Dr Aids : Necroquegcuntcore

Crust / United-Kingdom
(2010 - Self-Released)
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Jordan I wish ya’d fuck off to Jordan or better still die
Keep ya tits in ya top I’d rather watch you fry
Why do we have to hear about every man you screw?
The list never ending & everyone you do !!!!!!

Jordan...You Bitch!
Jordan...You slut!
Jordan...You fuck!
Jordan...You suck!

Katie why don’t ya fuck off and die or
I can shoot you in the eye
But not with my cum id rather fuckin die than sleep with you
You married the biggest prick in the world he is a dickhead
Just another cock you’ve managed to get into your bed

Jordan...You Bitch!
Jordan...You slut!
Jordan...You fuck!
Jordan...You suck!

Now it’s rape is what you cry I doubt it he’d rather die!
Lies is all you say to the press,
So anybody will lift up your dress
You’re an ugly fuckin bitch run to the police, lie & snitch?
You’d have to be blind to shag you maybe Harvey fucked you?

Jordan...You Bitch!
Jordan...You slut!
Jordan...You fuck!
Jordan...You suck!


Asshole, Bastard, Cunt, Cheat, Liar, Hypocrite,
Your a Piece of fuckin shit

You’re an ex addict, a hypocrite,
You’re a horrible man a fucking shit
Taking the piss out of your guests
Is that the way you get your hit?
Faking an illness to get what you need to marry
A woman to get your reprieve
You treated your wife like a slut
And a whore and now you’re on TV to do it some more

Ch.... Jeremy Kyle you are so vile I want to cut you in two
Slice you and dice you and cook you
With wine and turn you into a stew
Why are you on our fucking TV you’re an offence to our eye’s
It wouldn’t take long for me to finish you off,
I wanna watch you die!

You smarmy little cunt is what you are
If I had a rifle I’d make you my hunt
I hope you get bummed by some of your guests to wipe off
That smirk that goes down to you chest
So get off our TV and fuck off and die
You slimy bastard suit & tie guy
How much I hate you is plain to see
I want to cut your cock off so you cant piss

“Piggy Sings”…- Die Kyle die!!

CH…. Jeremy Kyle you are so vile I want to cut you in two
Slice you and dice you and cook you
With wine and turn you into a stew
Why are you on our fucking TV you’re an offence to our eye’s
It wouldn’t take long for me to finish you off,
I wanna watch you die!

Die Kyle die!!


Sit’s on an Island with a bunch of bin lids
Dirty old cunt loves under age kids
He’s the sick sailor man who loves the smell of fish
Sticks his fingers in the kids cause he likes that dish!

Ch....You dirty old man you sick fuck
Want them to give you a wank or a suck
Say you’re only working for bird’s eye
But that sly old wink, tells us really why!

You paedophile cunt you need locking up
Never even coaxed em with some choc or a pup!
It comes to something you evil old bloke
When all you want is to give a child a fuckin poke!

Ch.....You dirty old man you sick fuck
Want them to give you a wank or a suck
Say you’re only working for bird’s eye
But that sly old wink, tells us really why!


Weird and horrible that’s all you are!
Never a bird but always a la!
Flat chested and hairy you make us all sick
And next thing you know you cut off your dick!

Why would you wanna cut off your private place?
You still look like desperate Dan, Blokes face!
An Adams apple & a voice like Darth Vader
Was this the way that nature made ya?

The makeup can’t hide it; it’s obvious you’re a gent
You like to suck the cock we know you are bent!
Soon after all you want is a prick in your bum
A shithole that’s full of homosexual cum!

Why would you wanna cut off your private place?
You still look like desperate Dan, Blokes face!
An Adams apple & a voice like Darth Vader
Was this the way that nature made ya?


Ting a ling a ling goes the ice cream van
But keep away from it he’s not a nice man
Wants to take your family, for his very own
Sodomize your wife and kids with an ice cream cone

The nice sounds of the musical vehicle are his calling card
Behind his serving counter his throbbing cock is hard
His balls in the chocolate flake’s, Sauce around his bell
You have to suck his frozen cock
He’ll send you to your hell!

You’ll never see your family again he’s gonna rape you all
Standing over you knife in hand he really looks so tall
After he finishes killing the kids
He whistles the ice cream tune
Cause now the light has left your body he is a fucking loon!

The nice sounds of the musical vehicle are his calling card
Behind his serving counter his throbbing cock is hard
His balls in the chocolate flakes, Sauce around his bell
You have to suck his frozen cock
He’ll send you to your hell!

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