Dorsal Atlântica : Pelagodiscus Atlanticus

Thrash Metal / Brazil
(2002 - Encore Records)
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Vestida em couro negro
Minissaia e salto alto
Vai desfilando
Sua beleza pelo asfalto

Ela é uma deusa
A princesa do prazer
Todo dia, um homem novo
Vem teu corpo conhecer

Princesa do prazer

Seu horário é nenhum
Seu lugar é qualquer
Seu parceiro não importa
Se for homem ou mulher

Pobre garota
Do corpo de aluguel
Teu lar inconstante
É um quarto de motel


Religião é o refúgio dos fracos
Sem fé neles mesmos
Só em ídolos de barro
A igreja mostra toda a incoerência
Desde a inquisição
Só nos trouxe violência

O que vocês querem mais ?
Por favor deixem minha alma em paz
Ou abandono o teu deus

Quem precisa de padres para dizer o que é pecar
Nós podemos nos julgar
Para salvação da alma não adiantam as preces
Só com o seu dinheiro a igreja enriquece


Pra quê que eu vou me preocupar
Pra quê que eu vou me esquentar
Mas essa história tá mal contada
A verdade foi deturpada

Ela não acaba assim

Então partiu de você
Essa cascata só podia ser
A boa ação foi pra valer
Muita gente ri até morrer

Ela não acaba assim


Quem é o culpado
Dessa degradação
Esse é o começo do fim
Da civilização

Se vive pra matar
Se mata pra viver

Guerra nunca mais

Ninguém vai dizer
O que devo fazer
Eu não quero matar
Gente como você

Por quê ?
Pra quem ?

Guerra nunca mais


Los Angeles entrou em pânico
Por causa do apóstolo do terror
Seqüestrar e serviciar suas crianças
Idolatrar Jack o estripador

Heavy metal era a sua bíblia
Executar suas letras, o destino
Se for preciso matar, será o certo
Seguir o deus do metal e sua lei

Você dorme e sem sentir
O carrasco executa sua missão
Caçador da noite

Ele mata porque já nasceu morto
Sangue morto amaldiçoado
Porque nas veias corre sangue latino
Só podia ser, era isso mesmo

Desde pequeno lhe mostraram o mundo
Que o povo americano quer construir
Desse mundo ele não encontrou nada
Nada serve para um mestiço sujo

Sua alma em agonia tornava real
O pesadelo do metal
Caçador da noite

Los Angeles entrou em pânico
Por causa do apóstolo do terror
Seqüestrar e serviciar suas crianças
Idolatrar Jack o estripador

Heavy Metal era a sua bíblia
Executar suas letras, o destino
Se for preciso matar, será o certo
Seguir o deus do metal e sua lei

Você dorme e sem sentir
O carrasco executa sua missão
Caçador da noite

6. HTLV-3

A decadência moral do mundo faz destruir o próprio mundo
O tempo é curto, a morte é rápida
Alma e corpo vulneráveis

As pessoas se incomodam com a liberdade que o mundo tem
Se aproveitam de uma doença
Discriminar mais as minorias

Quatro letras condenam à morte
Foram escolhidos
Teu sêmen vai gerar mortos
Teu sangue, veneno maldito

HTLV-3 destrói

Verdadeira caça às bruxas promovida pela imprensa
Achem os culpados para salvar as famílias dos burgueses

Ninguém mais quer chegar perto
Teus amigos se afastarão
Uma vida normal é impossível
A dor do exílio, tua maldição

Quatro letras condenam à morte
Foram escolhidos
Teu sêmen vai gerar mortos
Teu sangue, veneno maldito

HTLV-3 destrói

As pessoas se esquecem dos amigos do passado
São inimigos no presente, maldita condecoração


“Tal qual um diabo onipotente das profundezas da noite surgido.
Sou um médico onisciente, capaz de aumentar os óbitos até o infinito.”

Auschwitz foi projetado para cem mil, o “anjo”eliminou quatro vezes mais
Todo dia, vinte mil iam pro forno, dez quilos de ouro dos dentes dos mortos

Não encontrou resposta nos gêmeos mortos
ZS marcado no peito
Direto para a dissecação
Joseph Mengele

Das câmaras montanhas da caáveres
Os fortes em cima, os fracos pisoteados
Moribundos devorados pelos ratos, além do esterco dos mortos

Judeus cremam judeus, solução final
Para os inimigos da raça ariana
Mengele escolhia sem parar de assobiar
Pra esquerda, o gás
Para a direita, experiência, escravidão

Fugiu e viveu em paz, longe do mundo
Saiu de um inferno para entrar em outro
Simon Wiesenthal não conseguiu capturá-lo
A alma de Mengele ri de satisfação

Foi enterrado na cova 321
O corpo do suposto Wolfang Gerhard
Parece que foi isso, alguns não crêem
De qualquer jeito, ele descansa em paz


Culpa, capuz, oficina, nudez
Terror, sessão, porrada, sevícia
Pensou em deus, na mulher, nos filhos
Ninguém vem, ninguém sabe

Todos que suportaram a tortura mentem
E os que não puderam suportar mentem também
O medo da dor é mais forte que a própria dor
Tortura não passa de um ato sexual

Tormentum, ignis, famis, sitis
O carrasco espera, sorri, demora
A pele do lobo como a pele do cordeiro
E ninguém vence durante o tempo todo


Rifle responde força com fogo
Você tem um ideal
Meio caminho entre vida e morte, entre herói e assassino
Você precisa lutar

Por liberdade
Em busca da verdade

Todos cegos
Só você vê a luz
Ao vencedor resta a história
De que vale a vida de alguns para salvar milhões?
Você luta sozinho, você luta por todos

Por liberdade
Em busca da verdade

Rifle responde força com fogo
Você tem um ideal
Meio caminho entre vida e morte, entre herói e assassino
Você precisa lutar

Por liberdade
Em busca da verdade


(No lyrics available)


Filha de um Papa, nasceu para fazer parte de um jogo
Teve que pagar um preço muito caro por tudo isso

Educada como toda mulher para obedecer
E casou com quem fosse conveniente

Alianças políticas para fortalecer o poder dos Bórgia

Comentavam pelas ruas sobre incestos com os irmãos e o pai, o Papa
Assassinos e corruptos impunes sob a sombra de Deus e o Vaticano

Lucrécia queria amar e viver
Invejosos difamaram seu nome
Como se não bastasse o sofrimento
De ver o marido estrangulado pelo irmão César
Ela era apenas uma peça sendo usada até o final

Visões da morte

O rio Tibre se banhou de sangue de um Bórgia
Morto por outro Bórgia, os dois irmãos
Todos sabiam que César era culpado, mas ele tinha o poder
O povo dizia que os motivos eram ciúmes da irmã
Da própria irmã

Visões da morte

Uma rede de intrigas fortalecia o poder, os Bórgia
Traíam quem quer que fosse, não havia limites
Para alcançar todos os objetivos
Lucrécia teve o poder de Roma nas suas mãos
Teve todos os homens aos seus pés
Todos os artistas a sua volta
Todo o poder do mundo ao seu redo


Personal ambitions are powerful arms
Blinded, they let themselves go
Every one has his truth
History very old, it already happened other tines
I Know I'll see it again, I’m sure, about you I don't know

Desunited Metal

Both sides of the coin equal
Everybody fights each other
They do the same, distort the truth
Lie to others, lie to thehselmes
I follow no rules, I follow nobody
Live just your life
Owner of the truth, let me live alone

Can't see you're raising your own system
You're hanging with your own rope without perceiving

Digging your tomb, you're burying yourselves
Like servantes you follow the master of the weak
Lying and deceiving, false convictions
Absolute certainity supported by nothing
Foundations sustained by sand

Desunited Metal

You’ll kill yourself, you'll destroy yourself


The sleeping hard worker listen to the television propaganda. Each whispered word get into your subconscience.

Foreign propaganda about the city of hierarchic democracy :
Hierarchic democracy
"Our biggest party is the social readjustment a parade in February where the poor and the rich fraternize.
In this city sex is free because water and food are contraceptives your dreams in the ideal city"

The truth about the social readjustment :
"Hard workers and bosses face one another down there naked hands rum with stones up there in the lofts hands shoot to kill the tourists love the rhythm of these solidary people". (like said the propaganda)

"The readjustment works to eliminate the excess of old workers and the unwanted as a whole".

Hierarchic democracy

16 daily hours killowatts salary hour they live in drain traps and are called the undergrounds.
In the lofts of buildings the owners of the machines practice the military religion and they are the uppermost. Drain traps of the families terminated by the readjustment are delivered to a new family with lower salaries to be terminated tomorrow as well Government reasons :
"Social readjustment your retirement still incentivates the tourism in the city".

The female hard workers are fertilized by the test tube method when the state wishes new workers use the official semen of the prized toady hard workers and a conceptive drug.

Hierarchic democracy


Childish boots and steps

Prisoner :
"We're political prisoners treat us with flowers would
be setting up one's own burial so they sent their
children disguised as soldiers in army suits".

Childish boots and steps

Ian :
"They were only 18 and scared just like us".

Other prisoner :
"Our leaders are in cells under maximum control to
move to a center of conscience where it would be
easier to escape.

Childish boots and steps

They urge many to die daily by fellows to force the
government to move them.
Anyone can die, anyone can kill, for the government
conspirators are worse than killers.
Dead we shall be someless to be fed by their fees.

A good outlaw is a dead outlaw".

Ian came back and told everything to the gang they said
conspirators always lie the gang conspiring in their
only city only.
Ian could see they were biting their own tails the
circle was closed.


Among the remains of our Daily Bread
We get used to blinding our eyes
Is there anything as amazing
As proving our smallness to believe
That living is the only real thing and forgetting our own lines
While performing on the screen of life

Hidden and unexpected

Young and old people shut
Themselves up in the egoism
Of the body's opinion
Pure illusions of we who lives
Each second numb
The body get off the stage
And returns to the essence
To once more get into the game
For another attempt at the 108th

Hidden and unexpected

Death comes to catch us with
Our virtues or badness
And she's so disagreeable
At dinnertime
Unheard word in the throat
Definitive dead


Make use of your culture
To avoid the cracks in every communication system
That acid rain wastes away

Along with monuments
To human beings
The death of each animal
Facing extinction
Including you, human,
Remain of an ancient past

As for the ones who cannot cry
Only heart of stone will be born

Seductive ultra-violet rays penetrate the raped ozone layer
These rapist chloroflucarbon gases

The creation of the all-powerful man
Seven subraces of the seven races
That once more will rise again

Standing incoherent without reacting
Do you believe the opposing poles have holes ?
Is this reality really that far ?
Will it be made only by indecent hollows ?

You and all else will pass
Because what's missing in this awful world is love

Four single letters cannot be found
Is any library of our world around
Dear Earth, sorry to tell you
But they don't love you at all

They don't love you, they don't love you at all
Don't they love you? they don't love you at all



Se eu não trabalho então eu não existo
Se eu não servir de produção, estou morto estando vivo?
Não é assim que vocês raciocinam?
Penso que ainda existe vida nos retratos amarelos

Eu vejo, eu falo, eu ouço, eu penso
Sou carne viva, sangue circulando
Tenho sentimentos até mesmo na velhice

A dor de querer e tentar ser útil
E ninguém prestar atenção
Eu me sinto como um retrato amarelo

Não quero que tenham dó de mim
Eu não preciso desse tipo de caridade
Mãos enrrugadas, trêmulas, proféticas incomodam
E parecem carregar uma peste sem cura

Velhice é uma criança que retorna e preocupa
Amigos se vão, o pano cai, a peça sai de cartaz
Ser esquecido na poltrona do canto da sala
Paisagem adormecida de uma vida longínqua
Lembranças minhas que não interessam à ninguém
Meu maior erro foi acreditar que o meu jardim nunca iria envelhecer.


Take time to laugh for it's the music's soul
Take time to read for it's the wisdom's basis
Take time to work for it's the price to sucess
Take time to enjoy for it's the eternal youth's secret

Take time to think for it's the source of power

Take time to friendship for it's the way to happiness
Take time to dream for it's the connection between
Heaven and Earth
Take time to love and be loved for it's the privilege of the Gods
Take time to be usefull to others
This life is too short for selfishness


Politicians invited the Black Angel to feast
Inside their palace
A modern Babylon
His presence astonished both sides
"For wide is the gate
Enter you in at the straitgate and broad is the way."
"Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many
There be which leadeth into life."
Master, why do you eat with politicians and sinners ?
They that have a need not a physician
"But you are sick"
"For the tree is known by its fruit but all the words
You do to be seen by men."

There cannot be peace in the world without peace in the heart
Without peace in the world there is no peace in the family
Without peace in the family there is no peace in the home
Without peace in the home there is no peace in the village
Without peace in the village there is no peace in the state
Without peace in the state there is no peace in the country
Without peace in the country there is no peace in the world
And there cannot be peace in the world without peace in the heart

[Old chinese prophecy]


Black guards priding in their own indignity
Rape the Black Messiah
Their uniform show the color of the power
The police chief takes the torn and bloody man
It’s not part of the professional ethics to aid
Someone who has nothing
The decision’s up to the interactive TV
To choose between a fanatic or a murderer
What a let down for the families

Maybe if he was an oriental
But a Black Messiah ?

The home computers have opted for the illusion
Black Angel and two convicts
Go to the electric chair
Like the animals leaded to the slaughter house
The black and white stairway of eisenstein
Why can’t he save himself now ?
The king takes his place on the metal throne
Between two ministers binded by the law

Maybe if he was an oriental
But a Black Messiah ?

“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”
The conscience groans like a whale being killed
The devastation of the forest
Gaia’s embryo aborted

Maybe if he was an oriental
But a Black Messiah ?

Loyal Legion of the Admires

Another electric discharge is broadcasted live
Where’s the loyal legion of the admires ?
A blackout brings the city and the
Hearts of men to the darkness
A wakening doubts and ancestral fears
Where’s the loyal legion of the admires ?


From those pyramids
A thousand years have been gazing at you
Burn down the photographs
And memories claim to let them live
Let the suffering rest for the endless centuries
Chew my weep
Blackened stench
Symbolic meat
Wet eyes rolling
Cold melancholy
Freezes my soul
Fragments of a lonely man
Who really cares ?
Dig my inner soul
Hard to find the core
The heart is still a muscle
Emotional sweat


I know you've probably heard this before
But if we stay quiet we'll be ignored
The voices that you want to shut away
But it's our ight to have our say

Who the fuck do you think you are ?

You say your policies are for our best
But when you fuck up you show no regret
Look around and open your eyes
See what society you have divised

Who the fuck do you think you are ?

Rich are richer poor more poor
Hands for help reach out, you slam shut the door
Say it ain't your problem, it's out of your hands
You say sort yourself out, you sure we can

Who the fuck do you think you are ?
That you are kidding


Cues got feet, lots of fingers, oriental patience, abony of the doomed
Lines have life, condemning the steps which crawl
Awaiting endlessly, back to the row
Toe decode, ring sink, index relax, little thumb


The travellers should reach the promissed land
Order of the temple defend their rights
Delegated power by the heavens and the sword
The knight templers were too dangerous for the king

Rebellion ! Purify by fire ! Kill Jacques de Molay !

Those who were "light" seem as darkness
Life imprisionment to grand master of the order !

Torture can't make me confess 'cause I'm Jacques de Molay ! Heretic !

"Before the flames took my body, God will take revenge on my death !
Curse to the pope in 40 days ! Curse to the king within a year !"

They were sentenced ! Jacques de Molay's revenge !

Hic amittitur archa cederis


Mother, whore, night and day. Kiss, lips, spite, holy scum.
Earth mother is the redemption for filthness and decay
Affection and rejection
The greatest Babylon whores shall be the mothers of tomorrow
What's the future to the ones who live in sorrow ?
All dressed in white to clean thy souls once a day
Power, strenght, weakness, truth and lies
The greatest Babylon whores shall be the mother of tomorrow
What's the future to the ones who live in sorrow ?


Between four walls nothing to be seen in corridors
The door is the boundary of irrationality

Walls tell tales absorbing the dirt
Walls shake hands, one door is the realm

Between good and evil. If only Earth had a door
The door is the boundary of irrationality

Walls tell tales absorbing the dirt
Walls shake hands, one door is the realm


Todos cegos
Sociedade corrompida
Que ri do genocídio descontrolado
Perversão sexual
Crianças sem teto
Sem amor, sem nada, mundo egoísta
Crianças em extinção
Mundo egoísta
A raça humana quer viajar pelo espaço
Como podem pensar nessa desgraça ?
Progresso tecnológico
E imaturidade espiritual
Qual será o futuro do universo ?


Extra ! Extra !
Sensorial perception
Are there any coincidences ?
Of course not !
Call it sincronicity or messages from God
I don’t care !
Let the skeptical away
Narrow-minded and fanatics behind
Awakening of the enlightened ones
Double edge life
No negativity should step us back
Because we are united as one
You hidding the truth, mother fucker
Psychic people spreading all around
We are you united as one
I’d feel guilty if I wasn’t doing anything
What I do is not enough as much as I learn
There is a wonderful world out there
I’ve tried to feel it
Touch it
Hear it
And I grew-up


You thought you would hide it
You thought you would be saved from your mind
For how long ?
Were you ever
Were you ever
Were you ever molested as a child ?
Are you scared ?
Start helping up yourself
Don’t be a fucked-up mess
You’re very lucky to be alive


The truth is out there
So far away and so close
Mistrust of government
Nothing is safe anymore
Conspiracy of silence
You might call it paranoia
I’d rather have my life back
It’s not a joke
It takes too much
Open the X-Files
The X-Files
Open all the files, right now
The truth is out there
So far away and so close
Mistrust of government
Nothing is safe anymore
Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness


In front of the egyptian sphinx
Where the sun has been raising for centuries
A cultural opression has born with a Pizza-Hut shop
The ancient Gods or having pizza ?
Global Village is cultural terrorism
The sun is always setting in the west for ages
Where the dead have been buried
Keeping up the tradition
Bury Pizza-Hut there too
The ancient Gods or having pizza ?
Global Village is cultural terrorism
Uncultural common knowledge
Demands our inconditional surrender
What they stand for mass-media effect
Pull me off this case
I’m gonna make my day
The same old movie
The strong beats the weak
We used to know it as roman peace
In the school of life
We must learn the meaning


(See lyrics on track 12)

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