Empheris : Dark Spaces

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From the mouth of infinity
Crawls out the shapeless hint of decay
Force of liquid darkness obey to us
Threat from beyond dimensions away

In abyssal valleys of Phobos
Where markers of necroism I have found
Hidden hints are located
Embraced by tidal forces dancing around

In a temple of derelict gods
When my triumph is about to be shown
In the shadow of nebular blaze
I form the procession to the gates of unknown

To follow the beast unleashed
There billions of souls await
Those gates are the passage to place
That fills my life with death’s white embrace

Crossing the threshold in flames
Circled by storms eternal
I feel the touch of blackness prime
That remind how my life came to an end

Walking through the fields of nebula
I’m heading towards the temple of silence
Carved in souls brought by undead
The harvest of conquests already done

Its chamber opens before me
Showing the vortex inside
The gateway that I must enter
For my eternal life

Life where I need no heartbeat
And my blood is rotten and black
Where the breath takes no air
And flesh has no mutilation defect

The markers on Phobos gone
The gates closed after last step put on
Transfiguration accomplished
Taking me down to constellations unknown

Liquid fog drowns my eyes in darkness
Embracing my soul with cold kiss of void
Vacuum spreads its almighty wings
Making me ready to reborn in flames

New flesh given by blackness
Shaped by fire with heart made of ice
Reborn from waters of Nu
I return with derelict to conquer your life


Hope is gone for this universe
As the fallen speak through the rift

Mantle of dome polluted with life
Cleanse itself with a lick of collapse

Gaze at the final skies
Notice the shapes of the last seen clouds
Twinkle your hopeless eyes
This only you can do in last while of your life

Supreme angel of upcoming doom
Thou are the tears of purification

Tearing apeared at suffering skies
Whipping its lungs with radiation demise

Look in my hollow eyes
As skin divides itself from the living flesh
Taste to your bitter cries
In hallowed enlightenment of the darkest spaces inside

No matter to prayer for salvation of souls
When silence appears and light fades away

Step further to enter the plain of the gods
When grace is melting the ice of the heart

Look in my hollow eyes
As skin divides itself from the living flesh
Taste to your bitter cries
In hallowed enlightenment of the darkest spaces inside


As the ancient prophecies revealed
Pages of history aren't countless
Someday must be broken the last 7th seal
Divine overview through the eyes of the masses

Spaces break, stars fall down
Spreading wings of Infernö

No more lights in the sky
Here falls nothingness eternal

No such summoned god can take you away
Looking now for his own salvation
Last time prayers cannot it spell
Before the trumpets of annihilation

An Ark of Covenant build for the gods
Deathrow spelled on universal dome
Useless masterpiece of divine efforts
Cause nothing can avoid what has to be gone…

Spaces break, stars fall down
Ordering a universe deathrow

No more lights in the sky
Universe in crush infernal

Planets gone and galaxies above
Gathering them self to collapse

Here I dwell and I shall play
Bringing you eternal death !


Weird silence sneaked through your mind
Burning a flame of doubt inside your heart
Shine that once you enlightened, went off
Increasing the doubts to remain stable enough

Who refuses toughts so common for all
Questions that each one asks to himself
Hoping inside his mind so strong to survive
The threat that for all is about to arrive

Blessed is our majesty that breeds the night in the upper regions of the sky
Where the sons of darkness ride the horses of doom
Your home shall burn, when becomes our turn to crush endlessly the bonds of this world
In the name of our wish, we're going to unleash the imminent end

Hallowed is the fear that takes over your souls to reveal that all you will gone
When beams of the truth will convince all of you to convert yourself
Realms shall demise and oceans vapourise to expose at the end only skeletons of men
Thou shall not resist to the beast that revealed you'll all be enslaved

Deny of all what you're afraid, if you can
Prooving yourself everything you understand
That fear of unknown you never possessed
Holiness of ascension you're truly obsessed

Although the fire in our eyes you once have seen
Scared you so much in way you have never been
Picth-blackened your heart and overrode your lifeless soul
Abandoned to compose the ground with your ghoul

Blessed is our majesty that breeds the night in the upper regions of the sky
Where the sons of darkness ride the horses of doom
Your home shall burn, when becomes our turn to crush endlessly the bonds of this world
In the name of our wish, we're going to unleash the imminent end

No enlightenment awaits for your soul after death
Just pure consumption of your flesh by convertion flames
Blades speared thorugh your body in endless cries
All these pleasures available when the darkening arrives

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