life.
Darkest days approaching to the mourn,
Against the will of Valar,
The Fate is mine!

I will never see again,
White flame from the sky,
Ships sail into winds of war,
I saw it in my dreams.

Trumpets call,
The ships set sail,
The men stand armed in shining mail.
Unfurled, the golden banners fly,
And loudly sing that doom is nigh.

Fire, flames, lightning,
Comes from a red sky!
Fire, flames, lightning,
Make king's crown shine!

The sun turned dark, the silence rose,
The king's fleet fell into fear and wrath.
Westward they unsheathed their swords,
And trod the land of the Shining Lords.

Fire, flames, lightning, - war to west lords!
Comes from a red sky! – rise, men, rise!
Fire, flames, lightning,- war to Valar!
Bring the ire of eagles!

Valar: “Nothing can redeem you from your desire,
Your insanity will bring you to the grave, you’ll see.
You will always remember this never-ending agony,
And you’ll carry this damned mark on your hearts.”

Sign your legacy – don’t let it fall
Rise against the fate – for us all
Immortality - don’t let it fall
Darkness and lies are upon you

I’ll see beyond what once was,
The land of their fall and my will,
We all belong to what once was,
The land of their fall and my will,

A scream from the envy heart of a man,
Started a losing battle against unholy fate.
Dark desire craved the immortal lands,
An evil ran wild through their veins.

Elendil: “What we have done? What kind of nightmare has been created?
Will we ever rise or we’ll fall again and make this in vain?
Will Sauron return after us to get revenge on us?
Will our sons defend peace or they’ll surrender to their greed?”

I will never see again,
White flame from the sky,
Ships sail into winds of hope,
I saw it in my dreams.

Isildur: “A tear for Númenorë,
Down deep into the unknown.
A tear for Mar-nu-Falmar,
Down deep into the unknown.”


The Sea arose in frightening might
And waves that looked like the endless night.
The mountains fell and towers broke
And thus the mind of Eru spoke.

The Star light, was then no more
And this befell to answer King’s war.
It sank beneath the darkened waves:
Its golden halls were turned to graves.

Ar-Pharazôn: “Glorious will be my future
A true king to conquer all
Supremacy is in man’s nature
And make every false gods fall.”

Mad was King Ar-Pharazôn
His hatred great, his wisdom gone.
The Ban he thought no longer strong:
A war he wrought and knew no wrong.

He sailed to the West late in the night
And feared not yet the Valar's might.
But wrathful were Gods of old
And broke the Men that once were bold.

Ar-Pharazôn: “Go further and never look back
Some may never return
Get ready for the final attack
Show no mercy and let them burn.”


I feel again… beyond the mortal world I see,
A cold harsh wind is blowing through the trees, surrounded by night
The day has come, when the king comes up
Against the mighty tower, where the evil strikes from east.

And horns recall blood!

In the silence we march,
Standing with no dread.
We’re ready for the war,
And of Men i’ll be the king!

The silence rules around…
We waiting for a sign,
Standing with no dread.
We’re ready for the war,
And of Men i’ll be the king!

A ghostly shade runs among their souls,
A cold harsh wind is blowing through the trees, surrounded by night
The day has come, when the Dark Lord rises,
Against the mankind glory, where the evil strikes from within.

The treacherous will make you fall,
Bleak and bare are Umbar shores,
Darkened will be the realm,
The faults all we know,

A fear was set in the heart of men,
And still their spirit were lead astray,
For our salvation spread your fire,
Your fire! Desire!

Follow my lead and your fire!


Aiya Earendil, elenion ancalima,
Or Endóre atanin mentaina,

Ar sart' alta

Calina i eleni pella, ilya lúme
Imlello illume calyalye.

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